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Re: PCAS expresses solidarity with Italian delegation
- Subject: Re: PCAS expresses solidarity with Italian delegation
- From: mary <humdrum2 at libero.it>
- Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 18:29:41 +0100
Monday, December 24, 2007
http://peacepalestine.blogspot.com/2007/12/italian-humanitarian-delegation-denied.htmlItalian Humanitarian Delegation DENIED ENTRY TO GAZA
(photo from Jer and Whit Visit Palestine)
Statement from Eretz checkpoint
Apropos concentration camps:
This morning the Italian solidarity delegation, which departed from Rome yesterday, was blocked by the Israeli military at the Eretz checkpoint. Entry into Gaza was denied.
The criminal embargo imposed by Israel, the U.S. and the European Union is not limited to goods but does cut all human contacts. The Gaza strip is not an open air prison but an outright concentration camp. Prisoners usually are allowed to receive visits, but not in Gaza.
With the lockout of this morning the Israeli government slapped as well in the face of the Italian authorities. The Italian foreign ministry had assured that all necessary steps had been taken to allow the delegation into Gaza.
In order to denounce the genocidal embargo the solidarity delegation will continue its activities in the forthcoming days. For tomorrow morning a press conference has been scheduled in Ramallah as well as a meeting with the Italian consulate in Jerusalem where we will express our protest in the strongest terms possible. In the afternoon we will demonstrate against the embargo in Bethlehem on the occasion of Christmas matins. Meanwhile we are contemplating about a new protest action at the Eretz checkpoint.
We will keep you informed.
Italian solidarity delegation “Gaza must live”
December 23, 2007
response from Popular Committee Against Siege
Dear Italians, lovers of freedom,
We are very sorry for what happened to you but this is an indication of the false claims of our oppressors. Israelis claim that they are democratic, but you have seen that they are barbarous by denying your entry to Gaza strip. This shows how Israeli democracy is false. It's only a game to make the people believe that they are victims. Yet, you have seen that the are putting all Gaza residents in a big concentration camp to perish one by one. But, they will never succeed because we are supported by the real democratics like you, the real lovers of freedom who came from far places to say nay for Israeli's crime.
Your attempt has debunked the Israeli allegation that they are the paragon of democracy. Imagine that what you have faced is always happening to patients! They are being killed in cold blood. Israelis are violating human rights laws, accords, charters and the IV Geneva Conventions. However, USA and EU are supporting them in a very flagrant way.
Even though you were not allowed in, but our children were very happy that you tried to come and help them. They keep clinging hope on people like yourselves. We express our heartily thanks. We invite you to make more attempts to get into Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip is in bad conditions, so Israelis will do all steps to prevent others from seeing the real picture. The siege associated by Israeli media blackmail. Today, the number of death toll of Gaza patients under blockade has risen up to 50. So, again we stress on your visit to Gaza…. Or more people will die….
PCAS is still determined that you come to Gaza Strip to interact with what's going on. Your visit will make the world exposed to humanitarian crisis. If you tried again to get in and they prevent you we suggest the follows:
1-We will make a big demonstration to Eretz checkpoint.
2- You can organize a demonstration from your side associated with some Israeli peace bodies and groups.
3- We will organize a press conference on our side and you do the same on your side.
4- You have to attract more media coverage on your side.
5- We will be pleased to publish anything from your side in our website: http://www.freegaza.ps/
6- We invite you to bring more activists into Israel and to launch a big demonstration.
PCAS is still waiting your visit to Gaza and it will facilitate all burdens from your side.
Looking forward for more coporation,
PCAS Chairman
LATEST DEVELOPMENTS! (in Italian for now)
Ramallah, Palestina, Domenica 23 dicembre, ore 16,00
«Questa mattina, mentre si udivano spari di mitragliatrice e dopo un defatigante viaggio (segnaliamo la maniacale attenzione che la polizia aeroportuale israeliana ha riservato soprattutto a Maria Grazia Ardizzone), la delegazione di solidarieta’ con il popolo di Gaza* si e presentata al valico di Eretz per varcare il confine con l’inferno di Gaza. E’ stata brutalmente RESPINTA dall’ esercito israeliano.
Il criminale embargo decretato dal governo di tel Aviv, sostenuto dagli Usa e dall’Unione Europea, non si limita al blocco delle merci, dei medicinali ecc., giunge perfino ad impedire i contatti umani. La Striscia non e una prigione a cielo aperto, ma un vero e proprio campo di concentramento. In carcere infatti almeno i colloqui sono consentiti, a Gaza no.
Con il sopruso di questa mattina l’esercito ed il governo di Israele hanno dato anche un sonoro ceffone alle autorita italiane.
Esse avevano infatti assicurato (incontro col viceministro Ugo Intini, svoltosi alla Farnesina l’11 dicembre) che avrebbero compiuto i passi necessari affinche’ la delegazione potesse raggiungere Gaza.
Il crimine di questo embargo genocida evidentemente puo compiersi solo grazie a molte complicita e non tollera testimoni, ne’ intrusi.
Per denunciare questa situazione la delegazione di solidarieta continuera’ la sua attivita nei prossimi giorni.
Nel frattempo il muro di silenzio ha iniziato a cedere. Leonardo Mazzei e Vainer Burani sono stati a lungo intervistati dalla TV araba al Jazeera. Le interviste saranno trasmesse questa sera.
Per domani mattina (lunedi’ 24 dicembre) e prevista (grazie al determinante contributo delle organizzazioni della Resistenza palestinese) una conferenza stampa a Ramallah.
Subito dopo ci recheremo al consolato italiano di Gerusalemme dove protesteremo, con un sit-in, per la situazione che si e determinata.
Domani sera saremo invece a Betlemme in occasione della Santa messa di Natale. La delegazione italiana, affiancata dai fratelli palestinesi, musulmani e cristiani, e da decine di militanti antisionisti israeliani, esporra’ uno striscione in lingua italiana con su scritto «STOP EMBARGO! GAZA VIVRA’»
Tutte queste attivita sono finalizzate ad una nuova e piu forte iniziativa al valico di Eretz, al quale ci ripresenteremo, piu’ numerosi, il 26 dicembre.
Sacchi con medicinali, giochi e altro materiale sono stati consegnati ai volontari di due Ong italiane attive da tempo all'interno di Gaza e verranno distribuiti alla popolazione. Leonardo Mazzei x la Delegazione*
La Delegazione e’ composta da: Leonardo Mazzei «Comitato Gaza Vivrà» - Fernando Rossi, Senatore - Giovanni Franzoni, Comunità Cristiane di Base - Lucio Manisco, Giornalista ed ex parlamentare - Maria Grazia Ardizzone, Campo Antimperialista - Elvio Arancio, Centro studi cultura islamica di Torino - Davide Casali, Fotoreporter, inviato di Infopal.it - Giuseppe Pelazza, Avvocato - Vainer Burani, Avvocato, membro «Giuristi Democratici» - Maria Grazia Da Costa, Operatrice sanitaria - Ugo Giannangeli, Avvocato, onlus «Per Gazzella» - Zeno Leoni, Giornalista - Carmela Vaccaro, Docente universitaria, esperta di acqua - Erika Miozzi, Associazione umanitaria di volontariato «Sumud» - Anika Persiani, Associazione umanitaria di volontariato «Sumud» - Margarita Langthaler «Comitato Gaza Vivrà di Vienna.
Labels: absolute madness, activism, call to action, EU, friends, Gaza, human rights violations, Italy , occupation, Palestine, refugees
At 00.00 24/12/2007, free gaza wrote:
PCAS expresses solidarity with Italian delegation
PCAS expresses solidarity with Italian delegation
Popular Committee against Siege (PCAS) is very sorry for what happened to you but this is an indication of the false claims of our oppressors. Israelis claim that they are democratic, but you have seen that they are barbarous by denying your entry to Gaza strip. This shows how Israeli democracy is false.
It's only a game to make the people believe that they are victims. Yet, you have seen that the are putting all Gaza residents in a big concentration camp to perish one by one. But, they will never succeed because we are supported by the real democratic like you, the real lovers of freedom who came from far places to say nay for Israeli's crime.
Your attempt has debunked the Israeli allegation that they are the paragon of democracy. Imagine that what you have faced is always happening to patients! They are being killed in cold blood. Israelis are violating human rights laws, accords, charters and the four Geneva conventions. However, USA and EU are supporting them in a very flagrant way.
Even though you were not allowed in, but our children were very happy that you tried to come and help them. They keep clinging hope on people like yourselves. We express our heartily thanks. We invite you to make more attempts to get into Gaza Strip.
The Gaza strip is in bad conditions, so Israelis will do all steps to prevent others from seeing the real picture. The siege associated with Israeli media blackmail. Today, the number of death toll of Gaza patients under blockade has risen up to 50. So, again we stress on your visit to Gaza…. Or more people will die….!!!
PCAS is still determined that you come to Gaza Strip to interact with what's going on. Your visit will make the world exposed to humanitarian crisis.
PCAS's Chairman
Popular Committee Against Siege
Gaza - Palestine
Website: www.freegaza.ps
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