A Europe of misunderstandings

<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/dossier.asp?id=179>A Europe of
Our linguistic diversity is one of our riches but, as the failure of the
Brussels Summit shows, Europeans do not understand one another. The
simplicity afforded by a single language is complicating the struggle for

Gabriel von Toddenburg - Bozen

<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=4081>Europe's linguistic
plurality: gem or stumbling stone?
<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=4081>Irish is set to become
the 21st official language of the EU in 2007. Are there boundaries to the
number of idioms the European Union can cope with?

Lindsey Evans - London

<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=A&Id=1292>Are you speaking my
<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=A&Id=1292>The Maltese start
learning a foreign language aged 5, Finnish schools teach up to 4 different
foreign languages, and 80% of Danes are fluent in another tongue. Then
there's the BritishŠ

Eleonora Palermo - Paris

<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=4079>"Euronews contributes
to the construction of Europe"
<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=4079>In an interview with
<i>café babel</i>, Nicola Assetta, editor in chief of EuroNews, explains
the importance of multilingualism in the media and what difficulties it

Victoria Donovan - Bruxelles

<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=A&Id=1294>Cacophony in the EU
<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=A&Id=1294>The inclusion of ten
new member states in the EU has seen the workload of its translation
department swell to unforeseen proportions, with critics arguing that the
EU is turning into a veritable tower of babel.

Eva Queralt - Barcelona

<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=4080>Linguistic mosaic in
<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=4080>Europe has 250
indigenous languages, the majority of which are unofficial or minority
languages. This great linguistic wealth is difficult to preserve,
especially at a time when more and more languages demand dominance.

Ilaria La Commare - Roma

<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=4071>Translation and
technology: progress or perfidy?
<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=4071>In the 21st century,
new technologies aim to revolutionise the art of translation. But while
automatic and assisted translations try to remain as true to the original
text as possible, the results are ambivalent.

and Study of Languages
Community programmes for polyglotts

by Tiscali Europe

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