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[uruknet.info - daily information from occupied iraq] newsletter 29 Aug 2004.
- Subject: [uruknet.info - daily information from occupied iraq] newsletter 29 Aug 2004.
- From: "uruknet.info"<webmaster at uruknet.info>
- Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 08:30:01 +0200
uruknet.info «Ë-Ë“Ê Æ‰Ê·Ë :: information from occupied iraq :: informazione dall'iraq occupato IRAQ: Gripped by an uprising the US can't defeat Rohan Pearce, Green Left Weekly This situation in Najaf has made it clear that “post-handover” Iraq is still a US-occupied country (...) The US response — using AC-130 gunships, Apache attack helicopters and 500-pound-bomb-bearing fighter jets — has done irreparable damage to the image of its puppet government, the Interim Government of Iraq (IGI). This is particularly true of its assault on the resistance forces in the Imam Ali shrine in Najaf. <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5162&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo La Farnesina ammette: abbiamo saputo subito dell’attacco a Baldoni Leonardo Sacchetti, L'Unità Nessuna smentita, ma solo una precisazione. La Farnesina e il governo italiano, per bocca dell’ambasciatore a Baghdad, Gian Ludovico! de Martino di Montegiordano, hanno nei fatti confermato la ricostruzione fatta da l’Unità: la nostra rappresentanza in Iraq sapeva, fin dal pomeriggio di venerdì 20 agosto, che l’auto con il freelance italiano Enzo Baldoni e il suo interprete Ghareeb era stata colpita sulla strada tra Najaf e la capitale... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5165&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Latest Israeli Spy Story Makes No Sense xymphora This latest Israeli spy story makes no sense, and may be part of a set up to protect the real traitors. As the story is being reported, the alleged spy for Israel passed on infor! mation concerning American policy towards Iran to AIPAC, which in turn passed it on to the Israeli government. This makes so little sense it is almost funny. Why would anyone even consider this convoluted, and dangerous, route? We have to assume that there is direct constant communication between Feith's office and Sharon's office. The fax machines and e-mails must just hum. I'm sure Sharon gets the latest on all relevant Pentagon matters before anyone else does... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5160&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo ISRAEL IS THE REAL WINNER OF AMERICA'S WAR ON IRAQ Dr. Mohamed Elmasry It is sad but true: war with its destruction, death, human misery and traumatic aftereffects, benefits many people -- politically, economically, or both. If! we rank those countries which have benefited most, and are still benefiting, from the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, Israel heads the list. While it is certainly not alone in profiting from this conflict, it has reaped by far the greatest advantages of any other nation, both politically and economically. Here are the top ten. 1. By successfully turning the U.S. into an occupation force in the Arab world, Israel has effectively disqualified Washington from exerting any meaningful political persuasion on its own policies of occupation in Gaza and the West Bank. How can the U.S. urge Israel to free Palestinians from a brutal occupation, when the American presence in Iraq has become synonymous not with liberation, but with oppression? ... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5164&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Command Responsibility: Playing Politics With Torture Marjorie Cohn, T r u t h o u t As George W. Bush prepares to take center stage at Madison Square Garden, two reports released in tandem purport to represent thorough investi! gations of the 'abuses' at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The near-simultaneous publication of the Schlesinger Report and the Fay Report is not coincidental... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5158&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Muslims Furious Over French Journalists Abduction Hadi Yahmid, IOL Correspondent Muslims from Baghdad to Paris expressed their fury at the outrageous abduction of two French journalists working in Iraq by a group said to be "Is! lamic militants" asking France to remove a ban on Hijab. The Muslim community in France, for its part, vigorously condemned Sunday, August 29, the kidnapping of the two French journalists, saying it was “shattered” by the extremists’ “unworthy and odious blackmail”... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5157&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Fomenting a War on Iran Juan Cole, ICH Here is my take on the Lawrence Franklin espionage scandal in the Pentagon. It is an echo of the one-two punch secretly planned by the pro-Likud faction in the Department of Defense. First! , Iraq would be taken out by the United States, and then Iran. David Wurmser, a key member of the group, also wanted Syria included (...) Franklin's movements reveal the contours of a rightwing conspiracy of warmongering and aggression, an orgy of destruction, for the benefit of the Likud Party, of Silvio Berlusconi's business in the Middle East, and of the Neoconservative Right in the United States. It isn't about spying. It is about conspiring to conscript the US government on behalf of a foreign power or powers... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5156&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Rebels attack oil pipelines in southern Iraq. Nation's exports fall as infrastructure collapses AP Rebels blew up a pipeline inside an oilfield in southern Iraq in the latest in a series of attacks on the country's oil infrastr! ucture that has cut exports from the key southern oil fields in half, officials said Saturday. Saboteurs hit a pipeline late Friday that runs within the West Qurna oilfields, 90 miles north of the southern city of Basra, sending plumes of fire and smoke leaping into the air, said a South Oil Co. official in West Qurna, who asked not to be named... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5155&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Aljazeera clarifies Baldoni video contents Aljazeera.net Aljazeera has denied allegations by the Italian press about the contents of a video tape it received concerning the execution of Italian journalist Enzo Baldoni. Several ! Italian newspapers speculated on Sunday that the tape, which recently came into Aljazeera's possession, contained images of struggle and violence. But in a statement on Sunday, Aljazeera called the newspaper allegations "an absolute fabrication". The channel said the tape - which consisted of only 15 seconds of footage - comprises one image focusing on Baldoni's head, neck and part of his shoulder protruding from a sandy ditch... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5151&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Magazine: U.S. Soldier Says Torture Encouraged Reuters A U.S. soldier expected to plead guilty to charges of abusing Iraqi prisoners told a German magazine he deeply regretted his actions but said the abuses were encouraged by ! military intelligence services. Staff Sgt. Ivan Frederick told the weekly Der Spiegel conditions in Baghdad's Abu Ghraib jail were a "nightmare" with no clear line of command and conflicting demands placed on junior soldiers with insufficient training... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5150&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo NYC marchers condemn Bush Aljazeera.net Demonstrators carrying colourful banners and signs have marched in New York to protest President George Bush's policies over the Iraq war, one day ahead of the Republican national convent! ion. The marchers, estimated to reach more than 250,000, were to pass the Madison Square Garden convention site on Eighth Avenue as Republicans and visitors converge on New York for the gathering that will end with Bush's renomination for president... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5152&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo US Fears as Deal Keeps Sadr's Men Armed Hala Jaber FIGHTERS loyal to firebrand Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr have been allowed to keep weapons such as AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenade launchers as part of secret provisions ! in a deal that ended the 22-day siege of the holy city of Najaf.. <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5149&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Rebel Cleric May Have Emerged the Winner Alissa J. Rubin, Times Staff Writer ...But at the same time that Sistani burnished his image as the preeminent Shiite Muslim leader in a nation with a Shiite majority, it was anti-U.S. S! hiite cleric Muqtada Sadr who may have walked away with the best deal: A man accused of being an accessory to murder, Sadr left the mosque with amnesty for any crimes he might have committed, an invitation to join in national politics, and freedom for his militiamen, many of whom remained heavily armed. Left in a weaker position were interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and the U.S.-led military forces that back him... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5147&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Iran-Contra II? Fresh scrutiny on a rogue Pentagon operation. Joshua Micah Marshall, Laura Rozen, and Paul Glastris ...Republicans on the committee, many of whom sympathize with the "regime change" agenda at DoD, have been resi! stant to such investigations, calling them an election-year fishing expedition. Democrats, by contrast, see such investigations as vital to understanding the central role Feith's office may have played in a range of a dubious intelligence enterprises, from pushing claims about a supposed Saddam-al Qaeda partnership and overblown estimates of alleged Iraqi stocks of WMD to what the committee's ranking minority member Sen. Jay Rockerfeller (D-WV) calls "the Chalabi factor" (Rhode and others in Feith's office have been major sponsors of the Iraqi exile leader, who is now under investigation for passing U.S. intelligence to Iran). With the FBI adding potential espionage charges to the mix the long-simmering questions about the activities of Feith's operation now seem certain to come under renewed scrutiny... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5146&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo FBI espionage probe goes beyond Israeli allegations, sources say Warren P. Strobel, Knight Ridder Newspapers An FBI probe into the handling of highly classified material by Pentagon civilians is broader than previously reported! , and goes well beyond allegations that a single mid-level analyst gave a top-secret Iran policy document to Israel, three sources familiar with the investigation said Saturday (...)In addition, one said, FBI investigators in recent weeks have conducted interviews to determine whether Pentagon officials gave highly classified U.S. intelligence to a leading Iraqi exile group, the Iraqi National Congress, which may in turn have passed it on to Iran. INC leader Ahmed Chalabi has denied his group was involved in any wrongdoing... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5145&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo At Last At Last The US Is Not Free Ibrahim Ebeid, Al-Moharer ...As far as for the Arab and Muslim governments, the Arab and Muslim peoples lost hope with these regimes. They are also dominated and controlled by the axis of evil! , Zionism and US Imperialism. But the people of these countries are waking up and fighting for their salvation. We know that Bush and Ariel Sharon are leading a vicious fight against Palestine and Iraq with the blessing of the Arab and Muslim regimes. Most of those miserable regimes are supportive or silent about the massacres committed in Iraq and Palestine. The massacres in Najaf, Kufa, Fallujah, Sammara, Baghdad, Jerusalem, Nablus, Gaza, Khan Yunis, Jenin, and Rafah and in other locations in Palestine and Iraq by Washington and Tel Aviv are creating mass graves in the name of “Democracy and Freedom” (...) The processions of the Martyrs in Palestine and Iraq will continue and will defeat the most sophisticated machine of death. They will destroy the mal intentions of Zionism and US Imperialism in Iraq and Palestine. Iraq and Palestine will be free. US Imperialism and Zionism will be defeated... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5144&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Spia israeliana al Pentagono: pianificò la guerra in Iraq Cristiano Del Riccio Una spia d'Israele, infiltrata nella «stanza dei bottoni» del Pentagono, ha partecipato alla preparazione del piano di guerra per l'Iraq. La stessa ! spia, un collaboratore del numero tre del Pentagono Douglas Feith, ha passato al governo israeliano documenti segreti sulla politica statunitense verso l'Iran. La «talpa» del governo di Tel Aviv, che non è stata ancora arrestata o identificata pubblicamente, era da qualche tempo nel mirino dei sospetti: agenti dell'Fbi hanno ascoltato le sue telefonate, l'hanno pedinata, hanno frugato nel suo computer... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5142&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo US gave Iraq information to Israel, say reports Pakistan Dawn The FBI is investigating senior members of what was formerly known as the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans on suspicion that one of them passed highly classified U! S military information to Israel. The United Press International, which broke the story earlier this week, said at least two senior Pentagon officials, former chief of OSP Bill Luti and Harold Rhode of the Near East and South Asia Bureau have been interviewed by the FBI (...)New York's Newsday newspaper said an aide to Defence Undersecretary Douglas Feith was a possible suspect but did not name him. The aide, the newspaper said, was an advocate for the Iraq war and had close ties to Iraqi exile Ahmed Chalabi... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5140&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo Uneasy peace in rubble of Najaf Jason Burke, The Observer ...Whole areas of the city are now in ruins; scores of civilians are dead and tens of thousands of people have left - or lost - their homes. The hotels and restaurants ! that serve the pilgrim trade to the ancient town are smashed hulks, the roads are littered with ordnance, much of the world-famous cemetery has been shot to pieces... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5139&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo La Mezza Luna Rossa accusa: "Enzo Baldoni è stato abbandonato, nessun contatto mai avviato" Marco Mostallino Il sequestro di Enzo Baldoni e l'uccisione del suo interprete hanno avuto dei testimoni: l'autista iracheno del primo ! mezzo del convoglio di aiuti ha visto nello specchietto l'attacco all'auto del giornalista italiano. Subito dopo, il corpo del palestinese Gahreeb, traduttore del reporter inviato di Diario, è stato raccolto da alcuni civili che si trovavano lungo la strada e portato alla polizia irachena. E' quanto risulta ai vertici della Mezza Luna Rossa irachena, interpellati oggi a Baghdad da Reporter Associati... <http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5138&s2=29>Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo <http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: a site gathering daily information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts of iraqi resistance available in Italian and English. You receive this newsletter because you subscribed it. If you think it has been an abuse, or simply if you don't want to receive it any more, to unsubscribe from our newsletter, please write to <mailto:webmaster at uruknet.info?subject=UNSUBSCRIBE>webmaster at uruknet.info If you cannot read correctly our newsletter, please write to <mailto:webmaster at uruknet.info?subject=ONLYTEXT>webmaster at uruknet.info to get the text-version. 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