Fwd: bando per borsa di ricerca pace-disarmo

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Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:20:52 +0100
To: uallai at hotmail.com
From: Mario Pianta <pianta at isrds.rm.cnr.it>
Subject: bando per borsa di ricerca

Vi segnalo questo bando per una


di 5000 dollari per studi su
pace, disarmo e democrazia economica
presso l'Institute for Policy Studies di Washington.

Fate circolare e incoraggiate a fare domanda, è un bando davvero aperto
Chi è interessato può chiedermi informazioni ulteriori

2002 Melman Fellowship

Call for Proposals

For Workplace Democracy …
        Against Militarism

We invite interested students, activists and other researchers to apply for this fellowship to underwrite research and writing in the fields of demilitarization and workplace democracy.

The Institute for Policy Studies is pleased to sponsor the Seymour Melman Fellowship Program. This year we will be selecting one Fellow to receive a stipend of $5,000. Over the course of the year, this Melman Fellow will be invited to spend some time at IPS and, when appropriate, will be mentored by an IPS Fellow/project directors in completing her/his project.

Applicants are invited to submit a 2-3 page proposal outlining a research and writing project that relates to some aspect of either or both of these issues. This should be accompanied by a resume and two references with phone numbers.

Application deadline: March 15, 2002.

Direct inquiries and send proposals to:
Miriam Pemberton, IPS
733 15th Street NW
Suite 1020
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 234-9382 ext. 214
miriam at ips-dc.org

Seymour Melman is Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering at Columbia University. He has written extensively on demilitarization, the conversion of military resources for civilian use, and the development of workplace democracy. His most recent book is After Capitalism: From Managerialism to Workplace Democracy, Alfred A. Knopf, 2001. In it he defines workplace democracy as “…Joining producing with decision-making; organizing decision-making on a non-hierarchical, democratic basis; sharing the social product without inequality; achieving human solidarity in place of alienation.”

IPS is a multi-issue progressive think tank based in Washington, D.C. that strives to offer resources for progressive social change locally, nationally, and globally through books, articles, films, conferences, and activist education. Read more about IPS at www.ips-dc.org. IPS is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and encourages applications from people of color, women, and other groups that have historically been subject to discrimination.

Mario Pianta
Universita' di Urbino e
ISRDS-CNR, Via De Lollis 12, 00185 Roma, Italy
tel. (39) 06 44879207, fax 06 4463836, e-mail pianta at isrds.rm.cnr.it