some VERY important new items on Palestine Think Tank

An important international campaign managed by Tlaxcala to bring Israel to court for war crimes. We are working on this with a Judge from Lyon and the appeal to read, spread, sign is available in sixteen languages.

Gilad Atzmon helps UK PM Gordon Brown to decide how to keep peace in Israel and makes a specific shopping list. Illuminating!!!

While we are thinking about the UK, Adib S Kawar comments on MP Gerald Kaufman's speech, (with full transcript)

Our favourite Journalist Khalid Amayreh has gone through the ordeal of arrest.... by Abbas's "Security Forces". Read it and let us prepare to protect him in the future.

Penetrating observations by Yousef Abudayyeh on Obama's Election, in the shadow of MLK and the aftermath of the first days of the brutal war against Gaza

Incredible photo essay video that shows how Israel is repeating the Holocaust

Not to be missed also by Haitham Sabbah, the Israeli reaction to the war, must see videos that stun, including a ray of hope from much beloved Hedy Epstein

Gazan Professor Dr. Akram Habeeb comments, with shock on the MOU between Rice and Livni... free pass to kill more Palestinians.

American - Palestinian writer and activist Sami Jamil Jadallah asks if Barak Obama will visit Gaza

Iranian Journalist Interviews Gilad Atzmon

Must see video of the Gazan Doctor whose children were martyred on live Israeli TV

and much more besides, video, slide show... commentary and reader participation. Don't just sit there! DO something!!!