azione all'Onu - URGENTISSIMO per evitare il conflitto

Saluti a tutti,

Vi scrivo dagli Stati Uniti dove questa sera (martedi) il presidente ha
rivolto il suo appello alla nazione per annunciare l'arrivo della guerra.
Io sono un cittadino italiano con poche risorse e mi appello a voi
affinche' vi facciate portatori di un tentativo in extremis per evitare
il conflitto in Iraq. Vi prego di dare massima pubblicita' alla seguente
petizione personale da inviarsi a varii corpi diplomatici presso l'ONU,
fra cui le rappresentanze italiane ed EU a New York.
E' un appello alle Nazioni Unite per l'utilizzo della risoluzione 377 in
un tentativo per fermare la guerra.
A chiunque stia a cuore il bene del mondo chiedo di spedire un e-mail
personale agli indirizzi di cui sotto, copiando poi il testo in inglese
nel corpo del messaggio.

Spero che questo mio personale tentativo di coinvolgere altra gente dia
qualche frutto. Ovviamente sarebbe bello se poteste dare massima
divulgazione a questo messaggio, spedendolo a quante piu' persone possibili.

Ci tengo ad aggiungere che questa e' un'iniziativa del tutto personale e
non legata a nessuna organizzazione.

Grazie per il vostro aiuto,

Oscar Vallazza
Trento   BZ - Seattle

EUinfo at    (rappresentanza EU presso ONU)

official.mail at

italy at                 (rappresentanza Italia presso  ONU)

info at


Subject  URGENT: UN Res. 377 Can Stop War!

Dear U.N. Ambassador,

Please consider invoking UN Res. 377 "Uniting For Peace" to stop this
unnecessary, unjust disastrous  war that Bush is trying to foist upon
innocent Iraqis and the world.  The war will cause hundreds of thousands
of deaths of innocents, trillions better spent on current human needs,
instability,  increased terrorism, and possibly the seeds of WWIII.
And it is totally unnecessary because Saddam is contained, has no
proven connection to al-Queda, and is in the process of disarming.

President Bush appears determined to wage war on Iraq despite the
world's opposition, despite the progress of UN weapons inspectors,
despite the likelihood that an unprovoked war will foment, rather than
eliminate,terrorism.  The Bush Administration has threatened to attack
Iraq even without the authority of the UN Security Council.
This constitutes both a threat to world peace and to the very integrity
of the UN as an institution dedicated to "the maintenance of
international peace and security."  Time is running short.  This
disastrous war must be prevented.

Therefore, I urge you to band together with other nations in support of
"Uniting for Peace" resolution against an unprovoked invasion of Iraq.

As you know, Resolution 377, adopted by the UN in 1950, was made for
situations precisely like this one.

Uniting for Peace provides that if, because of the lack of unanimity of
the permanent members of the Security Council (France, China, Russia,
Britain,United States), the Council cannot maintain international peace
where thereis a "threat to the peace, breach of the peace or act
ofaggression," the General Assembly "shall consider the matter
immediately.." The General Assembly can meet within 24 hours to consider
such a matter, and can recommend collective measures to U.N. members
including the use of armed forces to "maintain or restore international
peace and security."

Such a "Uniting for Peace" resolution could require that no military
action be taken against Iraq without the explicit authority of the
Security Council. It could mandate that the inspectors be permitted to
complete their task. It seems unlikely that the United States and
Britain would ignore such a measure. A vote by the majority of countries
in the world, particularly if it were almost unanimous, would make the
unilateral rush to war more difficult.

Uniting for Peace can be invoked either by seven members of the Security
Council or by a majority of the members of the General Assembly.

Clearly, it our last best hope for fulfilling the mission stated in the
UN Charter: to "save succeeding generations form the scourge of war."

Please act now.  It's not too late.


(firma / luogo di residenza  )

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