Fw: [ANSWER]: Millions March Against War on March 15 in Over 2,000 Cities Worldwide

----- Original Message -----
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general at action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general at action-mail.org>
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 4:03 AM
Subject: [ANSWER]: Millions March Against War on March 15 in Over 2,000
Cities Worldwide

> International A.N.S.W.E.R.
> Act Now To Stop War & End Racism
> Millions March Against War on March 15 in Over 2,000
> Cities Worldwide
> Over A Quarter of A Million March in The U.S.:
> 100,000 in Washington, 100,000 in San Francisco
> and 50,000 in Los Angeles
> Well over a quarter of a million people demonstrated in
> the U.S. today against a U.S. war with Iraq.  100,000
> demonstrated in Washington, 100,000 came out in San
> Francisco, and 50,000 people braved the driving rain in
> Los Angeles in massive emergency mobilizations called on
> short notice by the ANSWER coalition.
> Even with dozens of buses making the trip to Washington
> from as far away as Florida, Minnesota, Iowa and Maine,
> demonstrations also took place in Lansing, MI; Columbus
> OH, Lexington, KY, Tucson, AZ; Albuquerque, NM, and scores
> of other cities.
> With cities around the world responding to the call for
> emergency actions, March 15 was an urgent and critical day
> of global anti-war protest, as millions of people turned
> out to demonstrate against Washington's rush to war. CNN
> reported that protests took place today in an amazing
> 2,000 cities in 98 countries. Turnouts were dramatic:
> Millions marched in Spain and Italy, two countries whose
> governments have supported the U.S. war. 100,000 came out
> in Berlin; 150,000 in France; 40,000 marched in Brussels.
> According to the Associated Press, "Hundreds of thousands
> rallied worldwide, in some cases pressing close to the
> symbols of American power: the White House and the
> Washington Monument, the U.S. air base in Frankfurt,
> Germany, and U.S. embassies in Greece and Cyprus. They
> also took to the streets throughout Europe, Asia and the
> Middle East."
> Thousands more turned out in Tokyo, Calcutta, Buenos
> Aires, Yemen, Frankfurt, Moscow, Turkey, Cairo, Amman,
> Beirut, many Palestinian cities and refugee camps,
> Bangkok, Seoul, Toronto, Moscow and many other cities and
> countries -- one day after millions of European workers
> conducted work stoppages to protest the war. Mara
> Verheyden-Hilliard of the Partnership for Civil
> Justice-LDEF, one of the groups in the ANSWER Coalition,
> said, "The continued worldwide outpouring against Bush's
> planned war of aggression with Iraq makes it clear that
> Spain, Britain and the U.S. are meeting in the isolated
> Azores Islands because it's the only place they can go
> without being protested by massive numbers of people."
> A highlight of the Washington demonstration was the
> crowd's enthusiastic response to former U.S. Attorney
> General Ramsey Clark's speech about his campaign to
> impeach President George W. Bush for planning to fight a
> war of aggression against Iraq. "Vote to impeach! Vote to
> impeach!" chanted the crowd, referring to the website
> http://www.votetoimpeach.org, where people are voting in
> support of articles of impeachment.
> The Washington demonstration surrounded the White House
> and Justice Department, taking up more than 20 city
> blocks. The crowd completely filled the 10-lane
> Pennsylvania Avenue, with demonstrators marching shoulder
> to shoulder in a turnout that surpassed rally organizers'
> expectations.  "Bush may be determined to fight this war,"
> said Larry Holmes of the International Action Center, also
> in the ANSWER Coalition, "but he was also determined to
> have a vote for war at the UN Security Council last week.
> Bush wanted this war months ago; the anti-war movement has
> held him back. War is not inevitable."
> -30-
> ------------------
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