new on peacepalestine
- Subject: new on peacepalestine
- From: "mary" <humdrum2 at>
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 17:46:49 +0200
· Jews
Against Zionism? More like Jews Against the Palestinian Street -
Hamas is the dilemma, and not a simple task either, because they are considered
to have a legitimate political goal, to enjoy popular support by the Palestinian
people who see this group as succeeding where the PA has failed, and who they
have democratically elected by a large majority with continual consensus not
only in the Gaza Strip. To make blanket statements that are not factually
established, but rather based on typically racist insults is something one would
expect from those who really would like to undermine the legitimacy of the
choices that the Palestinians make for themselves to bring about the end of
their domination by the Zionists.
· Akiva
Orr - Gaza Games: Sharon vs God 1-0 - This is not
the beginning of the end of Zionism but it is the end of the beginning. There is
still a long way to go before Zionist ideology falls apart, but a crack of doubt
has shattered the naive trust that Zionism represents Judaism. A crack cannot be
undone. It can only widen.
· Ramzy
Baroud - Real Disengagement Plan Now at Work - The Sharon
government is determined to closely monitor and control the narrative
surrounding its pullout from Gaza. On the one hand, it wants to convey to its
right wing constituency that the move is merely tactical and aimed at
strengthening Israel's control over the more strategic settlements of occupied
East Jerusalem and the West Bank. On the other hand, it is promoting the pullout
internationally as a painful concession for the sake of peace with its
ever-ungrateful Palestinian neighbors.
· Sharon's
one and three-quarter States -
In the past
few days, the Israeli press has been bubbling with hints from key officials at
further unilateral pullouts, this time from the West Bank. The scenario seems to
be that Sharon sits tight for now, sees off Bibi, fights, wins an election next
year - and then stages a series of mini-disengagements. Dr Gary Sussman, an
analyst at Tel Aviv University, says the map for those withdrawals is already
laid out. "The fence is the border," he says, confident that Israel would pull
back, more or less, to the line traced by the wall, or security barrier, it has
built through the West Bank. That would entail dismantling a few isolated
settlements - and keeping the large settlement blocs.
· On a
mission from God - Bush's
“global war on terrorism” killed thousands of Iraqis and Afghans, including
women and children - two sovereign nations have been destroyed - how can this be
called a divine mission?
· What
Gandhi had to say about Zionism - The Jews born
in France are French in precisely the same sense that Christians born in France
are French. If the Jews have no home but Palestine, will they relish the idea of
being forced to leave the other parts of the world in which they are settled? Or
do they want a double home where they can remain at will? This cry for the
national home affords a colourable justification for the German expulsion of the
· Parents
of Assassinated Journalist sued for Defamation - We want the
world to remember what happened in Mogadishu, and to find out why an
investigative reporter who had discovered some very uncomfortable relationships
between the Italian Cooperation in the Third World, politicians in Italy and
abroad, the war in Somalia and the disposal of toxic waste in regions of Somalia
was executed with a gun to her head, and the material of her cameraman taken. We
are outraged that her parents, in their quest for justice are treated as common
· No Two
Easy Pieces - Linguistics
Professor at Berkeley, George
Lakoff, in his book “Don’t Think of an Elephant” mentions the power of an
original mental image of something, of a concept, especially. Whatever image we
have developed in our earlier childhood is the image that will remain, and other
competing images must forcefully supersede that. It is most common that many
Palestinians see the image of entire Palestine (pre-1948 Palestine) as
Palestinian land, since it has historically been so. (If Jews stake a claim
dating back 2000 years, why should several decades be problematic if we are
talking about the rights a person has to his homeland? Such would go a logical
argument). Many Jews, and not only in Israel, see the entirety of Israel,
together with the West Bank, as the single Jewish State. They state that their
claim is divinely inspired and dates back over 2000 years. In both instances,
what is perceived as Palestine or as Israel is not an image of Two States, but
rather the same land being Palestine or Israel. The great difference would be
that Israel is an exclusivist State, inclusive as far as rights go, only to
Jews. Present-day Israel has adopted this pattern, and the vision of Eretz
Yisrael is a powerful one to secular and religious Jews alike. Palestine has
never claimed to be a State of an exclusive ethnic or religious group, and in
its administrative history, was able to permit the coexistence of a multiplicity
of ethnic groups, yet, it too envisions Palestine in land that has been
inhabited by the Palestinian people for generations, and that means the entirety
of Historical Palestine.
· Another
Israeli Walk on the Wild Side - Well-informed
Palestinian sources unveiled about 43 organizations, centers, institutions, and
Jewish schools in the USA and Europe that revamped gathering funds to promote
settlements in Jerusalem city, especially within its old walls where such
campaign was being run by settlement committees supported by political Likud
members in the Knesset and the blocs council of settlements in Jerusalem and the
West Bank.
· Dorothy
tells us of Lina's Kidney Transplant - I had asked
the wonderful Dorothy Naor if she would like to write something for my blog. She
replied that at the moment, she was very busy with working on helping organise a
kidney transplant for a child, and later would do so. · Reference
vs Meaning - a Reflection by Gerry Hiles - In any event
there is no "democracy", never was and never can be. And the reality is
oligarchy usually, i.e. olig = few + archy = government, so all the nonsense,
from left, right and centre, about "democracy" is mere sophism, propaganda, or
simply ignorance of how things really are, e.g. a continuance of
European-originating imperialism, as is amply evidenced by the Washington Empire
and the rhetoric about "democracy", whilst manifestly really being hell-bent on
ruling the world.
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