[uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 07 Jul 2005 - Part One]

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:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

When the cops are the crooks
Staged bombings terrorize everyone
John Kaminski
How long are we going to permit this vicious tomfoolery to continue? Every
time there's an embarrassing incident, a charge of official malfeasance, or
some nasty revelation to cover up, the powers that be stage a terrorist
incident — randomly throw away the lives of an arbitrary number of
innocents — and then blame some fantasy enemy as an excuse to further
ratchet up the corrupt oppression of ordinary people (...) The London bom!
bings remind me of the Madrid, Istanbul, and Bali bombings. No one is ever
caught. Stereotypically rabid Arabs are blamed. And innocent people
everywhere suffer the consequences...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13481&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13481

More on London bombs
I prefer the hybrid model for all these attacks, by which I mean the
involvement of real Islamic terrorists guided by an intelligence agency.
The intelligence agency funds much of the operation, chooses the targets
and the time, and provides technical assistance. The Islamic terrorists
provide most of the manpower. In some cases the terrorists are completely
fooled into participating (probably what happened in Madrid, a Spanish
police operation with Muslim men tricked into being in t! he wrong place at
the wrong time), and in some cases they go along with the promptings of the
intelligence agency as the operation fits into their own agenda...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13500&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13500

al-Qu’eda or al-a’diversion?
William Bowles, I'n'I
Of course it’s too early to say with any certainty who set off the four
bombs that caused death and chaos in London today but predictably Tony
Blair says “they were obviously designed to coincide with the G8 summit”.
Well, he would say that wouldn’t he. My immediate reaction is to be
suspicious not about the timing of the bombs, this is the most obvious
aspect, but who exactly is behind them...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13492&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13492

Dark Waters
Chris Floyd
...Lee, a former military doctor, denounced Bush's use of military medical
personnel to help "set the conditions for interrogation": withholding
treatment from tortured prisoners, breaking medical confidence to tell
interrogators of prisoners' physical and psychological weak spots, and
other heinous practices approved by the White House and codified in
Pentagon directives for military medical staff. The good doctor is right to
be shocked: The shadow of Josef Mengele hovers over these delib! erate
perversions of medical ethics. Yet Bush has not only countenanced these
crimes against humanity -- he has commanded that medical personnel commit
them. This level of open, legalized barbarity has not been seen in the U.S.
government since the days of slavery and the Indian wars...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13493&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13493

More looting of Iraq's riches
Michael Jansen
Iraq's rich cultural heritage continues to be stripped of archaeological
sites in the countryside while in Baghdad, the doors of the Iraq National
Museum, the fifth most important in the world, remain closed to the public
because of fears that its treasures could be stolen in a raid by the well
organised antiquities mafia...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13491&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13491

"We will not allow violence to change our society and values.." Blair said
Imad Khadduri, Free Iraq
It is interesting that Blair said the above statement, when one does
consider what a leading neoconservative, Michael Ledeen, espoused for Iraq:
"A fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, Michael Ledeen
has become the driving philosophical force behind the neoconservative
movement and the military actions it has spawned. His 1996 book, "Freedom
Betrayed; How the United States Led a Global Democrat! ic Revolution, Won
the Cold War and Walked Away," reveals the basic neoconservative obsession:
the United States never "won" the Cold War; the Soviet Union collapsed of
its own weight without a shot being fired. Had the United States truly won,
democratic institutions would have been sprouting wherever the threat of
communism had been rife. Iraq, Iran and Syria are the first and foremost
nations where this should be happening, according to Ledeen. The process by
which this should be achieved is a violent one, termed "total-war”...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13505&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13505

There is a Statue of Ghandi in Tavistock Sq.
Les Skeates, Outside the Gates
There is a statue of Ghandi in Tavistock Sq. The mute espouser of
non-violent struggle was assaulted here today (...) What has happened in
London today is the daily horror that is Iraq. Not 37 dead (as I write) but
forty, fifty, sixty and more every day. Killed by car bomb, IED, sniper and
death squad. Thousands and thousands maimed and blinded. Raped. Tortured.
The product of Blair's mendacity. Finger pointing now at those I ultimately
! hold accountable - the buck stops with the war criminal Blair and his
government, the malignant sarcoma on Britain's body politic that has, for
the last 28 months committed this country to an illegal war...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13496&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13496

Londoner comments on attacks
Tony Hartin, Feral Scholar
...The day before yesterday was the “victory” of the Olympic bid decision,
and I was in the city. A posse of jets with red white and blue contrails
roared over so quickly that it wasn’t possible to take more than a
couple of steps before they had come and gone. Today I can’t stop
imagining what it would be like to have those jets dropping bombs on you
if you were caught in the open. And I can’t stop thinking about Fallujah
last November - when British troops threw up a cordon around that city
while Marines went in to slaughter its people...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13497&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13497

Rove-Plame: The Word from Aspen
Arianna Huffington
How is it that the second most powerful man in America is about to take a
fall and the mainstream media are largely taking a pass? Could it be that
the fear of Karl Rove and this White House is so great that not even the
biggest of the media big boys are willing to take them on? Does the answer
to that one go without saying?...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13504&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13504

“No confidence” is all that’s left
P.M. Carpenter
...Only George Galloway, the erstwhile Labor politician who recently
berated the U.S. Senate for its Bushie wrongheadedness, said what everyone
was thinking: "We argued, as did the security services in this country,
that the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq would increase the threat of
terrorist attack in Britain. Tragically, Londoners have now paid the price
of the government ignoring such warnings." Blair’s eager cooperation with
the Bush administration on igniti! ng the Iraq war was no raging Battle of
Britain, wherein a Churchillian strongman was needed to display “resolve
and urgency” in the face of a foreign aggressor. Iraq was a war of choice
-- and that makes its toll in human lives and national honor a shameful
one, not a resolute one. It is that reality that Tony Blair, the Churchill
wannabe, must answer for...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13501&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13501

America's Iraqi follies, Iran's opportunities
Ghassan Atiyyah, MMN
...America needs these Shi'ite forces, as represented in Iraq's High
Council of the Islamic Revolution under the leadership of Hakim, even
though it knows that the Council was founded in Iran in the early eighties
and that, with the cooperation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, it has
created a militia known by the name of "Badr". Today Badr has become an
effective power in Iraq, such that its numbers have risen to more than
100,000 fighters (..! .) Rather than serving to help or mediate between the
communities constituting the Iraqi people (Shi'ite, Sunni, Kurd, Turcoman,
etc.), America's policy in Iraq has given rise, deliberately or not, to a
Shi'ite-Kurdish alliance. The decisions that it has taken (such as doing
away with the army and de-bathification) have rendered the Sunni Arabs

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13495&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13495

Blowback Hits Britain
Londoners Pay Heavy Price for Blair's Deception
...Blair and Bush are on their high horses claiming the morality of
"civilized nations" and denouncing the retaliation they have provoked as
"barbarism." Their hypocrisy plays poorly in the world. Far more innocent
Iraqi civilians, especially women and children, have been slaughtered than
British and Americans. Why do Bush and Blair believe they should be praised
for slaughtering civilians and only Mu! slims denounced?...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13490&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13490

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 7 July 2005
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board,
the Free Arab Voice.
Iraqi Resistance fighters ambushed a US patrol in the at-Ta’mim
neighborhood in the south of ar-Ramadi at 5pm local time Thursday
afternoon. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of
the area as saying that Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and
medium weapons and RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades attacked the US patrol at
the entrance! to the western neighborhood...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13489&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13489

Why They Happened
The London Bombings
TARIQ ALI, CounterPunch
...At the beginning of the G8 meeting, Tony Blair suggested that 'poverty
was the cause of terrorism'. This was advanced thinking for a reactionary
politician like him, but it is not so. The principal cause of this violence
is the violence that is being inflicted on the people of the Muslim world.
The bombing of innocent people is equally barbaric in Baghdad, Jenin, Kabul
as it is in New York, Madrid or London. And unless this is recognized ! the
horrors will continue...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13483&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13483

Egypt closes Baghdad diplomatic mission
SALAH NASRAWI, Associated Press
Egypt will temporarily shut its diplomatic mission in Iraq and has recalled
its staff to Cairo, an official said Thursday, after a militant group
claimed to have killed Egypt's top envoy in Baghdad. The announcement came
hours after President Hosni Mubarak condemned the killing of the country's
top envoy to Baghdad at the hands of Islamic militants...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13494&s2=08>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13494

<http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: a site gathering daily
information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts
of iraqi resistance available in Italian and English.

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