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"Rogue states": the stick or the carrot?
- Subject: "Rogue states": the stick or the carrot?
- From: "www.cafebabel.com" <nl1 at cafebabel.com>
- Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:08:13 +0100
<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/dossier.asp?id=148> Dossier <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/dossier.asp?id=148>"Rogue states": the stick or the carrot? What should be done about countries which don't respect human rights, such as Iran, Zimbabwe or China? Between words and armed intervention there is the option of sanctions. But do they work? <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=A&Id=1090> "Sanctions must be targeted and support an array of other measures" In an interview with John Bryan Rose, Head of Unit at the European Parliament's External Policies sub-unit, cafÈ babel goes behind the scenes of European sanctions William Dufourcq - Bruxelles <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=3193> Verdict: guilty "Rogue States" for Americans, "STIPS" for Europeans: two names for countries failing to abide by International Law. And two methods to try and make them take the right path again. Prune Antoine - Paris <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=3194> Iran: European apathy means nuclear activity continues... Since Bush declared Iran as being part of the "axis of evil", dialogue between the "rogue state" and the US hasn't been on the agenda. Meanwhile, Europe is trying to negotiate with the Islamic Republic of Iran. But what will force the ruling mullahs to ch Hamdam Mostafavi - Paris <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=A&Id=1091> Can Sanctions be "Smart"? Lessons from Iraq Since May 2002 targeted, or "smart", sanctions have been put forward as the new solution to the world's problems. But do sanctions really work? Iraq's experience would suggest not Catherine Palpant & ¡ngel Alonso Arroba - Paris and Washington DC <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=3200> Rearming the Dragon The EU wants to lift the arms embargo on China. But its catastrophic human rights record and strategic considerations should make Europeans cautious Tobias Lenz - Santiago de Chile <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=3190> F**k you and your embargo The EU must bring to an end the blockade against Cuba, one of the oldest and most pointless sanctions of its kind Manuel Ansede V·zquez - Madrid <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=3198> Zimbabwe: is the power in the hands of South Africa? Faced with increasing political violence in Zimbabwe, South Africa opts for talks. But the European Union and the United States prefer to impose sanctions Albert Padros - Paris <http://europe.tiscali.co.uk/index.jsp?section=Current%20Affairs&level=preview&content=315045> <http://europe.tiscali.co.uk/index.jsp?section=Current%20Affairs&level=preview&content=315045>Europe's Disputes with the World A special look at Brussels' diplomatic spits and spats by Tiscali Europe And every week, <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/macro.asp?Id=6>Caffeine, Short but sweet, the best of café babel. This week :<http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=A&Id=1089> Future of Iran: Oppression or Democracy And don't miss <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/macro.asp?Id=8> the section which takes you to a journey to the East of Europe! This week : <http://www.cafebabel.com/en/article.asp?T=T&Id=3170>At the heart of 'The Orange Revolution' - Part 3: Facing up to reality If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, click <http://www.cafebabel.com/mailer/easylist.asp>here. Contact <mailto: webmaster at cafebabel.com>Webmaster
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