Hail to the Prince! Obama, the paradigmatic Machiavellian Leader

Mary Rizzo - Hail to the Prince: Obama, the paradigmatic Machiavellian Leader

Prince Obama by Edna Spennato  

"Prince Obama" by Edna Spennato

A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise.
Nicolò Machiavelli

Obama, before he actually “did” anything, had a reputation. And, indeed, reputation – what others think you are, and not what you actually are – is a crucial factor in a public figure. A political leader, while marketed, literally, in order to reach positions of power in most democracies, is going to have to continually develop a reputation that will keep the story going, because, not being a dictator, a president is going to have to obtain consensus for the many things that the power he holds enables him to enact, but not without some accountability.

In his writing, a true “Prince/President” has to appear “compassionate, faithful, humane, religious” without actually being any of these things. He should go to Cairo to tell Muslims they have a beautiful faith, yet address them in a way only a colonialist could do, using Arabic words to thrill them, a sort of Ich bin ein Berliner in Middle Eastern Sauce. He believes that they are so thirsty for American love and so intellectually immature that they will be impressed enough into thinking he is sincere, allowing them to approve his doublespeak: talking about peace and love while telling them how just and righteous the wars against Muslim nations were and how Palestinians have to “stop killing”, then they will be like “the good side, peace-loving but forced into a preventive war”. If they accept and approve all of this, they win! They get to join the “international community” and be worthy of that love. He has carried on in the great Neocon tradition in citing that stuff, terrorism, defining it as located in the Muslim world and joining as a single category true terrorist acts with resistance insurgency against (American) military occupation, all of it bad, bad, bad and going to be punished. Machiavelli would have been impressed at the blatancy of it and in awe of how it was done by today’s Prince. Not too many people in history have applauded their oppressor while he is doing his job so ruthlessly.

Obama studied his Machiavelli, of this there can be no doubt! He knows that history teaches that the head of a State has to be a “fox” as well as a “lion”, crafty and ferocious. His adversaries have to be weakened totally or else extinguished. As a matter of fact, the adversaries have to be shown courtesy or even a level of respect in order to obtain their friendship; the alternative is to kill them, and they will be told they have the choice of obedience or death. All clearly spelled out. But, this too was a Bush specialty. It is just that Bush got criticised for it and has not collected any prizes recently in Stockholm.

READ IT ALL HERE. http://palestinethinktank.com/2010/03/04/hail-to-the-prince-obama-the-paradigmatic-machiavellian-leader/

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