Recipe for a greener Europe

<>  Dossier
<>Recipe for a greener Europe
Global warming, rubbish, pesticides...our way of life is destroying the
planet. But there are some promising European initiatives to conserve
natural resources, so what can we learn from one another?

 <> Europe's eco-cities
The German city of Freiburg im Breisgau is leading the way in sustainable
local development. Although it is not an isolated case, more European towns
and cities need to follow its example
		 Jeremy Cliffe - London

 <> "In 40 years time
the complete conversion to renewable energy will have been achieved"
In an interview with cafÈ babel, Herman Scheer, winner of the Alternative
Nobel Prize, tells us why German energy legislation has created a dynamic
which spells the end for atomic energy and fossil fuels
		 Tobias Troll - Paris

 <> Ireland's war on
The Irish experience in the struggle against littering has proved so
successful that other EU countries are now considering following their
		 Paul Martin - Bruxelles

 <> The high price of
low-cost airlines
The success of low-cost airlines threatens to ruin all European efforts to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, the call for an EU-wide tax
on aeroplane fuel is getting louder
		 Christian Dietsche - Berlin

 <> Organic farming in
Europe in need of fertiliser
The principles of organic farming form an integral part of the movement
towards sustainable development. Even though they are essential nowadays,
not all the countries of the European Union are finding it easy to
implement these principles
		 Sophie Galharret - Paris

 <> Green and
transparent companies
'Sustainable development' is the communication buzzword used by modern
companies that make public their commitment to respect the environment.
However, it is not a matter of choice; they are being increasingly forced
to adopt sustainable development polic
		 SÈbastien Beck - Paris

a Difference to the Environment
Environmental protection, clean energy, sustainability and much more

by Tiscali Europe

And every week, <>Caffeine, Short
but sweet, the best of café babel. This week
:<> Do not be afraid

And don't miss <>  the section
which takes you to a journey to the East of Europe! This week :
<>Roma: a stain on the
EU's conscience

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