Mobilitazione negli Usa contro l'escalation della guerra in Iraq

War Escalates, Peace Movement Mobilizes

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"Operation Swarmer": That's what the U.S. military is calling the air assault they launched in Iraq earlier today. In what CNN is reporting as "the largest air assault since the invasion of Iraq nearly three years ago," some 50 aircraft are "supporting" U.S. and Iraqi troops near the city of Samarra. When the military says "supporting," they mean bombing. And when bombs are dropped, innocent civilians are killed.

Just yesterday U.S. air power demolished a farmhouse. According to The New York Times, "The American military said that only three civilians had been killed, while Iraqi officials said an entire 11-member family -- from a 75-year-old grandmother to a 6-month-old baby -- had died in the attack .... The results were devastating, according to images broadcast on Arab TV: dead cows, scorched cars, a smashed house and 11 bodies rolled up in blankets." (New York Times, March 16, 2006, p. A8)

This new air assault demands a quick, visible outcry from people all around the country. As it happens, <>there are more than 500 antiwar activities already planned to coincide with the 3rd anniversary of the start of the war in hundreds of locations around the country. Please take a moment right now to find out what is happening near you and then do everything you can to build those actions.

It is time to stop the killing. It is time to stop the war in Iraq. It is time to bring all of our troops home!

If nothing is planned near you, you can still organize a event. It needn't be elaborate: * Pick a public location to gather and speak out against the war -- shopping malls, business districts, in front of the district offices of your Congressional Representative and/or Senators, transportation hubs, etc. * Select a date and time to gather -- times, like rush hour, when larger numbers of people will see you are best. * Call friends, relatives, co-workers, people you go to religious services with; send out an email notice to everyone you know; <>list it on the UFPJ website calendar; try to get an announcement in your local media outlet. * Bring some posters or banners to hold up, <>make copies of leaflets to hand out and petitions to gather signatures on. * You can also <>sign and circulate our online petition to Congress, demanding that they stop funding the war and bring the troops home immediately.

And be sure to use the activities around the 3rd anniversary as building blocks for the <>massive national mobilization being planned in New York City for Saturday, April 29th. The combination of our ongoing local work and our periodic national demonstrations is what makes this movement powerful.

As the bloodshed in Iraq escalates, let's do all we can to project our call for peace far and wide.

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New York City
<>March for Peace, Justice, and Democracy
End the war in Iraq -- bring the troops home!
Unite for change -- let's turn our country around!

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