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[uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 24 Feb 2005 - Part Two]
- Subject: [uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 24 Feb 2005 - Part Two]
- From: "uruknet.info" <redazione at uruknet.info>
- Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 17:11:26 +0100
uruknet.info «Ë-Ë"Ê Æ‰Ê·Ë :: information from occupied iraq :: informazione dall'iraq occupato Il Bilancio dello Stato di Bush: La guerra contro il popolo dei lavoratori continua. "International Action Center", traduzione di Curzio Bettio di Soccorso Popolare di Padova Lunedì 7 febbraio 2005, George W. Bush ha scatenato un attacco senza precedenti contro la gente povera e contro i lavoratori degli Stati Uniti. Ha proposto un bilancio di 2.57 bilioni di dollari che però prevede per il prossimo anno tagli per 20 miliardi di dollari a programmi interni nazionali in favore delle persone anziane, i vetera! ni, i bambini e la povera gente. Questa proposta di bilancio è una spudorata dichiarazione di guerra alla classe lavoratrice (...) Il bilancio di Bush esige che i più poveri ed oppressi paghino i costi dei suoi tagli di tasse per le classi ricche e per i programmi di guerra infinita. <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9938&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9938 FLASHBACK: La strage di «al-'Amiriyya» Marco Hamam, Aljazira.it Quattordici anni fa a Baghdad l'aviazione americana bombardò un rifugio di civili causando la morte di oltre 400 persone. Ecco il racconto dei testimoni e dei sopravvissuti (...) Con al-'Amriyye successe quanto accaduto lo scorso anno con Falluja. Buona parte della stampa europea ed americana non pubblicò le foto delle vittime. Sembra di rivedere un film: bombe "intelligenti" che fanno stragi, uccisione premeditata di civili, ridicole menzogne sui f! atti, media ammutoliti dal potere e dall'autocensura. Dopo quattordici anni nulla è cambiato nella guerra americana. Qui di seguito proponiamo la traduzione di uno speciale della tv del Qatar Aljazeera del giugno del 2001 alla quale presero parte molti dei sopravvissuti che raccontarono l'inferno di quei giorni... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9948&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9948 Iran e Siria formano un fronte comune dinanzi alle minacce USA Página12/Red Voltaire - www.resistenze.org ...Segnalava inoltre che il presidente Bush indicava per nome i suoi prossimi obiettivi nella zona in questione: Siria (ed una parte del Libano) così come l'Iran, stati nei quali pretende di applicare l'"hard power" per integrarli con la forza nel "Grande Medio Oriente", benché era sembrato tentennare circa l'ordine di priorità. Aveva ricordato che il Congresso gli aveva già dato carta bianca per attaccare la! Siria, ma aveva assicurato che l'Iran, proseguendo col suo programma nucleare, rappresentava un pericolo forse più importante. La credibilità di quest'ultima imputazione può misurarsi ricordando il discorso del 2003 sullo stato dell'Unione, durante il quale aveva garantito che l'Iraq si era rifornito di uranio in Africa... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9963&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9963 IRAQ: Ramadi residents flee city after latest US-led attacks IRIN Residents of Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province some 100 km east of Baghdad, have started to flee the city following the latest offensive launched by US Marines and the Iraqi army. The military have carried out raids in the province over the past few days in an attempt to crack down on insurgents, with the main focus of operations eing Ramadi, a rebel stronghold. Worried that the offensive could proceed as it did in nearby Fallujah, where he maj! ority of the city's population was forced to flee during a near hree-month long campaign, many Ramadi families are taking personal effects and food supplies and heading to relatives' houses in the capital, or to the same camps where residents from Fallujah fled... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9940&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9940 Islamic Congress's Letter to PM Supports Position on Syria and Lebanon, and Warns That Aggressive U.S. Policies in Middle East Will Lead to More Death, Destruction and Misery Canadian Islamic Congress ...To date, the American-led invasion of Iraq has resulted in the deaths of more than 100,000 Iraqis and thousands of Americans. Iraq has been transformed from country with 100% employment and a stable public service infrastructure, into an impoverished nation in disarray, with more than half of its adult workforce ! jobless. From being one of the leading Middle East states in administration, education and health care, Iraq has fallen to one of the world's most disadvantaged societies... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9950&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9950 Covert Ops in Your Neighborhood Kurt Nimmo Imagine the following scenario: a covert Nicaraguan assassination team enters the United States and methodically kills Casper Weinberger, Duane Claridge, Oliver North, John Poindexter, Thomas Clines, Robert McFarlane, and other figures connected to the Contras, a U.S. supported paramilitary group responsible for killing an estimated 30,000-50,000 Nicaraguans (in a country of 3.5 million) (....) Consider the following from the Washington Post: "The Pentagon is promoting a global counterterrorism plan that would allow Special Operations forces to enter a foreign country to conduct military operations without explicit concurrence from the U.S. ambassador there, administration officials familiar with the plan said." Disregarding the squabble between the Pentagon and the State Department, consider what this means: Special Operations forces are covertly entering countries and conducting "military operations," that is to say killing people the Pentagon doesn't like... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9939&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9939 Conversation with David Barsamian Omar Khan, Electronic Iraq ...Omar Khan: You've said of the media that "most of the censorship occurs by omission, not commission." Can you illustrate this in the case of US news coverage of Iraq? David Barsamian: There is a structural relationship between media and state power. They are closely linked. Who are the media? Not just in the United States, but around the world, they're a handful of corporations that dominate what people see, hear, and read. They have be! en able to manufacture consent, particularly in the United States, for imperialist wars of aggression... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9959&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9959 Bush's 'priceless' war David Isenberg, Asia Times Although the exact cost of the Iraq invasion to the American taxpayer is not known, recent figures suggest it is a lot more than has been publicly suggested and will grow considerably higher. Part of the problem in estimating costs is that the war is obviously not over; it just keeps going, and going, and going. According to a report on the cost of the war in Iraq released last week by the Democratic staff of the House Budget Committee, the war and ongoing insurge! ncy could cost the United States between US$461 billion and $646 billion by 2015, depending on the scope and duration of operations... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9960&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9960 Ritual & Sexual Torture in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib Bad Blood DIANE CHRISTIAN, CounterPunch One of the Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan, and Guantánamo tortures recently revealed is US women smearing menstrual blood on Islamic prisoners and fondling or rubbing them sexually to defile them. The tactic includes taunting prisoners that they will then have no water to purify themselves to pray. Some prisoners were also shown pictures of their wives with their heads superimposed on naked women's bodies posed beside Osa! ma Bin Laden. "I see my wife everywhere, everywhere' Mamdouh Habib, an Australian ex-detainee reported... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9953&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9953 Australia slides further into the Iraq quagmire The tragic inevitability of a forlorn hope GAVIN GATENBY John Howard's decision to double Australia's ground troop commitment in Iraq was inevitable. The prime minister put off the inevitable for as long as he could, but Australia's slavish adherence to the American Alliance left him no option but to dispatch more troops to George Bush's mad neo-colonial adventure. His justification of the decision as necessary to stop the Coalition crumbling put a desperate sp! in on the situation that's at odds with Washington's upbeat line on post-election Iraq... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9944&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9944 A BUZZFLASH INTERVIEW Danny Schechter, "Weapons of Mass Deception" Filmmaker, Declares War on the War Propaganda Machine BUZZFLASH ... Journalism is supposed to be a watchdog on power, not a lapdog. It's not there as an echo chamber or a transmission belt for the claims made by the government. The media has a duty to scrutinize information, seek out other sources, try to evaluate and try to understand what the political strategy is behind a focus on a certain issue. But what we saw ove! r and over again, on every single news program on every channel for almost five months, was the demonization of Saddam Hussein... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9949&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9949 Show Trials and Phony Confessions Target Syria Juan Cole AP reports on a televised confession of someone who said he was a Syrian agent in Iraq in charge of terrorist operations (...) These confessions are phony as a three-dollar bill (or a three-Euro coin). AP reports with a straight face that al-Essa "claimed he infiltrated Iraq in 2001, about two years before the U.S. invasion, because Syrian intelligence was convinced that American military action loomed." That allegation doesn't pass the smell test with me. ! If this guy was sent in 2001, it was to make trouble for Saddam, not with reference to America. The Syrian Baath mostly did not get on well with the Iraqi Baath... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9955&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9955 Abu Ghraib, a Year Later: What's Changed? Torture Nation TOM WRIGHT, CounterPunch Nearly a year has passed since the lurid photographs of Abu Ghraib first surfaced, briefly capturing the attention of the nation. Even to a public saturated by every imaginable form of transgression, the bizarre images of "Hooded Man," the piles of naked bodies and sordid sexual domination stood out, whether because they seemed like demons lurching from the Puritan unconscious, or just because they were so baldly at variance with the fairy tales through which much of the nation had been sleepwalking since September 11. But in no time, the opinion managers mounted the ramparts... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9954&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9954 They refused to fight Bush's war for oil Alan Maass, Socialist Worker ...As a staff sergeant in the Florida National Guard, Mejia was part of the invasion of Iraq. After a two-week furlough in October 2003, he refused to go back to his unit in Iraq because he believed the war was unjust. "The justification for this war is money, and no soldier should go to Iraq and give his life for oil," Mejia said before his trial last May. "I have witnessed the suffering of a people whose country is in ruins and who are furthe! r humiliated by the raids, patrols and curfews of an occupying army"... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9958&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9958 Pablo Paredes explains why he's resisting "I want to be a voice for truth" Socialist Worker PABLO PAREDES made his bold protest against the U.S. occupation of Iraq when he refused to ship out for the Persian Gulf in December on board the USS Bonhomme Richard. Socialist Worker's JUSTIN AKERS talked to Pablo about why he decided to become a military resister... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9957&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9957 Why Are We Welcoming This Torturer? Europe is tacitly condoning the Bush regime's appalling practices Victoria Brittain, The Guardian George Bush is this week having an extravagantly orchestrated series of meetings with Europe's leaders, designed to show a united front for the creation of democracy around the world. Tony Blair talks of our "shared values". No one mentions the word that makes this show a mockery: torture. It is now undeniable that the US administration, at the highest levels, is! responsible for the torture that has been routine not only, as seen round the world in iconic photographs, at Abu Ghraib, but at Guantánamo Bay and Bagram... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9952&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9952 30 Die in Series of Attacks Across Iraq TODD PITMAN, Associated Press Writer A suicide bomber wearing a police uniform blew up his car at police headquarters in Tikrit, killing at least 15 people in Saddam Hussein's hometown in the bloodiest of several attacks Thursday that claimed 30 lives. Two American soldiers were among the dead (...) The U.S. command said two American soldiers were killed and two wounded in separate bomb attacks, one northeast of Baghdad in Qaryat, and a second near Samarra, west of Qaryat..! . <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9946&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9946 Ministry says food donation to Iraq was sold as fodder Melody Chen A Jordanian charity failed to deliver Taiwan's donation of 4,000 tonnes of quality rice to Iraqi refugees and sold the food after it was no longer good for human consumption, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) confirmed yesterday. The ministry, in a bid to help the Iraqi people suffering from war, worked with the Hashemite Jordan Charity Organization (HAJCO) to transport 5,000 tonnes of rice to Iraq in 2003. While 1,000 tonnes of the food aid ! were sent to Iraq, 4,000 tonnes of the consignment were stored at Jordan's Aqaba Port for more than a year... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9945&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9945 Halliburton Gets Bonuses for U,S, Army Work Reuters U.S. defense contractor Halliburton, under scrutiny for its contracts in Iraq, has been given bonuses for some of its work supporting the U.S. military in Kuwait and Afghanistan, the Army said on Thursday. But the Army said performance-based bonuses had not been paid yet to Halliburton's Kellogg Brown and Root unit for dining services for U.S. troops in those countries. Military auditors have criticized those services as too costly and have asked the Texas-based! company to justify its charges... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9942&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9942 IRAQ: Baghdad rubbish poses health hazard IRIN Doctors in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, warn that diseases may spread if accumulated rubbish in many areas of the city is not removed urgently. Dr Ibrahim Youssef, from the Ejidida medical centre in Baghdad, told IRIN that they had seen many cases of children with infections caused by bacteria found in unhygienic places. "A solution to this problem should be found quickly. Even our centre has accumulated rubbish, which is only collected once a week," he said... <http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9961&s2=25>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9961 <http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: a site gathering daily information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts of iraqi resistance available in Italian and English. You receive this newsletter because you subscribed it. If you think it has been an abuse, or simply if you don't want to receive it any more, to unsubscribe from our newsletter, please write to <mailto:webmaster at uruknet.info?subject=UNSUBSCRIBE>webmaster at uruknet.info If you cannot read correctly our newsletter, please write to <mailto:webmaster at uruknet.info?subject=ONLYTEXT>webmaster at uruknet.info to get the text-version.
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