Some important pieces about Palestine

Palestine Think Tank always tries to offer a wide range of writers and thinkers who analyse how what happens in Palestine shapes the world and all of us. We hope to always offer thought-provoking analysis to broaden the discourse and bring activists and readers the information they need to be able to fight against forces that keep Palestinians and all of us slaves to forces that destroy us.

Today I would like to highlight several special posts: Please read them, share them, link them, publish them, whatever you feel appropriate!
Yousef Abuddayeh writes a thought-provoking piece that makes a completely different analysis of what looks now only like the ultimate destruction of the Palestinian people. Rather, he sees that a critical mass has indeed been reached, and its outcome is not at all one of defeat. This is not based on empty ideology, but on a clear and rational analysis of the facts.
Mohamed Khoder as always, presents an extremely well-documented analysis of the current events with an eye on the schools of thought of the major political, economic and information nerve centres. He draws the lines clearly to help us understand why things look the way they are and the strong moral and ethical reasons why Palestinians must remain steadfast and why their supporters must open their eyes and "be there". This paper is a summary of the major events that have been set in place to push Palestinians down, and it debunks lie after lie that the US and Israeli administration and the mainstream media have used to keep us dumb and numb.
Philosopher Santiago Alba Rico compares the killing to the dying, the aesthetics of it, the meaning that it brings up within each of us, as we are consuming image after image. And, it sets a moral compass that we need to look at now and then.
Gilad Atzmon recently gave an interview published in the major Sunday paper in Greece. This is the English transcript. Issues dealt with include music, war, religion and activism.
Haitham moves on to phase two of actions to directly engage the Israeli power structure. Here are instructions for jamming their phone lines.
We support the Resistance in Gaza and in all of Palestine! A new coalition is forming, and this is its manifesto/statement. Words we at Palestine Think Tank undersign 100%. We hope that activists around the world work together to avoid falling into the usual traps, and to contribute to the realisation of Palestinian liberation in every form.
An Italian activist (Jews Against the Occupation) has written a prayer that we have translated into English. It is influenced by the main Jewish prayer and its words should be heeded.

and... a continuous slide show of recent photos, always updated, many other new items daily.