[uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 21 Jan 2005]

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:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Amy Goodman intervista Seymour Hersh
AMY GOODMAN, Democracy Now! - Comedonchisciotte
Parliamo con il giornalista investigativo Seymour Hersh il quale
recentemente ha rivelato che il Pentagono ha già segretamente introdotto le
proprie forze in Iran per identificare possibili obiettivi militari futuri.
Secondo Hersh, il Presidente Bush ha autorizzato il Pentagono ad inviare
commandi militari segreti in altrettante dieci nazioni nel Medio Oriente ed
in Asia del Sud. Le forze segrete potrebbero potenzialmente essere
impiegate in operazioni di combattimento o persino in atti terroristici...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9028&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9028

Iraq: la devastazione
Dahr Jamail - Osservatorio Iraq
Per gli iracheni, all'epoca e ancora oggi, la nostra occupazione e la
nostra invasione erano un affare di liberazione da: dai diritti dell'uomo
(pensate: le atrocità commesse ad Abu Ghraib hanno tuttora luogo, lì come
altrove), liberazione da una infrastruttura funzionante (pensate: oggi,
l'approvvigionamento elettrico funziona molto male, e questo vale anche per
gli innumerevoli chilometri di condotte del gas o le fogne a cielo aperto),
di liberazione dalla po ssibilità di vivere interamente una città (pensate:
Fallujah, oggi, la cui maggior parte è rasa al suolo dai bombardamenti
aerei e da altri metodi di guerra...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9019&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9019

As Bush starts second term
Pentagon unable to subdue Iraq
John Catalinotto, Workers World newspaper
Gary Luck, a retired four-star general, is leading a Pentagon team to Iraq
to propose new ways for the United States to avoid an impending defeat
there. With less than three weeks to the Jan. 30 colonial election, the
media here have speculated on everything from removing U.S. troops to
setting up death squads of U.S. Special Forces and Iraqi mercenaries. Gen.
Luck's project itself is an a dmission that the original Pentagon plan has
been a disaster...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9034&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9034

Bush's second inauguration
America's day of shame
David Walsh, WSWS
In yesterday's inaugural address, George W. Bush gave notice to the world
that American imperialism intends to press forward with its drive for world
domination. The US president issued a call to arms, a jihad, making clear
that no country or government will be permitted to stand in America's path.
With this speech, Bush and those elements in the ruling elite for whom he
speaks set out to dispel any illusions that either the dis aster in Iraq or
mass international opposition to Washington's militarism will deter his new
administration from pursuing its reactionary goals. True to form, Bush
delivered a series of disconnected assertions, lies and banalities. He made
no coherent argument, but repeated certain key phrases over and over again,
centering on the God-given mandate of the US to intervene anywhere in the
world to advance the cause of "freedom"...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9032&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9032

Water crisis makes life even worse for Baghdad residents
Just when the people of Baghdad thought things couldn't get much worse,
they did. For the past five days, most of the city — particularly the
western districts — has been without water (...) Some Baghdadis believe the
Iraqi government and US military have cut off the water on purpose to
frustrate people and prompt them to vote in the January 30 election...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9038&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9038

Proof of Massive Anglo-American Media Lying Over Iraq
Gideon Polya, Media Monitors Network
Proof has been obtained of massive UK and US mainstream media lying over
Iraq. The startling NEW evidence has not come per se from the research of
brilliant humanist writers such as John Pilger, Noam Chomsky, George
Monbiot, Arundhati Roy and Tariq Ali - although these great writers have
long exposed the dishonesty of mainstream media. This appalling secret has
not been revealed by a latter-day Deep Throat connected with th e top
management of Anglo-American mainstream global mass media. No - the source
of this new evidence of massive media fraud has come from readily
Web-accessible archives...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9040&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9040

Bush vs. Hussein
Harry Browne
My article "Can You Imagine?: Hussein Was Right & Bush Was Wrong" pointed
out that Saddam Hussein's assertions about Iraq's weapons programs turned
out to be correct, while George Bush's assertions have turned out to be all
wrong. That prompted a few emails. Here are some of the dissenters: You
said, "It's a sorry state of affairs in America when you can trust the
words of Saddam Hussein more than those of your own President." Surely you
are not that naive...? Naïve? Just ask yourself: How many lies has Hussein
told in the past four years? I'm not aware of any, but perhaps you could
fill me in. Now think about the many lies that George Bush has been caught

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9036&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9036

Military says explosion that killed eight Ukrainian soldiers in Iraq was a
terrorist act
Ukraine's military experts say that the blast that killed eight Ukrainian
troops in Iraq earlier this month was a terrorist act, an official said
Jan. 21. The investigators tasked with looking into the explosion "have
established that the blast was a deliberate act against coalition forces
that can be considered a new insurgency tactic," Defense Ministry spokesman
Andriy Lysenko said...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9039&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9039

22 Army reservists refuse Iraq duty
Dustin Langley, Workers World newspaper
"I am ashamed to be associated with this mess, and I certainly did not join
the Army to kill women, children and old men. I just don't see how these
innocent people could be a threat to the Constitution of the United States.
An American soldier should not be ashamed of what they do," said Sgt. Kevin
Benderman of the U.S. Army...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9035&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9035

Gold-Plated Activism?
The Problem with Mike Ruppert
KURT NIMMO, CouterPunch
...Of course Bush and Crew will never face indictment or criminal
prosecution, at least not under current conditions. That's not how it
works. Evidence of this abounds: Henry Kissinger, one of the most notorious
war criminals of recent history, walks around a free man, as does Bill
Clinton, responsible for invading the former Yugoslavia, imposing murderous
sanctions on Iraq---killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, mostly kids
---and blowing up a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan (el-Shifa), an
especially vile war crime that resulted in massive suffering a death. Bush
Senior is responsible for deliberately bombing Iraq's water purification
system, an act of premeditated savagery resulting in untold disease and
death, and yet he walks around a free man too...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9030&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9030

U.S. Contractor Slain in Iraq Had Alleged Graft
Ken Silverstein, T. Christian Miller and Patrick J. McDonnell, Times Staff
An American contractor gunned down last month in Iraq had accused Iraqi
Defense Ministry officials of corruption days before his death, according
to documents and U.S. officials. Dale Stoffel, 43, was shot to death Dec. 8
shortly after leaving an Iraqi military base north of Baghdad, an attack
attributed at the time to Iraqi insurgents. Also killed was a business
associate, Joseph Wemp le, 49...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9029&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9029

A Nuremberg Lesson
Torture Scandal Began Far Above 'Rotten Apples.'
Scott Horton, Los Angeles Times
"This so-called ill treatment and torture in detention centers, stories of
which were spread everywhere among the people, and later by the prisoners
who were freed … were not, as some assumed, inflicted methodically, but
were excesses committed by individual prison guards, their deputies, and
men who laid violent hands on the detainees." Most people who hear this
quote today assume it was uttered by a senior o fficer of the Bush
administration. Instead, it comes from one of history's greatest mass
murderers, Rudolf Hoess, the SS commandant at Auschwitz...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9037&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9037

Denmark charges soldiers with Iraqi prisoner abuse
A Danish intelligence officer and four military policemen have been charged
with abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Danish headquarters in southern Iraq, the
Danish army says. Reserve Captain Annemette Hommel and the four other
soldiers could face up to one year in prison if found guilty of breaking
military law during interrogations last year, the army said in a statement
on Friday...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9026&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9026

Vote or Die
Justin Raimondo , Antiwar.blog
Falah Hassan al-Naqib, Iraq's Interior Minister, told the Associated Press
on Tuesday that anyone who fails to vote in the upcoming elections is
guilty of a criminal act: "'If any group does not participate in the
elections, it will constitute treason,' al-Naqib said, adding that
'boycotting the elections will not produce a National Assembly that
represents the Iraqi peoplè but instead will bring on 'a civil war that
will divide the country.'" ...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9025&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9025

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 20 January 2004
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The
Free Arab Voice.
The correspondents of Mafkarat al-Islam working in 13 Iraqi provinces
celebrated the first day of the Islamic festival Eid al-Adha together with
the Iraqi people and Resistance fighters. The correspondent in al-Anbar
Province, where al-Fallujah, ar-Ramadi, al-Qa'im and other "hot spots" are
located, wrote that Resistance fighters marked the festival by raisin g the
Iraqi flag that bears the motto "God is Greatest!" on houses, buildings,
and government offices throughout the southern part of al-Fallujah that is
still in the hands of the Resistance and never fell to the Americans since
they began their siege of the city on 8 November 2004. The Iraqi flag waved
proudly over ar-Ramadi, Hit, Hadithah, Rawah, and al-Qa'im too...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9024&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9024

Deadly car bomb hits Baghdad mosque
A car bomb has exploded outside a Shia mosque in Baghdad, killing 15 people
and wounding 39, hospital officials said. The car exploded on Friday
outside the al-Taf mosque in southwestern Baghdad, where Shia worshippers
were celebrating one of Islam's most important holidays, the Eid al-Adha,
or Feast of Sacrifice...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9023&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9023

The Salvador option
Scott Ritter , Aljazeera.net
...The Salvador Option would not be the first embrace of assassination as a
tool of occupation undertaken by the United States in Iraq. In the months
following Paul Bremer's taking over of the Coalition Provisional Authority
(CPA) in June 2003, the streets of Baghdad crawled with scores of
assassination squads. Among the more effective and brutal of these units
were those drawn from the Badr Brigade, the armed militia of the Shia
political party known as the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in
Iraq, or SCIRI (...) Tipped off by the CPA's covert operatives, the Badr
assassination squads killed dozens of Baathists in and around Baghdad...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9022&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9022

American Terror
Chris Floyd
More than two years ago, we wrote here of a secret Pentagon plan to foment
terrorism by sending covert agents to infiltrate terrorist groups and goad
them into action -- in other words, committing acts of murder and
destruction. The purpose was two-fold: first, to bring the terrorist groups
into the open, where they could be counterattacked; and second, to justify
U.S. military attacks on the countries where the terrorists were operating
-- attacks which, in the Pentagon's words, would put those nations'
"sovereignty at risk"...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9021&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9021

The Face of War
Dahr Jamail
These photos were taken by US military personnel in Fallujah on November
19, 2004. They were taken in order to identify the dead, as well as used to
track where the bodies were later buried in Fallujah. Of hundreds of photos
taken for identification of the dead, I selected these in order to show the
face of war...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9020&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9020

<http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: a site gathering daily
information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts
of iraqi resistance available in Italian and English.

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