[Nonviolenza] Donna, vita, liberta'. 546

A sostegno della lotta nonviolenta delle donne per la vita, la dignita' e i diritti di tutti gli esseri umani
a cura del "Centro di ricerca per la pace, i diritti umani e la difesa della biosfera" di Viterbo
Supplemento a "La nonviolenza e' in cammino" (anno XXV)
Direttore responsabile: Peppe Sini. Redazione: strada S. Barbara 9/E, 01100 Viterbo, e-mail: centropacevt at gmail.com
Numero 546 del 29 giugno 2024

In questo numero:
1. Jane Goodall: Per il bene
2. Ancora alla fermata dell'autobus
3. Free Leonard Peltier
4. Comitato per Leonard Peltier: Mail bombing per Leonard Peltier
5. Melanie Cissone: "Buried alive": Leonard Peltier, Native American activist imprisoned for nearly half a century over FBI killings, awaits last chance parole hearing
6. Pace, disarmo, smilitarizzazione: salvare le vite e' il primo dovere
7. Sosteniamo Narges Mohammadi e la lotta delle donne in Iran. Chiediamo la liberazione dell'attivista Premio Nobel per la Pace e che siano accolte le sue richieste di rispetto dei diritti umani
8. Alcuni riferimenti utili
9. Sosteniamo il Coordinamento Italiano di Sostegno alle Donne Afghane
10. Ripetiamo ancora una volta...
11. A costo di sembrare il solito grillo parlante... (novembre 2023)
12. Cosa possiamo (e dobbiamo) realmente fare contro la guerra in corso in Europa? (aprile 2023)

[Da Jane Goodall e Douglas Abrams, Il libro della speranza, Giunti-Bompiani, Firenze-Milano 2022, Gedi, Torino 2024, p. 248]

Lasciateci usare il dono della nostra vita per fare del mondo un posto migliore. Per il bene dei nostri figli e dei loro figli. Per il bene di coloro che soffrono in poverta'. Per il bene di chi e' solo. E per il bene dei nostri fratelli e delle nostre sorelle nel mondo naturale: gli animali, le piante, gli alberi.


Siamo un paio di dozzine di persone ad aspettare il pullman
uomini e donne e bambini e borsoni della spesa
tutti giovani e neri e io l'unico vecchio sbiadito dalla lunga barba bianca

penso con gioia che questa e' l'Italia di domani
penso con gioia che insorgeranno e abbatteranno il fascismo
penso con gioia che faranno un mondo migliore


Non muoia in carcere un uomo innocente.
Free Leonard Peltier.
Mitakuye Oyasin.
Per saperne di piu'
Leonard Peltier e' un illustre attivista nativo americano difensore dei diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani e dell'intero mondo vivente, da 48 anni prigioniero innocente.
Segnaliamo alcuni materiali di documentazione in lingua italiana disponibili nella rete telematica:
Segnaliamo anche alcune pubblicazioni a stampa in italiano e in inglese particolarmente utili:
- Edda Scozza, Il coraggio d'essere indiano. Leonard Peltier prigioniero degli Stati Uniti, Erre Emme, Pomezia (Roma) 1996 (ora Roberto Massari Editore, Bolsena Vt).
- Peter Matthiessen, In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, 1980, Penguin Books, New York 1992 e successive ristampe; in edizione italiana: Peter Matthiessen, Nello spirito di Cavallo Pazzo, Frassinelli, Milano 1994.
- Leonard Peltier (con la collaborazione di Harvey Arden), Prison writings. My life is my sun dance, St. Martin's Griffin, New York 1999; in edizione italiana: Leonard Peltier, La mia danza del sole. Scritti dalla prigione, Fazi, Roma 2005.
- Jim Messerschmidt, The Trial of Leonard Peltier, South End Press, Cambridge, MA, 1983, 1989, 2002.
- Bruce E. Johansen, Encyclopedia of the American Indian Movement, Greenwood, Santa Barbara - Denver - Oxford, 2013 e piu' volte ristampata.
Segnaliamo inoltre che nella rete telematica e' disponibile una notizia sintetica in italiano dal titolo "Alcune parole per Leonard Peltier":
Sempre nella rete telematica e' disponibile anche una piu' ampia ed approfondita bibliografia ragionata dal titolo "Dieci libri piu' uno che sarebbe bene aver letto per conoscere la vicenda di Leonard Peltier (e qualche altro minimo suggerimento bibliografico)":
Segnaliamo infine l'attuale sito ufficiale del Comitato di solidarieta' con Leonard Peltier, il "Free Leonard Peltier Ad Hoc Committee": www.freeleonardpeltiernow.org

[Dal sito di "Pressenza" riprendiamo e diffondiamo]

Il Comitato per Leonard Peltier, nell'avvicinarsi della data del primo luglio quando la United States Parole Commission dovra' pronunciarsi sulla possibilita' di scarcerazione sulla parola per il pellerossa detenuto da quasi 50 anni invita a inviare mail per sollecitare questa scarcerazione alla mail della Commissione USParole.questions at usdoj.gov mettendo come subject "Parole for Mr. Leonard Peltier" e seguendo come schema la bozza di lettera proposta qui sotto da Peppe Sini:
Dear ladies and gentlemen of the United States Parole Commission,
In connection with your examination of Mr. Peltier's situation we have learned that you have received a letter from Mr. Wray, director of the FBI, intended to induce you to deny the grant of "parole."
A detailed examination of that letter, conducted by the "Centro di ricerca per la pace, i diritti umani e la difesa della biosfera" (Research Center for Peace, Human Rights and Biosphere Defense) in Viterbo, Italy, shows that Mr. Wray makes untrue claims and omits many facts favorable to Mr. Peltier.
Mr. Peltier, with all evidence, is an old and ill man who spent 48 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, and during the long period of his imprisonment he promoted educational and welfare initiatives and supported important nonviolent initiatives in defense of human rights and the living world.
Therefore, please do not allow yourself to be clouded by Mr. Wray's untrue assertions and make your decision in good conscience, in accordance with your functions and duties and the relevant regulations and criteria, with full respect for truth, legality, and humanity.
Please accept my best regards.

[Dal sito https://navajotimes.com/ riprendiamo e diffondiamo]

New York City - In less than a week, the fate of long-imprisoned Native American activist Leonard Peltier (Turtle Mountain Chippewa) will be known throughout Indian Country, among the world's Indigenous people, and around the globe.
Peltier, who turns eighty years old in September, has been incarcerated for nearly 50 years. In fact, he's the longest-held Indigenous prisoner in U.S. history. Peltier is serving two consecutive life sentences for the murders of FBI agents Jack R. Coler and Ronald A. Williams. On June 10 he appeared for the third and likely last time before a hearing examiner for the U.S. Parole Commission to appeal for clemency.
Peltier's attorney, Kevin Sharp, wrote at the end of that long day, "Hearing ended at 5:30 EDT. Decision in 21 days."
Attorneys Kevin Sharp, a former federal judge, Jenipher Jones, a "movement attorney," and Moira "Mo" Meltzer-Cohen represent Peltier. From three separate law firms in three different states, the co-counselors have based arguments for their client's parole on a few factors: the arbitrariness of his detention length given his age, health, and safety in a maximum-security environment and the inhumane lack of medical attention to the 79-year-old's failing health.
Beyond these, Meltzer-Cohen, who gave closing arguments, included remarks which were a matter of "the record" or procedural. Including making mention of previous parole hearings, the hearing examiner heard letters for his release and in opposition to Peltier's release, he heard oral testimony by victims' advocates or family members, an FBI representative spoke, the U.S. attorney sent a representative, and proponent witnesses to parole Peltier spoke including a physician who had examined him and a representative from Indian Country.
Peltier can barely walk. He needs a wheelchair but uses a walker. He must make do talking and eating with the few remaining teeth he has. He suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, the effects of a previously suffered stroke, and complications from jaw surgery. He was diagnosed with a potentially fatal abdominal aortic aneurysm and runs the risk of COVID-19 reinfection. The spread of the virus among prison populations is six times that of the general population, and in his current fragile state another bout of Covid might kill him.
Peltier is Inmate 89637-12 at United States Penitentiary Coleman 1, a maximum-security prison with some 1,456 male inmates located in Sumter County, Florida. Over the last five decades, he's been moved to and from other federal penitentiaries, Leavenworth included. Peltier has been at Coleman 1 for more than ten years. At no time has he been close to his North Dakota home, making it a challenge for family members to visit.
Peltier has several children with different women. Lisa, his oldest, was born in 1965 to Peltier and Sandra Martinez, his wife for a short time. Chauncey, 58, and a younger sister, Cheryl, were born to Peltier and Joanne Lohnes. Marquetta Shields-Peltier, 50, and Wahacanka Paul Shields-Peltier, who passed away at 41 in 2016, were the product of Peltier's union with Audrey Shields. Kathy Peltier, 48, is Peltier's youngest daughter whose mother is Ann Begay. Born after her father had already been detained, she continues to be outspoken about her father's release.
Board president of Justice Peltier and retired hod carrier and rigger, Chauncey Peltier remembers his father, "I spent a lot of time with him before he went inside. I actually traveled around with him quite a bit."
It hasn't been easy for Peltier's family. "The first twenty years of Leonard's incarceration was pretty rough for his family," Chauncey said. None of Peltier's children were able to attend his June 10 hearing because of the limited number of witnesses permitted.
Part of a larger prison complex in central Florida, Coleman 1 is the highest security detention center in the state. Even at a frail 79-years-old, Peltier is subjected to frequent lockdowns. "When you are imprisoned," Peltier recently wrote, "when you are in a box, a large coffin, day in and day out, year in and year out, it never ends. It's like you are buried alive."
A formal request by The Navajo Times for a telephone interview with Peltier was denied by the Bureau of Prisons. The media contact at Coleman 1 wrote, "Your request to interview Mr. Peltier has been reviewed. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate your request at this time. The request has been denied."
On June 26, 1975, on the Pine Ridge Reservation in southwestern South Dakota, a pair of FBI agents and a devotee of the American Indian Movement were killed in a bloody shootout. All three victims were in their twenties: agents Jack Coler, 28, and Ronald Williams, 27, as well as Joseph B. Stuntz (Coeur d'Alene), 23. Both Coler and Stuntz were married and each the father of two sons.
Each driving an unmarked car and dressed in plain clothes, Coler and Williams were on the reservation that morning to serve a warrant for the arrest of Jimmy Eagle, who was accused of assault with a deadly weapon and stealing cowboy boots on the reservation. The FBI agents identified a car they believed was occupied by Eagle and went looking for it.
The Rapid City, South Dakota, FBI resident city office - 120 miles away from Pine Ridge - routinely investigated felonies on the reservation including robbery, kidnapping, assaults, rapes, and murders.
Testimony in Peltier's 1977 trial indicate that FBI agents dispatched on cases at Pine Ridge usually operated two radios from their cars; one was an FBI radio that enabled both car-to-car transmission and communication with the Rapid City office, and the other was a state radio with channels that allowed agents to speak to state highway patrol, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Pine Ridge Police. Far from their home office, agents assigned to Pine Ridge investigations would stay in motels in Rushville or Gordon, Nebraska.
According to FBI case files, Peltier, then 30, was at Pine Ridge with a group from AIM, staying at the Jumping Bull's family ranch with other movement followers who had traveled from a ten-day AIM convention in Farmington, New Mexico. Coler and Williams were unaware that Peltier had an existing warrant out for his arrest for Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution for the attempted murder of an off-duty Milwaukee, Wisconsin, police officer.
Agents found themselves uninvited strangers in a place and at a time when then Chairman Dick Wilson's militia was exerting self-imposed authority reservation-wide. At one point the vehicles stopped, a stand-off ensued and, inexorably and tragically, a shootout occurred.
Peltier has never denied exchanging long-range gunfire with the FBI agents. In a 1992 "60 Minutes" interview that coincided with the release of the documentary film "Incident at Oglala," Peltier told Steve Kroft about a third vehicle that happened upon the scene at the fateful moment. "Well, there's two individuals in this red pickup, which drove down there," said Peltier. "And the passenger got out. That's about as far as I can go."
Kroft asked if he knew who they were, to which Peltier answered, "Yes."
Asked if he would reveal their identities, Peltier said, "No. No."
Kroft pressed further, to no avail. "I can't do that, Steve," Peltier said. "I can't do that. I can't. I'm not a rat, I'm not a snitch, I'm not an informant first of all. Second of all, we sincerely believed what we were struggling for, and, to turn against one of your own and start pointing fingers, in my heart, in my mind, would be treason."
"Why treason?" asked Kroft quizzically at the use of a word to describe an act of criminal behavior that's usually a betrayal of one's country.
"Because they're (the FBI) the enemy," Peltier says, "They've been the one that's oppressed my people, nearly exterminated my people. I lived it. I experienced it. I witnessed it. So, nobody can tell me any different."
On the heels of AIM's fifth annual convention attended by hundreds representing Indian Nations from throughout North America, a press release details the group's adoptions. Under "Cultural Racism, America's Longest Undeclared War," the eight-page announcement enumerates six action steps, "When these crimes are committed against our people, the communities must be dealt with immediately by these actions," and the sixth of these said, "Immediate retaliation against these communities by whatever actions are necessary."
Ten days after the June 16 close of the AIM convention, Peltier was at Pine Ridge Reservation. Peltier had a rifle. Peltier exchanged fire with Coler and Williams. Three men's lives were taken and Peltier fled South Dakota and eventually the United States.
Four men were indicted in connection with the murders of William and Coler. Among them was Jimmy Eagle, whose charges were dropped for insufficient evidence. In July 1976, Dino Butler and Bob Robideau went to trial in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Arguing self-defense, Butler and Robideau were found not guilty.
Meantime, Peltier was a fugitive from justice and on the FBI's Most Wanted list. On the lam and sited in northern California in November 1975, he crossed the Canadian border on foot, thinking he would never get a fair trial. Sheltered at the Smallboy Camp, a traditional splinter group of the four Cree Nations of Maskwacis in the Rocky Mountains of the British Columbia province in Canada, Peltier was arrested by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on Feb. 6, 1976. Detained in Vancouver, Peltier was extradited to the U.S. in May 1976.
A blood-stained contextual history
Wounded Knee Creek (Chankpe Opi Wakpala) winds through the southwest corner of South Dakota, where the badlands meet the Great Plains. Amber waves of grain sway in the wind, showcasing the spectacular geographic beauty there. Beneath the surface, however, the stunning landscape disguises a blood-stained region.
The 100-mile tributary of the White River lies about the same distance southeast of Mount Rushmore. There, the likenesses of four U.S. presidents are carved into the sacred Black Hills, otherwise known as the Paha Sapa. The Lakota say Paha Sapa is "the heart of everything that is."
South of the national memorial and monument therein, and two dozen miles through a foothill pass from Oglala in East Shannon, South Dakota, is the site of the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre. It was here that 250 Lakota civilians, many of them unarmed men and innocent women and children, were wounded or killed by the U.S. Army. In a senseless standoff for fear of the Ghost Dance, the 7th Cavalry also suffered injuries and losses numbering 64.
Fast forward 82 years. In 1973, more bloodshed occurred in the region during the Wounded Knee Occupation. From Feb. 27 to May 8 of that year, 200 AIM followers joined forces with dissident Oglala Lakota "traditionalists" to occupy the village of Wounded Knee for 71 days.
Invited by those wishing to govern in customary ways, AIM joined the opposition to the thuggish, corrupt, and nepotistic reign of Oglala Lakota Chairman Richard "Dick" Wilson and his private armed force of Guardians of the Oglala Nations, whose apt acronym was GOONs.
This unrest was unfolding as the Lakota Sioux were suing the U.S. government for violating the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie, demanding a full return of the Black Hills land taken in 1877. Oglala occupiers also wanted to divorce themselves from a meddling Bureau of Indian Affairs. A year earlier, in 1972, AIM marched on Washington, D.C., in what was called the "Trail of Broken Treaties" and occupied the BIA headquarters.
The 1973-armed siege, sometimes called The Second Wounded Knee, resulted in the deaths of Frank Clearwater (Cherokee) and Lawrence "Buddy" Lamont (Oglala); the wounding and partial paralysis of U.S. Marshall Lloyd Grimm; and the disappearance of black civil rights activist and journalist Ray Robinson. Law enforcement numbered more than 1,000 and there was talk of paramilitary assaults prior to the ultimate May 8th stand down. Much like the murderous Reign of Terror of the Osage, Pine Ridge Reservation was experiencing a reign of terror of its own. Few were aware that the U.S. government, as has been asserted by renowned former FBI Special Agent Coleen Rowley, was in collusion with the likes of Dick Wilson.
The backdrop
Tensions remained high at Pine Ridge after the 1974 re-election of Wilson, whose opponent, Russell Means, was the first national director of AIM. Despite an investigation by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission alleging election fraud and declaring the runoff against Means an invalid election, a federal court upheld Wilson's re-election.
It's impossible to understand Leonard Peltier's story and his motivation for joining AIM absent a glance into the tenor and tone of the era.
In the post-WWII era of the late 1960s and early 1970s, a Cold War timeframe in which anti-communism was the U.S. primary foreign policy objective, activism among the disenfranchised and liberation movements took shape. The American Indian Movement was founded, the Black Panther Party formed. It was a time of peaceful anti-Vietnam activism—Make Love Not War. Gay rights came to the fore, the women's movement grew, the Equal Rights Amendment passed, and Title IX was introduced. A little sunlight began to shine on causes that had long lurked in the shadows.
Even before its Washington, D.C., occupation of the BIA and the Wounded Creek Occupation, AIM had occupied Alcatraz in 1969, had staged a protest in Boston and took over the replica Mayflower II ship on Thanksgiving Day 1970, and it had taken over Mount Rushmore briefly in 1971.
In a 2023 interview with Nick Estes of Red Nation podcast, 24-year FBI veteran Coleen Rowley, described the palpable 1970s climate that served as a backdrop leading up to the incident at Oglala. She also weaves in to the conversation theories on institutional groupthink.
Rowley is that rare G-man (or G-woman) whose name you may have heard. In 2002 Time magazine named her its Person of the Year for her role as a 9/11 whistleblower. Rowley and fellow agents in her Minneapolis office had warned their superiors of an impending terrorist attack prior to 9/11. Afterward, Rowley testified before the 9/11 Commission in Washington about the inherent failures in the FBI in terms of how information travels up the ladder.
Speaking to Estes in 2023, Rowley said, "Nothing's perfect. You start to see little flaws. One thing after another... systemic policies that make good people do dumb or bad things."
Rowley and another retired FBI Special Agent, Jack Ryan, support Leonard Peltier's release. Sadly, Ryan lost his pension in 1987. He was 10 months short of eligibility when he was let go for refusing to investigate non-violent activists like many of the people who would have been in the groups named above.
Adding color and context to the state of affairs during Special Agent Rowley's days in the Minneapolis FBI field office, the podcast host reminded Red Nation listeners that most of the AIM surveillance and investigations were launched from there. It was also the founding hometown and headquarters of the American Indian Movement.
Rowley told Estes that, as part of her 1981 FBI training school, "There were lectures that re-viewed the FBI's version of the facts of the Leonard Peltier case... in gory detail... with slides... more than once." She suggested it seemed an unusual training alternative on those days when students couldn't do shooting practice because of sleet or snow.
It was also how Rowley first became familiar with Peltier and AIM.
Two years into her FBI career, Rowley gained access to stacks of files the National Lawyers Guild received as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. An attorney herself, she combed through the FBI's counterintelligence program (COINTELPRO) files to see just who the agency had been spying on.
With 300 categories of crime, as it turned out, everyone from mobsters to popular folk singers were surveilled. "Spying on someone like Pete Seeger," Rowley said, "or communists meeting in a house, you drove by and got their license plates."
While Seeger had been a member of the Communist Party in the 1940s, the popular folk singer known for such hits as "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" was watched by the FBI for decades. The FBI kept hundreds of files on Seeger. Can you imagine how many were kept about AIM?
"It was easy work," she says. "Post and floats," were what the non-violent surveillance assignments were called. Such surveillance was exactly what Jack Ryan opposed.
Rowley spoke of "the banality of evil," a phrase coined by historian Hannah Arendt. She talked about the power and peril of group loyalty, citing the "FBI family" or the "Blue Code of Silence" among police officers as examples. She explained how groupthink pervades police work and the military and that it can blind well-intended loyalists from objectivity and truthfulness. Therefore, it became acceptable to monitor peace activists and groups like AIM.
Peltier's case, she added, is out of sync with other murder prosecutions. Rowley's point gets to the arbitrary arbitrariness of convictions and sentencing. Wrongly or rightly convicted of murder, Rowley contrasts Peltier to FBI agent Mark Putnam, who murdered his informant girlfriend, stowed her body in the trunk of his car, and served 10 years of a 16-year sentence. Whereas Peltier, as a reminder, is serving consecutive life sentences and has already done nearly half a century.
All three legal teams are up against constitutional indiscretions, prosecutorial inconsistencies, in addition to old-law incarceration versus new-law detention. Those convicted of crimes before 1987 are rarely granted compassionate release.
Amnesty International refers to Peltier as a "political prisoner."
The designation "political prisoner" connotes malfeasance on the part of the U.S. government. It's most commonly used to describe people being punished for their beliefs or threat to the government. Imprisonment for the _expression_ of political beliefs is rare in the United States because free speech and _expression_ are well-established law.
The USA branch of Amnesty International sent representatives to Peltier's 1977 trial and to evidentiary hearings in 1978, 1983, 1984, 1985, and 1991. Amnesty International made a plea in 1995 to then U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno to conduct a special executive review.
In a moving letter to the Parole Commission recognizing all who lost their lives that day, Amnesty International USA Executive Director Paul O'Brien wrote on March 27, 2024:
"We are not alone in asking you to use your powers to grant parole to Leonard Peltier. We join Tribal Nations, Tribal Leaders, Indigenous Peoples, Members of Congress, former FBI Agents, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates and even the former U.S. Attorney, James Reynolds, whose office handled Leonard Peltier's prosecution and appeal, in urging his release. Reynolds wrote in 2021, 'in my opinion, to continue to imprison Mr. Peltier any longer, knowing all that we know now, would serve only to continue the broken relationship between Native Americans and the government.'
Arbitrary arbitrariness
Kevin Sharp points out that judicial review of cases was different in 1977 than it is today.
Ruled inadmissible at the time, the jury in Peltier's trial never heard about the relevant underlying tensions between factions at Pine Ridge Reservation leading up to AIM followers being invited there. There was hidden exculpatory evidence, which normally would have been cause for a new trial. One member of the jury admitted a prejudice against Native Americans and was, nonetheless, permitted to serve as a juror in Peltier's case. The jury didn't know Myrtle Poor Bear had falsified her witness affidavit. They also didn't know that ballistic experts could not match shell casings in the trunk of the shot-at FBI agent's car to Peltier's rifle. Further, misconduct on the part of the FBI never prompted another trial. Rebuking former FBI Director Louis Freeh for opposing executive clemency, former Attorney General Janet Reno under President Bill Clinton never called to question the prosecutorial misconduct in Peltier's case.
Peltier's parole rests solely in the hands of President Joe Biden's Office of the Pardon Attorney and the recommendation to the Parole Commission by the hearing examiner in attendance at the June 10 hearing. Normally a five-seat body, there are only two commissioners now, one a Bush appointee and the other an Obama appointee. Both have been serving for decades.
Peltier's fate has been down this road before. Years can pass between the time a petition is made and when it's heard. He petitioned for the commutation of his sentence in 1989 but it was "administratively closed." Peltier petitioned again and was denied in 1993 and, in 2016, he petitioned and was denied on Jan. 18, 2017, by President Barack Obama. The current petition in front of the U.S. Parole Commission was pending its 2021 filing. Peltier, his representatives, witnesses for and against his release were heard on June 10.
What's the most expeditious get-out-of-jail card? Confess and show remorse.
He has demonstrated a weightiness for the three lives lost that day, but Peltier won't say he did something he says he didn't do, even if it could return him to his family and home. Mo Meltzer Cohen said after the hearing, "His refusal to admit to something he did not do shouldn't be taken as some kind of perverse recalcitrance, but as an excess of rigid honesty."
"He has issued a full-throated _expression_ of remorse for his part," she said.
Whether Leonard Peltier is released, not paroled, or possibly remanded to a less restrictive prison remains to be seen. We'll know by July 1. Currently, Peltier is and has been a cause celebre for the humane treatment of aging pre-1987 federal parolees, for Native American rights, and for prosecutorial, judicial, and prison reform. If his parole is denied and he dies in prison, Peltier will surely rise to the ranks of martyrdom.
"My life is an extended agony. I feel like I've lived a lifetime in prison already. And maybe I have. But I'm prepared to live thousands more for my people. If my imprisonment does nothing more than educate an unknowing and uncaring public about the terrible conditions Native Americans and all Indigenous people around the world continue to endure, then my suffering has had - and continues to have - a purpose. My people's struggle to survive inspires my own struggle to survive. Each of us must be a survivor," from Peltier's 1999 personal testament, "Prison Writings: My Life is My Sun Dance."


Ogni vittima ha il volto di Abele.
Cessare di uccidere, salvare le vite.
Solo la nonviolenza puo' salvare l'umanita' dalla catastrofe.


Sosteniamo Narges Mohammadi, Premio Nobel per la pace, detenuta in Iran per la sua lotta nonviolenta in difesa dei diritti umani e per l'abolizione della pena di morte.
Sosteniamo la lotta nonviolenta delle donne in Iran per la dignita' umana di tutti gli esseri umani.
Sia liberata Narges Mohammadi e tutte le prigioniere e tutti i prigionieri di coscienza, tutte le detenute e tutti i detenuti politici, tutte le persone innocenti perseguitate e sequestrate, in Iran come ovunque.
Cessi l'oppressione delle donne in Iran come ovunque nel mondo, siano rispettati i diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani.
Chiediamo al Parlamento e al governo italiano di premere sul governo iraniano affinche' a Narges Mohammadi sia restituita la liberta' e le sue richieste di rispetto dei diritti umani siano accolte.
Chiediamo al Parlamento Europeo, al Consiglio Europeo e alla Commissione Europea di premere sul governo iraniano affinche' a Narges Mohammadi sia restituita la liberta' e le sue richieste di rispetto dei diritti umani siano accolte.
Chiediamo al Segretario Generale e all'Assemblea Generale dell'Onu di premere sul governo iraniano affinche' a Narges Mohammadi sia restituita la liberta' e le sue richieste di rispetto dei diritti umani siano accolte.
Chiediamo a tutte le persone di volonta' buona, a tutti i movimenti democratici, a tutte le istituzioni sollecite del bene comune e della dignita' umana, a tutti i mezzi d'informazione impegnati per la verita' e la giustizia, d'impegnarsi a sostegno di Narges Mohammadi e delle donne iraniane.
Donna, vita, liberta'.


Segnaliamo il sito della "Casa delle donne" di Milano: www.casadonnemilano.it
Segnaliamo il sito della "Casa internazionale delle donne" di Roma: www.casainternazionaledelledonne.org
Segnaliamo il sito delle "Donne in rete contro la violenza": www.direcontrolaviolenza.it
Segnaliamo il sito de "Il paese delle donne on line": www.womenews.net
Segnaliamo il sito della "Libreria delle donne di Milano": www.libreriadelledonne.it
Segnaliamo il sito della "Libera universita' delle donne" di Milano: www.universitadelledonne.it
Segnaliamo il sito di "Noi donne": www.noidonne.org
Segnaliamo il sito di "Non una di meno": www.nonunadimeno.wordpress.com


Sosteniamo il Coordinamento Italiano di Sostegno alle Donne Afghane (CISDA).
Per contatti: e-mail: cisdaonlus at gmail.com, sito: www.cisda.it


... ripetiamo ancora una volta che occorre un'insurrezione nonviolenta delle coscienze e delle intelligenze per contrastare gli orrori piu' atroci ed infami che abbiamo di fronte, per affermare la legalita' che salva le vite, per richiamare ogni persona ed ogni umano istituto ai doveri inerenti all'umanita'.
Occorre opporsi al maschilismo, e nulla e' piu' importante, piu' necessario, piu' urgente che opporsi al maschilismo - all'ideologia, alle prassi, al sistema di potere, alla violenza strutturale e dispiegata del maschilismo: poiche' la prima radice di ogni altra violenza e oppressione e' la dominazione maschilista e patriarcale che spezza l'umanita' in due e nega piena dignita' e uguaglianza di diritti a meta' del genere umano e cosi' disumanizza l'umanita' intera; e solo abolendo la dominazione maschilista e patriarcale si puo' sconfiggere la violenza che opprime, dilania, denega l'umanita'; solo abolendo la dominazione maschilista e patriarcale l'umanita' puo' essere libera e solidale.
Occorre opporsi al razzismo, alla schiavitu', all'apartheid. Occorre far cessare la strage degli innocenti nel Mediterraneo ed annientare le mafie schiaviste dei trafficanti di esseri umani; semplicemente riconoscendo a tutti gli esseri umani in fuga da fame e guerre, da devastazioni e dittature, il diritto di giungere in salvo nel nostro paese e nel nostro continente in modo legale e sicuro. Occorre abolire la schiavitu' in Italia semplicemente riconoscendo a tutti gli esseri umani che in Italia si trovano tutti i diritti sociali, civili e politici, compreso il diritto di voto: la democrazia si regge sul principio "una persona, un voto"; un paese in cui un decimo degli effettivi abitanti e' privato di fondamentali diritti non e' piu' una democrazia. Occorre abrogare tutte le disposizioni razziste ed incostituzionali che scellerati e dementi governi razzisti hanno nel corso degli anni imposto nel nostro paese: si torni al rispetto della legalita' costituzionale, si torni al rispetto del diritto internazionale, si torni al rispetto dei diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani. Occorre formare tutti i pubblici ufficiali e in modo particolare tutti gli appartenenti alle forze dell'ordine alla conoscenza e all'uso delle risorse della nonviolenza: poiche' compito delle forze dell'ordine e' proteggere la vita e i diritti di tutti gli esseri umani, la conoscenza della nonviolenza e' la piu' importante risorsa di cui hanno bisogno.
Occorre opporsi a tutte le uccisioni, a tutte le stragi, a tutte le guerre. Occorre cessare di produrre e vendere armi a tutti i regimi e i poteri assassini; abolire la produzione, il commercio, la disponibilita' di armi e' il primo necessario passo per salvare le vite e per costruire la pace, la giustizia, la civile convivenza, la salvezza comune dell'umanita' intera. Occorre abolire tutte le organizzazioni armate il cui fine e' uccidere. Occorre cessare immediatamente di dissipare scelleratamente ingentissime risorse pubbliche a fini di morte, ed utilizzarle invece per proteggere e promuovere la vita e il benessere dell'umanita' e dell'intero mondo vivente.
Occorre opporsi alla distruzione di quest'unico mondo vivente che e' la sola casa comune dell'umanita' intera, di cui siamo insieme parte e custodi. Non potremo salvare noi stessi se non rispetteremo e proteggeremo anche tutti gli altri esseri viventi, se non rispetteremo e proteggeremo ogni singolo ecosistema e l'intera biosfera.
Opporsi al male facendo il bene.
Opporsi alla violenza con la scelta nitida e intransigente della nonviolenza.
Oppresse e oppressi di tutti i paesi, unitevi nella lotta per la comune liberazione e la salvezza del'umanita' intera.
Salvare le vite e' il primo dovere.


Ci sono alcune cose che vanno pur dette, e allora diciamole.
Ogni manifestazione a favore dell'esistenza dello stato di Israele che non s'impegni anche per la nascita dello stato di Palestina rischia di essere inutile.
Ogni manifestazione a sostegno del popolo palestinese che non s'impegni anche a sostegno del popolo ebraico rischia di essere inutile.
Ogni manifestazione che condanni le stragi commesse da un'organizzazione terrorista e non quelle commesse da uno stato e' peggio che inutile.
Ogni manifestazione che condanni le stragi commesse da uno stato e non quelle commesse da un'organizzazione terrorista e' peggio che inutile.
Sia il popolo palestinese che il popolo ebraico sono realmente minacciati di genocidio.
E' compito dell'umanita' intera impedire questi genocidi, tutti i genocidi.
Per impedire il genocidio del popolo ebraico e' indispensabile l'esistenza dello stato di Israele.
Per immpedire il genocidio del popolo palestinese e' indispensabile l'esistenza dello stato di Palestina.
Allo stato di Israele chiediamo:
1. di cessare la guerra a Gaza e il sostegno alle violenze dei coloni in Cisgiordania.
2. di cessare di occupare i territori palestinesi e di riconoscere l'esistenza dello stato di Palestina nei territori della Cisgiordania e di Gaza devolvendo immediatamente tutte le funzioni giurisdizionali ed amministrative e le risorse relative all'Autorita' Nazionale Palestinese - intesa come governo provvisorio dello stato di Palestina fino alle elezioni democratiche -.
3. di sgomberare immediatamente le illegali colonie nei territori occupati, restituendo quelle aree al popolo palestinese.
4. di concordare con l'Autorita' Nazionale Palestinese l'avvio di tutti i negoziati necessari per risolvere le molte questioni da affrontare come due stati sovrani in condizioni di parita'.
5. di essere una piena democrazia abrogando ogni misura legislativa ed amministrativa di discriminazione razzista.
All'Autorita' Nazionale Palestinese chiediamo:
1. di assumere immediatamente il governo della Striscia di Gaza.
2. di adoperarsi ivi per l'immediata liberazione di tutte le persone rapite da Hamas.
3. di organizzare lo stato di Palestina indipendente e democratico.
4. di concordare con lo stato di Israele l'avvio di tutti i negoziati necessari per risolvere le molte questioni da affrontare come due stati sovrani in condizioni di parita'.
5. di adoperarsi affinche' nessuno stato arabo o musulmano possa piu' proseguire in una politica antisraeliana ed antiebraica prendendo abusivamente a pretesto la causa palestinese.
All'Onu chiediamo:
1. un piano straordinario di aiuti per la Palestina.
2. una deliberazione dell'Assemblea Generale che riconoscendo i due stati di Israele e di Palestina vincoli tutti gli stati membri delle Nazioni Unite a cessare ogni politica di negazione dello stato di Israele, ogni politica di persecuzione antiebraica.
Agli stati ed agli organismi politici sovranazionali d'Europa (l'Europa che e' il continente in cui si sono realizzati la bimillenaria persecuzione antiebraica e l'orrore assoluto della Shoah; l'Europa che e' il continente i cui principali stati hanno oppresso i popoli del resto del mondo con il razzismo, il colonialismo, l'imperialismo fin genocida) chiediamo:
1. di risarcire adeguatamente sia lo stato di Israele che lo stato di Palestina per le sofferenze inflitte ai loro popoli sia direttamente che indirettamente.
2. di contrastare il fascismo e il razzismo, l'antisemitismo e l'islamofobia, tutte le ideologie di odio e le organizzazioni che le praticano e le diffondono, e tutti i crimini conseguenti.
Fermare la guerra.
Fermare le stragi.
Restituire la liberta' a tutte le persone che ne sono state private.
Riconoscere e proteggere tutti i diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani.
Salvare le vite e' il primo dovere.


Certo, continuare a soccorrere, accogliere, assistere tutte le vittime.
Certo, continuare a recare aiuti umanitari a tutte le vittime.
Certo, continuare a denunciare la criminale follia di chi la guerra ha scatenato.
Certo, continuare a denunciare la criminale follia dei governi che, invece di adoperarsi per far cessare la guerra e le stragi di cui essa consiste, alimentano l'una e quindi le altre.
Certo, continuare a denunciare il pericolo estremo e immediato che la guerra divenga mondiale e nucleare e distrugga l'intera umana famiglia riducendo a un deserto l'intero mondo vivente.
Certo, continuare a denunciare che la guerra sempre e solo uccide gli esseri umani,  sempre e solo uccide gli esseri umani,  sempre e solo uccide gli esseri umani.
Certo, continuare ad esortare chi nella guerra e' attivamente coinvolto a cessare di uccidere, a deporre le armi, a disertare gli eserciti, a obiettare a comandi scellerati, a rifiutarsi di diventare un assassino.
Certo, continuare a ricordare che salvare le vite e' il primo dovere di tutti gli esseri umani e di tutti gli umani istituti.
Tutto cio' e' buono e giusto, ma non basta.
Occorre fare anche altre cose che solo noi qui in Europa occidentale possiamo e dobbiamo fare.
E le cose che possiamo e dobbiamo fare sono queste:
1. Con l'azione diretta nonviolenta fino allo sciopero generale contrastare anche qui la macchina bellica, l'industria armiera, i mercanti di morte, la follia militarista, i governanti stragisti: paralizzare i poteri assassini occorre.
2. Con l'azione diretta nonviolenta fino allo sciopero generale imporre ai governi europei di mettere il veto ad ogni iniziativa della Nato, l'organizzazione terrorista e stragista di cui i nostri paesi tragicamente fanno parte: paralizzare immediatamente i criminali della Nato occorre, e successivamente procedere allo scioglimento della scellerata organizzazione.
3. Con l'azione diretta nonviolenta fino allo sciopero generale imporre ai governi europei di cessare di armare ed alimentare la guerra e sostenere invece l'impegno per l'immediato cessate il fuoco ed immediate trattative di pace.
4. Con l'azione diretta nonviolenta fino allo sciopero generale imporre ai governi europei di restituire all'Onu la funzione e il potere di abolire il flagello della guerra.
5. Con l'azione diretta nonviolenta fino allo sciopero generale imporre ai governi europei la pace, il disarmo, la smilitarizzazione.
6. Con l'azione diretta nonviolenta fino allo sciopero generale imporre ai governi europei una politica della sicurezza comune dell'umanita' intera fondata sulla Difesa popolare nonviolenta, sui Corpi civili di pace, sulle concrete pratiche che inverino l'affermazione del diritto alla vita, alla dignita' e alla solidarieta' di tutti i popoli e di tutte le persone.
7. Con l'azione diretta nonviolenta fino allo sciopero generale imporre ai governi europei una politica comune di attiva difesa dell'intero mondo vivente prima che la catastrofe ambientale in corso sia irreversibile.
E' questa la nostra opinione fin dall'inizio della tragedia in corso.
Ci sembra che senza queste azioni nonviolente la guerra, le stragi e le devastazioni non saranno fermate.
Troppi esseri umani sono gia' stati uccisi per la criminale follia dei governanti.
Oppresse e oppressi di tutti i paesi, unitevi per la salvezza comune dell'umanita' intera.
Sia massima universalmente condivisa la regola aurea che afferma: agisci nei confronti delle altre persone cosi' come vorresti che le altre persone agissero verso di te.
Salvare le vite e' il primo dovere.
Solo la nonviolenza puo' salvare l'umanita' dalla catastrofe.

A sostegno della lotta nonviolenta delle donne per la vita, la dignita' e i diritti di tutti gli esseri umani
a cura del "Centro di ricerca per la pace, i diritti umani e la difesa della biosfera" di Viterbo
Supplemento a "La nonviolenza e' in cammino" (anno XXV)
Direttore responsabile: Peppe Sini. Redazione: strada S. Barbara 9/E, 01100 Viterbo, e-mail: centropacevt at gmail.com
Numero 546 del 29 giugno 2024
Il "Centro di ricerca per la pace, i diritti umani e la difesa della biosfera" di Viterbo e' una struttura nonviolenta attiva dagli anni '70 del secolo scorso che ha sostenuto, promosso e coordinato varie campagne per il bene comune, locali, nazionali ed internazionali. E' la struttura nonviolenta che negli anni Ottanta ha coordinato per l'Italia la piu' ampia campagna di solidarieta' con Nelson Mandela, allora detenuto nelle prigioni del regime razzista sudafricano. Nel 1987 ha promosso il primo convegno nazionale di studi dedicato a Primo Levi. Dal 2000 pubblica il notiziario telematico quotidiano "La nonviolenza e' in cammino". Dal 2021 e' particolarmente impegnata nella campagna per la liberazione di Leonard Peltier, l'illustre attivista nativo americano difensore dei diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani e dell'intero mondo vivente, da 48 anni prigioniero innocente.
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