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uruknet.info: ogni giorno, dall'iraq occupato
- Subject: uruknet.info: ogni giorno, dall'iraq occupato
- From: "redazione at uruknet.info" <redazione at uruknet.info>
- Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 22:53:42 +0200
*Memo Offered Justification for Use of Torture* /Dana Priest and R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post Staff Writers/ In August 2002, the Justice Department advised the White House that torturing al Qaeda terrorists in captivity abroad "may be justified," and that international laws against torture "may be unconstitutional if applied to interrogations" conducted in President Bush's war on terrorism, according to a newly obtained memo... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3417> [3417] [ 08-jun-2004 16:40 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Liberati gli ostaggi italiani* /Repubblica/ <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3416> Sono stati liberati tutti gli ostaggi italiani in Iraq. Umberto Cupertino, Salvatore Stefio e Maurizio Agliana, nelle mani dei rapitori dal 13 aprile scorso, sono liberi e in buone condizioni di salute. Il sottosegretario alla presidenza del consiglio Gianni Letta e il ministro degli Esteri Franco Frattini, a nome del governo, hanno confermato che gli ostaggi italiani sono stati liberati nei pressi di Bagdad dalle forze della coalizione... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3416> [3416] [ 08-jun-2004 15:36 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Granate e autobombe: in Iraq altri ventuno morti, sette sono soldati* /L'Unità/ Sono sei i soldati della coalizione rimasti uccisi oggi nei pressi della città irachena di Suwarija in un'operazione di sminamento: tre slovacchi, due polacchi ed un lettone... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3415> [3415] [ 08-jun-2004 15:31 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *US submits UN resolution for Tuesday vote* /Aljazeera.net/ The US has formally submitted its draft resolution for a Security Council vote on Tuesday, after refusing a French demand for Iraqi veto power over major US-led military operations... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3414> [3414] [ 08-jun-2004 13:37 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Correttori di bozze* /Giuliana Sgrena, il manifesto/ Gli Stati uniti presentano all'Onu una nuova bozza di risoluzione sull'Iraq. E' la quarta. Non c'è il diritto di veto alle azioni militari da parte del nuovo governo: si parla di «stretto coordinamento» con l'esercito di occupazione angloamericano. Bush vuole che sia approvata oggi. Russia, Germania, Francia e Cina lavorano alle correzioni, poi si dispongono alla firma... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3411> [3411] [ 08-jun-2004 12:47 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Iraq car bombs kill 15* /The Guardian/ Car bombs shook the northern Iraqi cities of Baquba and Mosul today, killing at least 14 Iraqis and one US soldier. At least 126 people were wounded in the two bombings, including 10 US soldiers. The first blast occurred outside a US outpost at the former al-Faris air force base in Baquba, 30 miles north of Baghdad. Hundreds of Iraqis who work at the base were standing in line awaiting security checks at the time... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3413> [3413] [ 08-jun-2004 13:25 ECT ] <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3413> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Il manuale segreto per torturare in libertà* /il manifesto/ Wall Street Journal: i legali del Pentagono scoprirono come il presidente poteva aggirare le leggi internazionali. Tortura: un parere legale al Dipartimento alla difesa, datato marzo 2003, elenca le tecniche di interrogatorio «più energiche» da usare a Guantanamo: sono quelle poi usate in Iraq. Lo studio offre le giustificazioni legali: nella guerra al terrorismo il presidente non è tenuto a rispettare le leggi che vietano la tortura, americane o internazionali. E nessuno, che agisca sotto sua istruzione, potrà essere processato per questo... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3410> [3410] [ 08-jun-2004 12:44 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Arab Press Note: June 7, 2004* /Iraq Occupation and Resistance Report/ ..."And after a great effort he nominated 18 ministers with foreign passports and who, up to now, have kept their families living abroad as citizens of other countries" she said, adding that such government have no relations with the population and can only be viewed as an offshoot of occupation. The same paper said that, by nominating Ayad Allawi, the British citizen and CIA operative, as Prime minister, the CIA has become the real ruler of Iraq... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3412> [3412] [ 08-jun-2004 13:05 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *"Caro Silvio, avrei bisogno di Napoli, Taranto, Milano, e anche..."* /Alessandro Marescotti/ <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3409> ...Quando Bush è andato dal Papa ha lasciato fuori dalla sala la valigetta nera con i codici di lancio dei missili nucleari. Ma vi sono anche altri dettagli che Bush a Roma non ha rivelato ai giornalisti. Le forze Usa stanno traslocando dal Nord Europa e il baricentro del potere navale della Us Navy sarà spostato in Italia. Il Quartier generale di Londra migrerà a Napoli. Il Comando della Sesta Flotta sorgerà a Taranto. La nuova "autostrada" militare Usa che passa per Milano-Solbiate Olona, Livorno-Camp Darby, Catania-Sigonella. E prevede l'ampliamento della micidiale base nucleare della Maddalena... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3409> [3409] [ 08-jun-2004 11:06 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *L'OCCUPAZIONE DELL'IRAQ? AFFARI DI FAMIGLIA* /Marco Santopadre/ George W. Bush va ripetendo da tempo che "uno dei nostri obiettivi fondamentali è il trasferimento della sovranità a un governo iracheno nel tempo più breve possibile". Ma chi comanda oggi in Iraq e chi lo farà dopo la fatidica data del 30 giugno? Lo abbiamo chiesto allo scrittore ed esperto di questioni internazionali Thierry Meissan, presente alla "Conferenza di solidarietà con la resistenza irachena" che si è tenuta a Parigi lo scorso 15 maggio... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3408> [3408] [ 08-jun-2004 03:03 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *New leaders in Iraq have deep ties to U.S.* /Farah Stockmanand Thanassis Cambanis/ Iraq's newly appointed minister of communications, a former mobile network designer, owns a home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he is still a registered voter. The minister of electricity, an avid Bulls basketball fan, has also kept his home, which is on the outskirts of Chicago... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3407> [3407] [ 08-jun-2004 02:39 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Iraq again in the heart of the World* /Behnam Keryo/ <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3406> ...Iraqis today, know they are about to overcome the US monster, they are writing with their precious blood a noble and magnificent page in the history of humanity just as they did thousands of years ago when they delivered to humanity the first mathematic, astronomy, and literature clay tablets.. The battle is fierce, the monster is bleeding. Iraqis, be aware of its last kick..but at the end of the day only the truth of your shining struggle will prevail... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3406> [3406] [ 08-jun-2004 02:32 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Deal to disband Iraq militias announced* /CNN/ Iraqi interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi announced a deal Monday to disband nine militias. The deal calls for most militiamen to join Iraqi security forces or return to civilian life by the beginning of next year. The agreement excludes the Mehdi Army of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, which launched an uprising against coalition forces two months ago... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3405> [3405] [ 08-jun-2004 02:20 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Abuse Scandal Stirs Debate Over ICRC Policy* /Angy Ghannam, IOL Staff/ The inquiries into the abuses of Iraqi prisoners in the U.S.-run Abu Gharib prison have so far left crucial questions concerning the confidentiality policy of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) unanswered as the humanitarian organization was buffeted by demands to drop its silence over what it hears or sees about prisoners as a price for gaining access to jails in trouble spots around the world (...) Sources in the community of non-government groups that work with the Red Cross said they believed Christophe Girod was unhappy with his own organization and with the U.S. Government and that he felt they (the Red Cross) should have gone public with their report... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3404> [3404] [ 08-jun-2004 01:49 ECT ] <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3404> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Pentagon Report Set Framework For Use of Torture* /Jess Bravin/ Bush administration lawyers contended last year that the president wasn't bound by laws prohibiting torture and that government agents who might torture prisoners at his direction couldn't be prosecuted by the Justice Department. The advice was part of a classified report on interrogation methods prepared for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld after commanders at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, complained in late 2002 that with conventional methods they weren't getting enough information from prisoners... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3402> [3402] [ 08-jun-2004 01:34 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *US won't set date for army to quit Iraq* /Aljazeera.net/ US President George Bush's chief military adviser General Richard Myers has said he is unable to provide a date for the withdrawal of occupation forces from Iraq... continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3401> [3401] [ 08-jun-2004 01:29 ECT ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *www.uruknet.info <http://www.uruknet.info>: daily information on occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts, in Italian and English. * /Any link will be greatly appreciated: you can get our banner or link coordinates from our homepage. Please let us know about new links, so that we can recall them in our link-page. / uruknet.info *www.uruknet.info <http://www.uruknet.info>: **informazione quotidiana sull'iraq occupato: notizie, analisi, documenti e testi, in italiano e in inglese. * /Un grazie fin d'ora per ogni link al ns. sito: potrete scaricare il banner e trovare le coordinate sulla testata della ns. homepage. Informateci di ogni nuovo link, in modo da poter contraccambiare e segnalarlo. grazie!/ Memo Offered Justification for Use of Torture Dana Priest and R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post Staff Writers In August 2002, the Justice Department advised the White House that torturing al Qaeda terrorists in captivity abroad "may be justified," and that international laws against torture "may be unconstitutional if applied to interrogations" conducted in President Bush's war on terrorism, according to a newly obtained memo... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3417>continua / continued [3417] [ 08-jun-2004 16:40 ECT ] Liberati gli ostaggi italiani Repubblica <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3416> Sono stati liberati tutti gli ostaggi italiani in Iraq. Umberto Cupertino, Salvatore Stefio e Maurizio Agliana, nelle mani dei rapitori dal 13 aprile scorso, sono liberi e in buone condizioni di salute. Il sottosegretario alla presidenza del consiglio Gianni Letta e il ministro degli Esteri Franco Frattini, a nome del governo, hanno confermato che gli ostaggi italiani sono stati liberati nei pressi di Bagdad dalle forze della coalizione... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3416>continua / continued [3416] [ 08-jun-2004 15:36 ECT ] Granate e autobombe: in Iraq altri ventuno morti, sette sono soldati L'Unità Sono sei i soldati della coalizione rimasti uccisi oggi nei pressi della città irachena di Suwarija in un'operazione di sminamento: tre slovacchi, due polacchi ed un lettone... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3415>continua / continued [3415] [ 08-jun-2004 15:31 ECT ] US submits UN resolution for Tuesday vote Aljazeera.net The US has formally submitted its draft resolution for a Security Council vote on Tuesday, after refusing a French demand for Iraqi veto power over major US-led military operations... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3414>continua / continued [3414] [ 08-jun-2004 13:37 ECT ] Correttori di bozze Giuliana Sgrena, il manifesto Gli Stati uniti presentano all'Onu una nuova bozza di risoluzione sull'Iraq. E' la quarta. Non c'è il diritto di veto alle azioni militari da parte del nuovo governo: si parla di «stretto coordinamento» con l'esercito di occupazione angloamericano. Bush vuole che sia approvata oggi. Russia, Germania, Francia e Cina lavorano alle correzioni, poi si dispongono alla firma... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3411>continua / continued [3411] [ 08-jun-2004 12:47 ECT ] Iraq car bombs kill 15 The Guardian Car bombs shook the northern Iraqi cities of Baquba and Mosul today, killing at least 14 Iraqis and one US soldier. At least 126 people were wounded in the two bombings, including 10 US soldiers. The first blast occurred outside a US outpost at the former al-Faris air force base in Baquba, 30 miles north of Baghdad. Hundreds of Iraqis who work at the base were standing in line awaiting security checks at the time... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3413>continua / continued [3413] [ 08-jun-2004 13:25 ECT ] <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3413> Il manuale segreto per torturare in libertà il manifesto Wall Street Journal: i legali del Pentagono scoprirono come il presidente poteva aggirare le leggi internazionali. Tortura: un parere legale al Dipartimento alla difesa, datato marzo 2003, elenca le tecniche di interrogatorio «più energiche» da usare a Guantanamo: sono quelle poi usate in Iraq. Lo studio offre le giustificazioni legali: nella guerra al terrorismo il presidente non è tenuto a rispettare le leggi che vietano la tortura, americane o internazionali. E nessuno, che agisca sotto sua istruzione, potrà essere processato per questo... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3410>continua / continued [3410] [ 08-jun-2004 12:44 ECT ] Arab Press Note: June 7, 2004 Iraq Occupation and Resistance Report ..."And after a great effort he nominated 18 ministers with foreign passports and who, up to now, have kept their families living abroad as citizens of other countries" she said, adding that such government have no relations with the population and can only be viewed as an offshoot of occupation. The same paper said that, by nominating Ayad Allawi, the British citizen and CIA operative, as Prime minister, the CIA has become the real ruler of Iraq... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3412>continua / continued [3412] [ 08-jun-2004 13:05 ECT ] "Caro Silvio, avrei bisogno di Napoli, Taranto, Milano, e anche..." Alessandro Marescotti <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3409> ...Quando Bush è andato dal Papa ha lasciato fuori dalla sala la valigetta nera con i codici di lancio dei missili nucleari. Ma vi sono anche altri dettagli che Bush a Roma non ha rivelato ai giornalisti. Le forze Usa stanno traslocando dal Nord Europa e il baricentro del potere navale della Us Navy sarà spostato in Italia. Il Quartier generale di Londra migrerà a Napoli. Il Comando della Sesta Flotta sorgerà a Taranto. La nuova "autostrada" militare Usa che passa per Milano-Solbiate Olona, Livorno-Camp Darby, Catania-Sigonella. E prevede l'ampliamento della micidiale base nucleare della Maddalena... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3409>continua / continued [3409] [ 08-jun-2004 11:06 ECT ] L'OCCUPAZIONE DELL'IRAQ? AFFARI DI FAMIGLIA Marco Santopadre George W. Bush va ripetendo da tempo che "uno dei nostri obiettivi fondamentali è il trasferimento della sovranità a un governo iracheno nel tempo più breve possibile". Ma chi comanda oggi in Iraq e chi lo farà dopo la fatidica data del 30 giugno? Lo abbiamo chiesto allo scrittore ed esperto di questioni internazionali Thierry Meissan, presente alla "Conferenza di solidarietà con la resistenza irachena" che si è tenuta a Parigi lo scorso 15 maggio... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3408>continua / continued [3408] [ 08-jun-2004 03:03 ECT ] New leaders in Iraq have deep ties to U.S. Farah Stockmanand Thanassis Cambanis Iraq's newly appointed minister of communications, a former mobile network designer, owns a home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he is still a registered voter. The minister of electricity, an avid Bulls basketball fan, has also kept his home, which is on the outskirts of Chicago... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3407>continua / continued [3407] [ 08-jun-2004 02:39 ECT ] Iraq again in the heart of the World Behnam Keryo <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3406> ...Iraqis today, know they are about to overcome the US monster, they are writing with their precious blood a noble and magnificent page in the history of humanity just as they did thousands of years ago when they delivered to humanity the first mathematic, astronomy, and literature clay tablets.. The battle is fierce, the monster is bleeding. Iraqis, be aware of its last kick..but at the end of the day only the truth of your shining struggle will prevail... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3406>continua / continued [3406] [ 08-jun-2004 02:32 ECT ] Deal to disband Iraq militias announced CNN Iraqi interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi announced a deal Monday to disband nine militias. The deal calls for most militiamen to join Iraqi security forces or return to civilian life by the beginning of next year. The agreement excludes the Mehdi Army of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, which launched an uprising against coalition forces two months ago... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3405>continua / continued [3405] [ 08-jun-2004 02:20 ECT ] Abuse Scandal Stirs Debate Over ICRC Policy Angy Ghannam, IOL Staff The inquiries into the abuses of Iraqi prisoners in the U.S.-run Abu Gharib prison have so far left crucial questions concerning the confidentiality policy of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) unanswered as the humanitarian organization was buffeted by demands to drop its silence over what it hears or sees about prisoners as a price for gaining access to jails in trouble spots around the world (...) Sources in the community of non-government groups that work with the Red Cross said they believed Christophe Girod was unhappy with his own organization and with the U.S. Government and that he felt they (the Red Cross) should have gone public with their report... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3404>continua / continued [3404] [ 08-jun-2004 01:49 ECT ] <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3404> Pentagon Report Set Framework For Use of Torture Jess Bravin Bush administration lawyers contended last year that the president wasn't bound by laws prohibiting torture and that government agents who might torture prisoners at his direction couldn't be prosecuted by the Justice Department. The advice was part of a classified report on interrogation methods prepared for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld after commanders at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, complained in late 2002 that with conventional methods they weren't getting enough information from prisoners... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3402>continua / continued [3402] [ 08-jun-2004 01:34 ECT ] US won't set date for army to quit Iraq Aljazeera.net US President George Bush's chief military adviser General Richard Myers has said he is unable to provide a date for the withdrawal of occupation forces from Iraq... <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3401>continua / continued [3401] [ 08-jun-2004 01:29 ECT ] <http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: daily information on occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts, in Italian and English. Any link will be greatly appreciated: you can get our banner or link coordinates from our homepage. Please let us know about new links, so that we can recall them in our link-page. uruknet.info <http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: informazione quotidiana sull'iraq occupato: notizie, analisi, documenti e testi, in italiano e in inglese. Un grazie fin d'ora per ogni link al ns. sito: potrete scaricare il banner e trovare le coordinate sulla testata della ns. homepage. Informateci di ogni nuovo link, in modo da poter contraccambiare e segnalarlo. grazie!
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