Bridges, the Israeli-Palestinian Public Health Magazine. Issue 3. Volume 1. -NUTRITION-

WHO published issue 3 vol.1 of Bridges, the Israeli-Palestinian public
health magazine. The issue is devoted to nutrition, with a main Palestinian
article on "Armed Conflict and Food Security" by Ziad Abdeen, a main
Israeli article on "Challenges Facing the Nutritional Status of Israel" by
Ted Tulchinsky et al, an interview with Marc Lalonde -former Canadian
Minister of Health-, highlights of the World Health Report 2005 and a How
toŠ article on Wheat Flour Fortification: Serving Mutual Needs by Omar
Dary, among others.

The on-line version can be found at:

To view previous issues, you can access them through:


Please, do not hesitate to send us contributions, letters to the Editor and

Kind regards,

Maria L. Restrepo
Project Officer
WHO West Bank and Gaza

+972 25400595 (office)
+972 548022752(mobile)