r Emergency Kit to Stop the War

600 in Amherst, 300 in Greenfield, how many elsewhere?

I m forwarding this Emergency Kit from Uniting for Peace. Since the US will
bypass the UNSC, and the UNSC cannot do anything given the US/UK veto
powers, the General Assembly is a last option.  A kit follows.  They
included Glen Rangwala s work as a resource.  Let s roll it s not over yet!

Peace, Charlie

Charles Jenks	President, Traprock Peace Center - http://traprockpeace.org
charles at mtdata.com

One last way to stop the war! Date:   3/16/2003 3:41: From:
realdon at qwickconnect.net   

Last Blast against the Blitz:an Emergency Kit to Stop the War

Take a few precious minutes for something that should work - Uniting for Peace!

That s the way the U.N. keeps the peace when a permanent member of the
Security Council is an aggressor. Uniting for Peace (UN Resolution 377)
empowers the General Assembly to call up peacekeeping troops, when the
Security Council is blocked - as it has been for months. Because keeping
the peace is the U.N.'s basic mission, the General Assembly can call on
members within 24 hours to take effective collective measures for the
prevention& of acts of aggression.

It s a last chance to save the children of Baghdad from the Mega-Terror of
"Shock, Awe" and hundreds of thousands of horrible deaths.

What to do: Fax or E-mail to the General Assembly, asking for a vote on an
emergency peacekeeping action per Res. 377.

How to do it: with this Uniting for Peace blaster kit
<http://www.waronfreedom.org/uniting4peacekit.html>  ).

1. Write your message, whatever comes to you, or use some soundbites
<mhtml:mid://00000016/#bits> , too. It can be brief.

2. E-mail your inspired memo to all member nations of the UN. You have a
choice to do it in one or more of these ways:

A. One-click To: g-macagainstwar at mcmaster.ca
<mailto:g-macagainstwar at mcmaster.ca, info at unitingforpeace.com> . McMaster
University will send your message to 400 official UN, US and Canadian
addresses. Cc: us on info at unitingforpeace.com to collect original ideas in
the letters, and to track how we re doing.

B. Or, paste the addresses from the bottom of this page into your e-mail

C. Otherwise, send your message To: info at unitingforpeace.com and we ll
redirect it for you.

D. Sign the Online petition, http://uniting.free.fr/petition.htm .
Drawback: no Comment field for your message.

E. Lobby <file:///C:/My Documents/BuK/SiTE/911/activists/more-actions.html>
the UK and Turkish parliaments and some other recent E-actions.

F. Appeals for Uniting for Peace in French and Spanish <file:///C:/My
Documents/BuK/SiTE/911/activists/franspan.html> , with e-mail addresses of
Francophone and Hispanic countries - good for getting the message to the

G. Check back - we hope to do another online petition, with room for your

3. Fax blast - The Big One!

This is really worthwhile. Faxes make a much more powerful impression than
e-mail. Your fax can easily end up on the ambassador's desk.

See details at www.waronfreedom.org/activists/un4pfax.html
<http://www.waronfreedom.org/activists/un4pfax.html>  and - Blast away!
Click on send, and 180 faxes go off at once.

4. Spread the word widely, too... post to networks, websites, listservs,
discussion boards...

Soundbite Smorgasbord.

A. Appeals on humanitarian grounds - save the children.

B. The UN's charter and purpose: founded to preserve peace.

C. Important point: This petition is NOT against America, but to save US.
Bush was not even elected, and is setting up a militarist tyranny. Public
opinion is mercilessly manipulated by a right wing media cartel.

D. This petition is NOT for Saddam Hussein, it's against destroying a city
in order to save it. (How many American military interventions overthrew
democracies to set up dictatorships!)

E. Jimmy Carter declares the "unilateral attack on Iraq" an unjust war
"almost unprecedented in the history of civilized nations." (NY Times,
March 9.) Worse than Hiroshima, like Guernica magnified 100 times.

F. The attack on Iraq has nothing to do with WMD (the Pentagon knows Iraq s
weapons were destroyed in 1991 - see the Kamel Hussein
<http://csf.colorado.edu/mail/wsn/2003/msg00333.html>  story.)  The war has
everything to do with oil - and obeisance to the apartheid state of Israel;
it has been planned by the "neo-con" lobby
<http://www.waronfreedom.org/unite4peace.html#_ftn1>  at least since the
1970 oil crisis.

G. the Bush dynasty's close links to Nazism

H. There is NO LINK between Iraq and terrorism. Bush, Powell and Blair have
been caught faking evidence over and over. Even the War on Terror
<http://www.waronfreedom.org/unite4peace.html#_ftn3>  may be bogus:
research shows the WTC disaster was an inside job, like the Reichstag Fire,
Gulf of Tonkin hoax or Operation Northwoods. Bush s attack might provoke
the real terror reprisals he so desperately needs.

I. Cheney's Halliburton Co. wins a Pentagon contract to rebuild Iraq after
war - as it did in Afghanistan. (SF Chronicle, March 8)

J. We are going back to religious war. Bush says he knows God s Will better
than the Pope. Behind him, 70 million Americans push for Armageddon in the
Middle East, to fulfill an insane superstition of the Rapture. (See
www.waronfreedom.org/update.html <http://www.waronfreedom.org/update.html>

 The above points are suitable to any country; the rest are more for the
world outside the U.S..

K. Appeal to their country s self-interest! Let Bush in there, and his
clique will hog the world's oil until it s all gone!

L. France and Germany already proposed to send peacekeepers - it is the
responsibility of the U.N. to give its blessing BEFORE half a million
people are killed, not AFTER.

M. Bush said, "We really don t need United Nations approval. We really
don't need anyone's permission." Really?

N. Change the dialogue - ask the UN to move to lift the sanctions on Iraq
that have caused so much suffering! This process could provide a diplomatic
face-saving formula for the presence of armed peace-keepers.

O. Even a token force of blue helmets along the fence to Kuwait should make
the US military pause.

P. Perhaps even a General Assembly vote against the attack would do it. No
U.S. veto there. The Assembly represents the Whole World. The Bush clique
can t claim the whole world is wrong - and they can t bribe the whole
world, either!

Q. More ammunition at www.traprockpeace.org <http://www.traprockpeace.org/>
, Glen Rangwala on faked evidence of banned weapons.

Top <mhtml:mid://00000016/#up> 

Time is really short! Please lobby for Uniting for Peace before any more
petitions to Congress or White House (projects that feel good, but have as
little chance of stopping the blitz as a greeting card to Adolf Hitler! See
the story on Congress fiddling like Nero:
http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0228/p01s01-woiq.html )

R. References

 Text of Resolution 377 http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/UN/unga377.html

 Background Infowww.danirak.dk/english/ratner_final_op_ed_uniting.htm
<http://www.danirak.dk/english/ratner_final_op_ed_uniting.htm>  about
Uniting for Peace and stopping the war on Iraq from CCR, Center for
Constitutional Rights, also Action Alert
<http://www.ccr-ny.org/v2/whatsnew/action_v2.asp> .

  Writing tip from earthfuture.com: The shorter, the sweeter. Speak from
the heart, in one paragraph. Speak with kindness, not anger. We want peace,
not more belligerence. Individual addressing is better than CCing. BCC is
better than CC.

 Email List:

You may need to split the list into two or more shorter ones. Some ISP's
limit the number of addresses you can send a mail to at the same time.

It's definitely recommended to paste the bulk of the addresses in the Bcc:
(blind copy) field, each recipient doesn't need to see the whole list,
their mailboxes may be getting too full already!

Example structure - To: Secretary General, Presidents of Sec. Council and
Gen l Assembly, French German and other governments.

Copy: to intergovernmental organizations with observer status, extra
addresses for security council..

Blind copy: to regular members of general assembly.

To: sg at un.org, guinea at un.int, GAPresident at un.org,
bundeskanzler at bundeskanzler.de, gerhard.schroeder at spd.de, president at gov.ru,
president at hrad.cz, president at po.gov.za, press at uruklink.net,
romano.prodi at cec.eu.int, joschka.fischer at bundestag.de,
ambassade at amb-allemagne.fr, christian.jouret at consilium.eu.int,
christopher.patten at cec.eu.int, france at un.int, france-presse at un.int,
francophonie at un.int, info at botschaft-frankreich.de, oau-ews at telecom.net.et,
oiccabinet at arab.net.sa, paris at embassyiraq.com, poul.nielson at cec.eu.int,
stm at stm.dk, info at unmovic.org, webmaster at foreign.gov.za,
official.mail at iaea.org

Cc: aalcc at un.int, caribcomun at un.int, RedCrossCommittee at un.int , ec at un.int,
francophonie at un.int, holysee at un.int, ilo at un.int, isa at un.int,
info at unitingforpeace.com, seaun at un.int, las at un.int, oau at un.int, oic at un.int,
Chinamission_un at fmprc.gov.cn, contact at germany-un.org, france-presse at un.int,
info at cameroonmission.org

Bcc: afghanistan at un.int, albania at un.int, algeria at un.int, andorra at un.int,
angola at un.int, antigua at un.int, argentina at un.int, armenia at un.int,
australia at un.int, austria at un.int, azerbaijan at un.int, bahamas at un.int,
bahrain at un.int, bangladesh at un.int, barbados at un.int, belarus at un.int,
belgium at un.int, belize at un.int, benin at un.int, bhutan at un.int, bolivia at un.int,
bosnia at un.int, botswana at un.int, braun at delbrasonu.org, brunei at un.int,
bulgaria at un.int, burkinafaso at un.int, burundi at un.int, caf at un.int,
cambodia at un.int, cameroon at un.int, canada at un.int, capeverde at un.int,
chad at un.int, chile at un.int, china at un.int, colombia at un.int, comoros at un.int,
congo at un.int, costarica at un.int, croatia at un.int, cuba at un.int, cyprus at un.int,
czechrepublic at un.int, delun at mfa.no, denmark at un.int, djibouti at nyct.net,
dominica at un.int, dprk at un.int, dr at un.int, drcongo at un.int, elsalvador at un.int,
eqguinea at un.int, ecuador at un.int, egypt at un.int, eritrea at un.int,
estonia at un.int, ethiopia at un.int, fiji at un.int, finland at un.int,
france at un.int, gabon at un.int, gambia at un.int, georgia at un.int, germany at un.int,
ghana at un.int, greece at un.int, grenada at un.int, guatemala at un.int,
guinea at un.int, guyana at un.int, haiti at un.int, honduras at un.int,
hungary at un.int, iceland at un.int, india at un.int, indonesia at un.int,
iran at un.int, iraq at un.int, ireland at un.int, italy at un.int, ivorycoast at un.int,
jamaica at un.int, japan at un.int, jordan at un.int, kazakhstan at un.int,
kenya at un.int, korea at un.int, kyrgyzstan at un.int, laos at un.int, latvia at un.int,
lebanon at un.int, lesotho at un.int, liberia at un.int, libya at un.int,
liechtenstein at un.int, lithuania at un.int, luxembourg at un.int,
macedonia at un.int, madagascar at un.int, malawi at un.int, malaysia at un.int,
maldives at un.int, mali at un.int, malta at un.int, marshallislands at un.int,
mauritania at un.int, mauritius at un.int, mexico at un.int, micronesia at un.int,
moldova at un.int, monaco at un.int, mongolia at un.int, morocco at un.int,
mozambique at un.int, myanmar at un.int, namibia at un.int, nepal at un.int,
netherlands at un.int, newzealand at un.int, nicaragua at un.int, niger at un.int,
nigeria at un.int, oman at un.int, pakistan at un.int, palau at un.int, panama@FW
[NCAN] Emergency Kit to Sto.ems un.int, paraguay at un.int, peru at un.int,
philippines at un.int, png at un.int, poland at un.int, portugal at un.int,
qatar at un.int, romania at un.int, rusun at un.int, rwanda at un.int, samoa at un.int,
sanmarino at un.int, senegal at un.int, seychelles at un.int, sierraleone at un.int,
singapore at un.int, slovakia at un.int, slovenia at un.int, solomonislands at un.int,
somalia at un.int, southafrica at un.int, spain at un.int, srilanka at un.int,
stkn at un.int, stlucia at un.int, stp at un.int, stvg at un.int, sudan at un.int,
suriname at un.int, swaziland at un.int, sweden at un.int, syria at un.int,
tajikistan at un.int, thailand at un.int, togo at un.int, tto at un.int,
tunisia at un.int, turkey at un.int, turkmenistan at un.int, uganda at un.int,
ukraine at un.int, uae at un.int, uruguay at un.int, uzbekistan at un.int,
vanuatu at un.int, venezuela at un.int, vietnam at un.int, yemen at un.int,
yugoslavia at un.int, zambia at un.int, zimbabwe at un.int,
mission at palestine-un.org, Saudi-Mission at un.int, switzerland at un.int,
cfads-dfvsr at wanadoo.fr, Presse at df-brigade.de,  info at occar-ea.org,
Cellule.Communication at defense.gouv.fr,
remote-printer.Kofi_Annan at 12129637055.iddd.tpc.int

 (Addresses omitted: us at un.int, uk at un.int, israel at un.int, kuwait at un.int)
 Some of your Original letters should be posted soon. Meanwhile, for
examples, you can look at mine at www.waronfreedom.org/petition.html
<http://www.waronfreedom.org/petition.html>  or the English version of the
French and Spanish <file:///C:/My
Documents/BuK/SiTE/911/activists/franspan.html>  letter.

****Idea: arm bands    
Date:   3/16/2003 2:39:16 PM Pacific Standard Time 
From:   SyzygyRules at netscape.net   

I would like to propose that on the day the bombs start falling on Iraq, we
- everyone who opposes this war - begin wearing black arm bands. Critics of
the war will be told they have a duty to shut up once the firing starts;
arm bands will act as a silent but very visible witness to our mourning.
Mourning for our soldiers who will die or return wounded. Mourning for the
innocent Iraqi men, women and children who will be blown apart. Mourning
for the freedom that will be lost here. Mourning for America.

Rallies and marches don't happen every day, and can be avoided by the
people who most need to see and hear them. Imagine the impact if just 1
percent - or 10 or 25 percent! - of the population wore black arm bands to
work and to school and to the malls every day. And if the war or its messy
aftermath drags on for a long time, the number of "arm banders" will swell.
Without sign waving, without shouting, we thus will serve as a constant and
enlarging reproach to the warmongers and their destruction.

I have marched against this war, and will do so again. But many, perhaps,
will deem it imprudent to be too vocal against the war once it starts. I
urge them to join me and others in our arm band movement, a simple and
quiet yet eloquent, statement of opposition to the warmongers and an
expression of our grief for what they are doing to us and to the world.

If this sounds like a good idea to you, too, please pass it along.

~ Steve Smith, Chapel Hill, North

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Peace, No War
War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is possible!

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