"Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict Management"

Trovate a seguire ed in allegato (solo per le liste che ricevono allegati) tutte le informazioni relative alla VI edizione del "Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict Management" del Sant'Anna di Pisa.

Associazione per la Pace - ufficio nazionale

The Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict
Management is designed to enable students from different
cultures and backgrounds to attain a deep understanding
of the linkages between human rights and conflict
resolution theory and practice. Through their coursework,
participants in the programme will engage with the major
concepts, themes, and debates within international peace
and conflict studies, preparing themselves for work with
NGOs, governments, aid agencies, the UN and other
organizations where a deep understanding of these issues
is critical.
A School in the heart of Pisa
The School's Post-graduate Education and Training
Division, the venue of the Master of Arts in Human Rights
and Conflict Management, is situated in the heart of Pisa,
a short walk from the Leaning Tower. The building
complex, fully equipped with state of the art classrooms,
seminar rooms, group study rooms and computer rooms,
provides a warm welcoming environment particularly
suited to the educational and professional growth of the
Who should apply
The Master is open to 28 candidates. 14 POSITIONS out
of 28 are reserved FOR RESIDENTS IN ITALY; the remaining
14 POSITIONS are reserved FOR NON RESIDENTS. Applicants
should be well-motivated and hard-working. They should:
• Have a degree from a university course of at least three
years or an equivalent qualification issued by a university
or university-level school, in legal, political, social,
humanistic, economic, technical or scientific subjects;
students who expect to gain such qualifications before
December 31st 2007 are also eligible.
• Understand, speak and write English at least at LEVEL
B2, as measured by the Europass Language Passport,
a v a i l a b l e o n t h e M a s t e r’s w e b s i t e
Knowledge of any other language and/or any voluntary,
professional or training experience in the sector of human
rights are considered advantageous though not indispensable.

The Master is a one-year post-graduate programme with
compulsory attendance, which starts on January 14th
2008 and runs until February 2009. The syllabus of the
Master Programme, in addition to individual studying
and the preparation of a final written project (project
work), will cover 600 HOURS OF CLASSROOM LECTURES and
a 480 HOURS’ INTERNSHIP. Classroom lectures are from
Monday to Friday for an average of 26 hours/week, and
run from 14th January to 31st July 2008. Internship lasts
for three months during the period from September to
December 2008.

Programme Outline
MODULE I provides the students with the fundamentals
of international law, international human rights law and
international humanitarian law, philosophy of human
rights, development economics and geopolitics. This
module also examines the major theories of conflict and
conflict resolution, supplementing theory with detailed
case studies.
MODULE II provides the students with analytical skills
and tools required to assess situations and make more
informed interventions. This module includes courses
such as humanitarian assistance, peace support operations,
election observation and assistance, project management,
personal safety and stress management.
The INTERNSHIP completes the in-class training with
hands-on experience. Students are required to complete
a three months internship with a renowned organisation
working in the area of human rights, conflict management,
humanitarian assistance or development, either in the
field or at headquarters.
The PROJECT WORK (min. 15.000 words in length) is
the final major part of the degree. It is closely related to
the activity carried out during the internship.

Main Goals
The main educational goals of the Master of Arts in
Human Rights and Conflict Management are as follows:
• To train high-rank professionals who will work in design,
management and monitoring positions within the
schemes and actions promoted by national, regional,
international or non-governmental organisations, for
the double purpose of protecting human rights and
preventing, mitigating or solving conflicts.
• To train professionals who will combine, in a dynamic,
non-sequential way, critical knowledge and technicaloperational
knowledge as the key components of an
extremely professional service in complex situations.
• To train professionals who are aware of the mutual
connections between the protection of human rights
and conflict management, and who possess a sound
juridical and methodological background and practicaloperational
skills in such areas.
• To train professionals who, in the design and management
of actions and in decision-making processes, will keep
into account the historical, geopolitical, economic
dimensions as well as the ‘gender’ component and the
complexity of the intercultural relations.

Assessment and ECTS credits
A maximum of 67 ECTS CREDITS will be awarded on
successful completion of the Master Programme,
subordinate to evaluations results (mid term and end of
programme) and regular class attendance. Degrees are
awarded to students who attain a minimum of 60 ECTS

Modes of Teaching
Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, group work
and presentations. Many aspects of the courses will be
tested in practical exercises through the use of advanced
role-playing sessions and simulation techniques.

Direction and Teaching
The Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict
Management brings together a core teaching staff of
leading specialists from around the world. Lecturers and
trainers are chosen among academics, diplomats,
international organizations officers and NGOs activists
thus offering a wealth of both academic and field expertise.
Professor Barbara HENRY is the Director of the Master

Career services
The Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict
Management is committed to helping its students to build
successful careers, by providing them with valuable
employment contacts at a world-wide level. It provides
its students with career exploration opportunities, career
assessment and counselling, assisting them with their
internship and job search process. It guarantees the
students interaction with international organisations and
NGOs and offers specific training initiatives regarding
access to the international careers sector.
An annual Recruitment Day is organized to promote
encounters and interviews with Human Resource Managers
of NGOs and the UN Volunteers Programme, and a regular
information service regarding personnel recruitment by
the largest International Organisations is offered to
students and alumni.

Tuition Fees & Facilities
The tuition fees for the full Programme are 7.000,00
EURO, payable in two instalments. The fees include the
following facilities:
• Participation in all lessons and field trips
• Didactic material
• Tutorship
• Lunch (on lesson/exam days)
• Access to the library and the computer rooms
The fees do not include accommodation expenses in Pisa
and during the internship, and travel expenses.

The Master Programme offers 1 scholarship, covering
the full tuition fees, to be awarded to THE EU CITIZEN
who makes the highest score in the list. A limited number
of scholarships will be made available to CITIZENS OF NONOECD
who are eligible for release of a visa for Italy.

Application Procedure
Applicants shall enter their application, EXCLUSIVELY
ONLINE, at http://humanrights.sssup.it, following the
filling procedure as illustrated in the access page to the
online application form. Applicants are strongly advised
to carefully fill in the compulsory area about the description
of their motivational profile. The following documents
shall be enclosed with the application:
• CV;
• Self-declaration, drawn up as per D.P.R. 445/2000, of
all university records with the marks of each single
exam and the final mark (if applicable), or equivalent
transcript from the applicant’s University written either
in Italian, or English, or French, or German, or Spanish;
• Europass Language Passport for English and any other
spoken language;
• A recent passport-size photo in jpeg format;
• A certificate of residence issued by the authorities
academic and professional reasons, a self-declaration,
drawn up as per D.P.R. 445/2000, certifying they are
temporarily living abroad;
consent to interviews by telephone or audio link, as
may be requested by the Selection Committee in case
the latter should need further details about the applicant’s
cultural and motivational profiles.
AND ARE ELIGIBLE to this effect, shall fill in and enclose
with their application a specific financial-support form,
available on the Master’s website.
Applications shall be sent NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 15TH

Master of Arts in Human Rights and
Conflict Management
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
The Post-graduate Education and Training Division
Via Cardinale Maffi, 27 - 56127 Pisa - Italy
Tel. +39 050 882653/5/29 – Fax +39 050 882633
E-mail: humanrights at sssup.it
Web: http://humanrights.sssup.it

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