[Nonviolenza] La biblioteca di Zorobabele. 485

Segnalazioni librarie e letture nonviolente
a cura del "Centro di ricerca per la pace, i diritti umani e la difesa della biosfera" di Viterbo
Supplemento a "La nonviolenza e' in cammino" (anno XXIII)
Direttore responsabile: Peppe Sini. Redazione: strada S. Barbara 9/E, 01100 Viterbo, tel. 0761353532, e-mail: centropacevt at gmail.com
Numero 485 del 23 giugno 2022

In questo numero:
1. Una settimana e oltre di iniziative in Italia e in Europa per la liberazione di Leonard Peltier
2. Carol Gokee: Rise Up For Peltier Call to Action Toolkit
3. Leonard Peltier: Statement on "Day of Mourning" (29 novembre 2021)
4. Leonard Peltier: Message to National Day of Mourning 2020 (primo dicembre 2020)
5. Leonard Peltier: "Thanksgiving" statement (3 dicembre 2019)
6. Leonard Peltier: Statement of love and respect (3 dicembre 2018)
7. Leonard Peltier: Message from Leonard Peltier to Day of Mourning (27 novembre 2017)
8. Leonard Peltier: Message on Day of Mourning (30 novembre 2016)


Un incontro a Viterbo su un anno di attivita'
Si e' svolto nella mattinata di mercoledi' 22 giugno 2022 a Viterbo presso il "Centro di ricerca per la pace, i diritti umani e la difesa della biosfera" un incontro di riflessione sull'impegno per la liberazione di Leonard Peltier, con particolar riferimento all'iniziativa avviata proprio un anno fa, il 22 giugno 2021, dalla struttura nonviolenta viterbese.
L'incontro si e' aperto con un minuto di silenzio per le vittime di tutte le guerre.
Nel corso dell'incontro e' stata anche data notizia delle molte iniziative per la liberazione di Leonard Peltier che in varie citta' europee si svolgeranno in questi giorni.
Le persone partecipanti all'incontro hanno condiviso ancora una volta alcuni appelli che si riportano in calce.
Alcune iniziative per la liberazione di Leonard Peltier che si svolgeranno in varie citta' europee nei prossimi giorni
Mercoledi' 22 giugno alle ore 21 a Monza.
Giovedi' 23 giugno alle ore 19 a Milano.
Giovedi' 23 giugno alle ore 18,30 a Viterbo.
Venerdi' 24 giugno alle ore 18 a Lipsia.
Venerdi' 24 giugno alle ore 18 a San Didero in Valsusa.
Sabato 25 giugno alle ore 11 a Buxtehude.
Sabato 25 giugno alle ore 18,30 a Parigi.
Sabato 25 giugno alle ore  18 a Torino.
Domenica 26 giugno alle ore 17 a Berlino.
Domenica 26 giugno alle 14,30 a Chiaravalle (Mi).
Domenica 26 giugno alle ore 14,30 a Duesseldorf.
Domenica 26 alle ore 14 a Francoforte sul Meno.
Domenica 26 giugno alle ore 16 a Vetralla.
Domenica 26 giugno alle ore 9 a Viterbo.
Domenica 26 giugno alle ore 14,30 a Zurigo.
Lunedi' 27 giugno alle ore 18 a Milano.
Venerdi' primo luglio alle ore 12 a Barcellona.
Venerdi' primo luglio a Lipsia.
Sabato 2 luglio alle ore 12 a Barcellona.
Domenica 17 luglio alle ore 18 a Francoforte sul Meno.
Altre iniziative, in questo momento ancora in preparazione, sono previste anche in altre citta'.
Per informazioni e contatti
Per contattare le principali associazioni promotrici delle iniziative italiane in corso per la liberazione di Leonard Peltier: e-mail: bigoni.gastone at gmail.com, naila.clerici at soconasincomindios.it, nepi1.anpi at gmail.com, centropacevt at gmail.com, tel. 3490931155 (risponde Andrea De Lotto, del "Comitato di solidarieta' con Leonard Peltier" di Milano), tel. 3478207381 (risponde Naila Clerici, direttrice della rivista "Tepee" e presidente italiana di Soconas-Incomindios).
In Germania: Tokata-LPSG Verein zur Unterstuetzung indigener Sozial-, Kultur-, Umwelt- und Menschenrechtsprojekte & Leonard Peltier Support Group, sito: www.leonardpeltier.de, facebook: www.facebook.com/LPSGRheinMain, twitter: twitter.com/howlingwolf123, e-mail: lpsgrheinmain at aol.com 
Il punto di riferimento internazionale e' l'International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, sito: www.whoisleonardpeltier.info, e-mail: Contact at whoisleonardpeltier.info
* * *
Allegato primo: Appello alla Presidente del Parlamento Europeo, on. Roberta Metsola: president at ep.europa.eu
Gentilissima Presidente del Parlamento Europeo,
il suo indimenticabile predecessore, il Presidente David Sassoli, si impegno' affinche' il Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America compisse un atto di clemenza che restituisse la liberta' a Leonard Peltier, l'illustre attivista nativo americano difensore dei diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani e della Madre Terra, da 46 anni detenuto innocente nelle carceri statunitensi a seguito di un processo-farsa in cui fu assurdamente condannato per un crimine che non ha mai commesso sulla base di "prove" false e di "testimonianze" altrettante false, come successivamente ammisero i suoi stessi accusatori e giudici. Nonostante la sua innocenza sia ormai da tutti riconosciuta, Leonard Peltier continua ad essere detenuto.
Con un intervento pubblicato su twitter e una dichiarazione alla stampa di cui e' disponibile la registrazione video il Presidente Sassoli il 23 agosto 2021 espresse pubblicamente la richiesta al Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America di concedere la grazia a Leonard Peltier.
Nel suo tweet del 23 agosto 2021 il Presidente Sassoli scriveva, in italiano e in inglese:
"Inviero' una lettera alle autorita' statunitensi chiedendo clemenza per Leonard Peltier, attivista per i diritti umani dell'American Indian Movement, in carcere da 45 anni.
Spero che le autorita' accolgano il mio invito. I diritti umani vanno difesi sempre, ovunque".
"I will send a letter to the US authorities asking for clemency for Leonard Peltier. A human rights activist of the American Indian Movement, he has been imprisoned for 45 years.
I hope the authorities will take up my invitation. Human rights must be defended always, everywhere".
Gentilissima Presidente del Parlamento Europeo,
gia' nel 1994 e poi ancora nel 1999 il Parlamento Europeo delibero' risoluzioni per la liberazione di Leonard Peltier.
Qui di seguito si trascrive integralmente la Risoluzione del Parlamento Europeo dell'11 febbraio 1999 (pubblicata sulla Gazzetta ufficiale n. C 150 del 28/05/1999 pag. 0384, B4-0169, 0175, 0179 e 0199/99):
"Risoluzione sul caso di Leonard Peltier
Il Parlamento europeo,
- vista la sua risoluzione del 15 dicembre 1994 sulla grazia per Leonard Peltier (GU C 18 del 23.1.1995, pag. 183),
A. considerando il ruolo svolto da Leonard Peltier nella difesa dei diritti dei popoli indigeni,
B. considerando che Leonard Peltier e' stato condannato nel 1977 a due ergastoli dopo essere stato estradato dal Canada, benche' non vi fosse alcuna prova della sua colpevolezza,
C. considerando che Amnesty International ha ripetutamente espresso le proprie preoccupazioni circa l'equita' del processo che ha condotto alla condanna di Leonard Peltier,
D. considerando che il governo degli Stati Uniti ha ormai ammesso che gli affidavit utilizzati per arrestare e estradare Leonard Peltier dal Canada erano falsi e che il Pubblico ministero statunitense Lynn Crooks ha affermato che il governo degli Stati Uniti non aveva alcuna prova di chi aveva ucciso gli agenti,
E. considerando che dopo 23 anni trascorsi nei penitenziari federali, le condizioni di salute di Leonard Peltier si sono seriamente aggravate e che secondo il giudizio di specialisti la sua vita potrebbe essere in pericolo se non ricevera' adeguate cure mediche,
F. considerando che le autorita' penitenziarie continuano a negargli adeguate cure mediche in violazione del diritto umanitario internazionale e i suoi diritti costituzionali,
G. rilevando che Leonard Peltier ha esaurito tutte le possibilita' di appello concessegli dal diritto statunitense,
1. insiste ancora una volta affinche' venga concessa a Leonard Peltier la grazia presidenziale;
2. insiste affinche' Leonard Peltier sia trasferito in una clinica dove possa ricevere le cure mediche del caso;
3. ribadisce la sua richiesta di un'indagine sulle irregolarita' giudiziarie che hanno portato alla reclusione di Leonard Peltier;
4. incarica la sua delegazione per le relazioni con gli Stati Uniti di sollevare il caso di Leonard Peltier iscrivendolo all'ordine del giorno del prossimo incontro con i parlamentari americani;
5. incarica il suo Presidente di trasmettere la presente risoluzione al Consiglio, alla Commissione, al Congresso statunitense e al Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America".
Gentilissima Presidente del Parlamento Europeo,
la liberazione di Leonard Peltier e' stata chiesta gia' da molti anni da prestigiose istituzioni, innumerevoli associazioni democratiche, milioni di persone di tutto il mondo tra cui illustri personalita' come Nelson Mandela, madre Teresa di Calcutta, Desmond Tutu e numerosi altri Premi Nobel.
Gentilissima Presidente del Parlamento Europeo,
dia seguito all'iniziativa del Parlamento Europeo e del Presidente Sassoli, e chieda al Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America di compiere finalmente l'atto di clemenza che restituisca la liberta' a Leonard Peltier.
Le persone partecipanti all'incontro svoltosi a Viterbo (Italia) il 22 giugno 2022
* * *
Allegato secondo: Appello al Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite, on. Antonio Guterres: sgcentral at un.org
Egregio Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite, on. Antonio Guterres,
uniamo la nostra voce a quella di quanti hanno gia' chiesto un suo intervento presso il Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America affinche' compia un atto di clemenza restituendo la liberta' a Leonard Peltier attraverso lo strumento giuridico della grazia presidenziale.
Chiediamo questo suo intervento perche' la vicenda di Leonard Peltier riguarda l'umanita' intera.
Come Lei gia' sapra', Leonard Peltier e' un illustre attivista nativo americano, generoso e coraggioso difensore dei diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani e della Madre Terra, da 46 anni detenuto per delitti che non ha commesso.
Gli stessi suoi accusatori che ne ottennero la condanna al termine di uno scandalosissimo processo-farsa basato su cosiddette "prove" dimostratesi assolutamente false e su cosiddette "testimonianze" dimostratesi anch'esse assolutamente false, hanno successivamente riconosciuto che la condanna e la conseguente detenzione di Leonard Peltier e' ingiusta e persecutoria, insensata e disumana, ed hanno chiesto loro stessi la sua liberazione.
Eppure, nonostante che la sua innocenza sia ormai certezza condivisa dall'umanita' intera, Leonard Peltier - ormai anziano e con gravi problemi di salute - continua ad essere detenuto per delitti che non ha mai commesso.
Sicuramente ricordera' che la liberazione di Leonard Peltier e' stata chiesta da milioni di persone di tutto il mondo, tra le quali figure luminose come Nelson Mandela, madre Teresa di Calcutta, Desmond Tutu.
Ricordera' sicuramente anche che la liberazione di Leonard Peltier e' stata chiesta da innumerevoli istituzioni, tra le quali il Parlamento Europeo con ben due risoluzioni fin dagli anni '90 del secolo scorso.
Ci e' particolarmente grato ricordare anche l'iniziativa del compianto Presidente del Parlamento Europeo, on. David Sassoli, recentemente deceduto, che il 23 agosto 2021 scriveva, in italiano e in inglese:
"Inviero' una lettera alle autorita' statunitensi chiedendo clemenza per Leonard Peltier, attivista per i diritti umani dell'American Indian Movement, in carcere da 45 anni. Spero che le autorita' accolgano il mio invito. I diritti umani vanno difesi sempre, ovunque".
"I will send a letter to the US authorities asking for clemency for Leonard Peltier. A human rights activist of the American Indian Movement, he has been imprisoned for 45 years. I hope the authorities will take up my invitation. Human rights must be defended always, everywhere".
Gli sforzi di milioni di esseri umani, l'impegno di innumerevoli associazioni - tra cui in primo luogo Amnesty International -, il voto di autorevolissime istituzioni, non hanno ottenuto fin qui che Leonard Peltier venisse liberato.
Occorre evidentemente un'iniziativa ulteriore.
Sia Lei, che rappresenta l'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite, quindi l'istituzione rappresentativa di tutti i paesi e i popoli del mondo, a promuovere questa iniziativa.
Sia Lei a chiedere al Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America di restituire la liberta' a Leonard Peltier.
Le persone partecipanti all'incontro svoltosi a Viterbo (Italia) il 22 giugno 2022
* * *
Allegato terzo: Un invito a tutte le persone di volonta' buona, alle associazioni democratiche, alle istituzioni sollecite del bene comune dell'umanita', affinche' si adoperino per la liberazione di Leonard Peltier
Fratelli e sorelle,
a tutte e tutti chiediamo un impegno, nelle forme che riterrete adeguate, affinche' sia restituita la liberta' a Leonard Peltier.
Vi proponiamo di scrivere lettere sia direttamente al Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America, nelle cui mani e' il potere di concedere la grazia che restituisca finalmente la liberta' a Leonard Peltier, sia alle istituzioni, alle organizzazioni ed alle personalita' che riterrete possano trovare maggior ascolto da parte della Casa Bianca, sia ai mezzi d'informazione affinche' cessi il silenzio sulla vicenda e sulla testimonianza di Leonard Peltier e sulla lotta sua e dei popoli nativi in difesa dei diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani e dell'intero mondo vivente.
Ma soprattutto vi chiediamo tre cose: di informare e coscientizzare le persone con cui siete in contatto, di voler voi stessi approfondire la conoscenza della vicenda di Leonard Peltier, di mettervi in contatto sia con lui che con il comitato internazionale di solidarieta' che lo sostiene.
L'indirizzo postale di Leonard Peltier e' nel sito dell'International Leonard Peltier Defense Committe (www.whoisleonardpeltier.info). Per contattare il comitato internazionale di solidarieta' inviare una e-mail a: contact at whoisleonardpeltier.info
Grazie di cuore per quanto vorrete fare.
Le persone partecipanti all'incontro svoltosi a Viterbo (Italia) il 22 giugno 2022

[Dal comitato internazionale di difesa di Leonard Peltier ("International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee", 428-A8 Farnham St. Marshall, WI. 53559, 715.209.4453, sito: www.whoisleonardpeltier.info, e-mail: Contact at whoisleonardpeltier.info) riceviamo e diffondiamo]

Ask President Biden for the Immediate Release of Leonard Peltier!
Call to Action Briefing
There is no doubt that our criminal justice system is imperfect, and Mr. Peltier knows firsthand just how imperfect it can be.
"I call on President Biden to commute Mr. Peltier's sentence expeditiously. It is the right thing to do." - Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt), longest serving member of the U.S. Senate
Call to Action
Contact President Biden today!
Ask for the immediate release of Leonard Peliter
Call President Biden Today! 202.456.1111
Please note: The White House comment line is open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Eastern, Tuesday through Thursday.
Important Links:
Change.org Petition: https://bit.ly/3refswl
Contact your local Representatives: https://bit.ly/housereplp
New York Times Article : Clemency for Peltier:
Guardian Article Calling for Clemency:
Click Here to Download Social Media Graphics
Please use these graphics to post on social media outlets.
RISEUpForPeltier Signs & Banner Art link here
Use images in this link above for signs and banners for art builds.
Official Hashtags
Account to Tag
@OfficialFBOP (Bureau of Prisons)
@PeltierHQ (International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee)
Sample Facebook and Instagram Post (Copy and Paste)
Leonard Peltier, Anishinaabe and Dakota, has spent over 4 decades of his life behind bars, and recently, the prison system has failed to provide him adequate care and protection against COVID-19. His story is the epitome of the systemic abuse that continues to target Indigenous people and Movement Leaders.
We call upon President Biden to show proof of his efforts toward justice and equity by granting Executive Clemency to elder movement leader Leonard Peltier.
Call the White House and demand the release of Leonard Peltier. (202) 456-1111. Say
you support the commutation of #LeonardPeltier's sentence. He's held at USP-Coleman I in FL. Register number 89637-132
Sign the online petition: https://bit.ly/3refswl
Contact your reps. Find them here: https://bit.ly/35raR
Here's what you need to know to #RiseUpForPeltier
On March 26, 2020 the Office of the Attorney General issued guidelines for the "Prioritization of Home Confinement as Appropriate in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic." A release to home confinement can be an immediate measure to ensure that Mr. Peltier gets the health care that he requires while the ILPDC continues to push for the commutation of his sentence.
Mr. Peltier's home community on the Turtle Mountain Reservation in North Dakota continues to plead for his return, confirming that they do not see his release as a threat to his community. Read the full letter here.
The International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (ILPDC) is calling on the public to contact the White House and urge President Biden to take immediate action. Next, contact members of Congress and ask them to call upon the Warden at USP Coleman-1 and Bureau of Prisons Director Michael Carvajal, urging the immediate release of Leonard Peltier to home confinement.
It is time for Leonard Peltier to go home and be taken care of by his people. He has suffered for far too long and time is running out. Enough is enough!
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt), the longest serving member of the U.S. Senate issued a statement urging President Biden to commute Leonard Peltier's sentence stating that, "His trial was so riddled with flaws that even one of the prosecutors trying him has acknowledged that Peltier was wrongfully convicted... He is exactly the kind of individual who should be considered for clemency... I have long believed that pardons and commutations are vital tools to offer clemency and relief, particularly when our criminal justice system has been contorted to propagate injustices. I call on President Biden to commute Mr. Peltier.s sentence expeditiously. It is the right thing to do."
Read the full statement here:
Sample Tweets (Copy and Paste)
Mr. Peltier's home community on the Turtle Mountain Reservation in North Dakota continues to plead for his return, confirming that they do not see his release as a threat to his community. Read the full letter here:
The IPLDC is calling on the public to contact the White House and urge President Biden to take immediate action. Next, contact members of Congress and ask them to call upon the Warden at USP Coleman-1 and Bureau of Prisons Director Michal Carvajal, urging the immediate release of Leonard Peltier to home confinement.
It is time for Leonard Peltier to go home and be taken care of by his people. He has suffered for far too long and time is running out. Enough is enough.
Graphics Sharing Instructions
1. Download a graphic from one of the visual asset folders below.
2. Log on to the social media platform of your choice. Assets for Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter have been built for this toolkit.
3. Copy and paste one of the sample posts listed below or write your own post
and include one of our RISE UP FOR PELTIER hashtags.
4. Upload the image you’ve downloaded from the visual assets folder.
5. Tag or @mention @POTUS @WHITEHOUSE and post!
For Media Inquiries, Please Contact:
Carol Gokee, International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, 715-209-4453
Jean Roach, International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, 605-415-3127
Kevin Sharp, former Federal District Court Judge & Peltier's lead attorney, 615-434-7001

[Dal sito www.workers.org riprendiamo e ridiffondiamo questo intervento di Leonard Peltier diffuso il 29 novembre 2021]

Leonard Peltier, a leader of the American Indian Movement, was falsely framed and convicted for the killing of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota in 1975. He has spent almost 46 years in federal prisons and is in ill-health. The following is a slightly edited statement he wrote and was read on his behalf for the 52nd annual National Day of Mourning on November 25, 2021, on Cole's Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts. To find out more about the ongoing campaign to grant him clemency, go to whoisleonardpeltier.info. His statement can be read online at tinyurl.com/2p82dfaw.
Greetings Relatives,
Each year as November nears, I try to think back on all that has happened in my world in the past 12 months. And I know that in my world, I can only see a very small part of what is happening on the outside. For me, this year somehow seems to carry more weight than usual.
I have passed ever so slowly into the world of the elderly. I am now closer to 80 than to 70. The truth is, I never believed I would live this long. I was just past 31 years old, when I came to prison. It was almost half a century ago. My body is now the body of an old man. And it is harder to try to keep myself from being overtaken by sickness or depression or loneliness. They are constant companions here. I keep them at arm's length, and I know I cannot ever let them overtake me. If I allow that to happen, it will be the end. There is no mercy here. No compassion.
I cannot even imagine what it is like on the outside. I only hear stories and cannot believe half of what I hear.
For me, the best days here at USP Coleman 1 in Florida were the days when we could be outside in the yard and feel the sun. Even though they purposely built the walls so high that we cannot even see the treetops, the occasional bird or butterfly gives a welcome glimpse of our relatives in the natural world, but even that is very rare now.
I know COVID has cost all of us, you and me, in many ways. And I offer my condolences for all of you who have lost loved ones and friends to it.
Here inside the steel-and-concrete walls, it is no different. Constant lockdowns caused by both COVID and violence have made life here even harder than usual. I have not been allowed to paint in eighteen months, and we are almost always in some form of lockdown.
We are stuck in our cells for days at a time. It is an extremely rare day when we get to go outside to the yard.
'On my mind for many years'
I feel moved to try to explain something that has been on my mind for many years. I think maybe it will be helpful if I say the words out loud.
When we started to emerge from the darkness of Residential Schools, it became clear that we had to go back to try and reclaim what they robbed from us.
And what they robbed us of was the very heart of who we were. Our language, our ways and our connections back home. They wanted us, leaving those "schools," thinking like little non-Indians, who would just go along with the program and not rock the boat. Even with all the terrible damage they did to so many of us, many of us did survive them. And then we began the process of reclaiming our culture and way of life. I know that process continues to this day.
I am so deeply saddened in hearing the stories of all the children's graves they are finding at Residential Schools. I guess I was one of the lucky ones who made it home. But the death of those children is so sad and outrageous, and I am glad the world is finding out at last.
Back then, even our home at Turtle Mountain was under threat of government termination. I remember how hard my Dad, who was a World War II veteran, fought to save us.
'So many fights to keep our way of life alive'
Over the years we fought so many fights to keep our way of life alive and protect the natural world.
After our family was relocated to Portland, Oregon, I took part in the fishing struggles with Billy Frank and his Nisqually people at Frank's Landing. The rednecks were cutting up their nets and attacking both women and men who just wanted to continue to fish as their ancestors did.
And when they shot Hank Adams, it was a very dark time and outraged all of us, but we stood strong to protect the Nisqually people. I will always be proud of that.
There were so many outrages back then.
When the land at Fort Lawton in Washington state fell into disuse, we went there and occupied it under old treaty law. That was also a hard time. At one point soldiers were pointing flamethrowers at us. But we held our ground and eventually they gave in. We put our good friend Bernie White Bear in charge, and he helped to build the Daybreak Star Center that is still a great asset to Indian people today. Bernie is gone now, as are so many of the others from those days.
Same thing when we took the abandoned Coast Guard Station in Milwaukee with Herb Powless. Our actions might have been unpopular at the time, but they led to a school, alcohol treatment center and employment office. The school is still thriving and is an asset to the Native community and the Milwaukee area. Herb is gone too.
So even though the price we paid was very, very high, we did make things better for our people, and we did help to turn things around.
I wonder if many people understand the events in our history and how connected they are. I was born in 1944. The massacre at Wounded Knee was in 1890. That was just 54 years earlier, and both Geronimo and Chief Joseph died only 35 years earlier in 1909. Think about that - 35 years ago now it was 1986. Not very long ago at all.
'Heartened and encouraged'
I want to leave you with some positive thoughts.
Retired U.S. Attorney James Reynolds did an interview with the Huffington Post and actually apologized to me for all the wrong they did to me. I hope that is spread all over the world, and I am grateful to him. [tinyurl.com/yckprd8f]
I can say that I am heartened and encouraged by the courageous water protectors, from Standing Rock to the beautiful manoomin (wild rice) lands of Northern Minnesota.
I am proud of Winona LaDuke and her people's work to protect those beautiful lands and lakes and her work to offer alternatives to fossil fuels. Using hemp could fix so many things. It is not something we can fix in a year or ten years, but it is something that all reasonable people should understand.
We cannot poison the water that sustains us. All of us. Not just Native and First Nations people, but all people. We have that in common. People should understand: We are trying to protect our homes and our natural lands. Water IS life.
And I am deeply grateful for the courage and vision of Deb Haaland, the new Secretary of the Interior. I know she went to Alcatraz this week. That is an acknowledgment that what we did was right and honorable. I was not at Alcatraz, but those of us, women and men, who stood up in those days were right. And in other parts of the country, we formed our own branches of United Indians of all tribes. So their efforts led to others joining in.
I heard that Deb Haaland said that the day has come when Indians no longer have to protest to be heard by the U.S. government. That is music to my old ears.
Our people were, and many still are, suffering. Anyone of any race would do the same things to stop the sufferings of their people.
'Hope that I can make it home to Turtle Mountain'
I wish all of you good health and happiness in all you do. You are in my prayers, and I am grateful to all of you who have supported me or will support me going forward.
I still hold out hope that I can make it home to Turtle Mountain while I can still walk out under my own power.
I remain grateful for the gift of life.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier

[Dal sito www.workers.org riprendiamo e ridiffondiamo questo intervento di Leonard Peltier diffuso il primo dicembre 2020]

Greetings my relatives, friends, loved ones and supporters,
First of all, I want to thank you for the privilege of being allowed to express my feelings about this "Day of Mourning," as we call it, and "Day of Thanksgiving," as the rest of the U.S. calls it. Sometimes I'm at a loss for words to express all the thoughts I have going on in my head after 45 years of imprisonment.
I do want to express my appreciation for our ancestors before us, who fought so hard that we would live today. I want to express my feelings of remembrance for the ones who were overpowered by the weapons of war coming from Europe and the pandemics they faced. Though we have been attacked by the invaders from Europe, over and over in every way possible, and everything that has been done to destroy us, our culture and traditions, we still survived until today because we are an _expression_ of the Creator's Will and an _expression_ of the Creator's Truth. We are a manifestation of that truth, that all mankind should live within the boundaries of those laws.
There is nothing that came from Europe that has made this portion of the Earth a better place to live, but like all nature, we have survived. And nature continues to survive, though mankind is on the edge of destroying itself. The truths that our people spoke of, the need to live in harmony with each other, the Creator, the Mother Earth, and respect one another's approach to spirituality - when expressed by non-Indians becomes a sensation around the world. We must continue to speak our truth, to live our truth and to support one another, for there lies our survival. The most powerful weapons that we can obtain are knowledge of truth and love for one another, and the practice of that truth and love.
We must unite and work together every chance we can and embrace all others who are of like mind and willing to work to correct this worldwide pandemic of greed and selfishness that has infected the whole earth and mankind.
On this Day of Mourning, let us again remember our relatives before us, who fought every challenge imaginable that we might survive, and in our prayers say "Thanks for not giving up. Thanks for giving your lives that we might live." And to all of you out there, I want to say thanks for not giving up on me and my quest for freedom. May the Creator bless you in every way. Your brother always, in all ways.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse and Resistance,
Mitakuye Oyasin,
Leonard Peltier

[Dal sito www.workers.org riprendiamo e ridiffondiamo questo intervento di Leonard Peltier diffuso il 3 dicembre 2019]

Leonard Peltier is the revered former leader of the American Indian Movement who has been behind bars on totally fabricated charges since 1976 - 43 years! His message was read during the rally at the 50th anniversary of the National Day of Mourning on Nov. 28, 2019 by Wampanoag elder, Bert Waters, who is 89 years old.
The year of 2019 is coming to a close and with it comes the day most Americans set aside as a day for Thanksgiving. As I let my mind wander beyond the steel bars and concrete walls, I try to imagine what the people who live outside the prison gates are doing, and what they are thinking.
Do they ever think of the Indigenous people who were forced from their homelands? Do they understand that with every step they take, no matter the direction, that they are walking on stolen land? Can they imagine, even for one minute, what it was like to watch the suffering of the women, the children and babies and yes, the sick and elderly, as they were made to keep pushing west in freezing temperatures, with little or no food? These were my people and this was our land.
There was a time when we enjoyed freedom and were able to hunt buffalo and gather the foods and sacred medicines. We were able to fish and we enjoyed the clean, clear water! My people were generous; we shared everything we had, including the knowledge of how to survive the long harsh winters or the hot humid summers. We were appreciative of the gifts from our Creator and remembered to give thanks on a daily basis. We had ceremonies and special dances that were a celebration of life.
With the coming of foreigners to our shores, life as we knew it would change drastically. Individual ownership was foreign to my people. Fences?? Unheard of, back then. We were a communal people and we took care of each other.
Our grandparents weren't isolated from us! They were the wisdom keepers and story tellers and were an important link in our families. The babies? They were and are our future! Look at the brilliant young people who put themselves at risk, fighting to keep our water and environment clean and safe for the generations yet to come. They are willing to confront the giant, multinational corporations by educating the general public of the devastation being caused.
I smile with hope when I think of them. They are fearless and ready to speak the truth to all who are willing to listen. We also remember our brothers and sisters of Bolivia, who are rioting, in support of the first Indigenous President, Evo Morales. His commitment to the people, the land, their resources and protection against corruption is commendable. We recognize and identify with that struggle so well.
So today, I thank all the people who are willing to have an open mind, those who are willing to accept the responsibility of planning for seven generations ahead, those who remember the sacrifices made by our ancestors so we can continue to speak our own language, practice our own way of thankfulness in our own skin, and that we always acknowledge and respect the Indigenous lineage that we carry.
For those of you who are thankful that you have enough food to feed your families, please give to those who aren't as fortunate. If you are warm and have a comfortable shelter to live in, please give to those who are cold and homeless; if you see someone hurting and in need of a kind word or two, be that person who steps forward and lends a hand. And especially, when you see injustice anywhere, please be brave enough to speak up to confront it.
I want to thank all who are kind enough to remember me and my family in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for continuing to support and believe in me. There isn't a minute in any day that passes without me hoping that this will be the day I will be granted freedom. I long for the day when I can smell clean fresh air, when I can feel a gentle breeze in my hair, witness the clouds as their movement hides the sun and when the moon shines the light on the path to the sacred Inipi [Lakota ceremony]. That would truly be a day I could call a day of Thanksgiving.
Thank you for listening to whomever is voicing my words. My Spirit is there with you.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier

[Dal sito www.workers.org riprendiamo e ridiffondiamo questo intervento di Leonard Peltier diffuso il 3 dicembre 2018]

Greetings Sisters, Brothers, Elders, Friends and Supporters.
Well here it is, sorry to say, another year, and I'm still writing to you from a prison cell. I am still in pain from my illnesses with no knowledge of whether I will ever get treatments for them. But I'm alive and still breathing, hoping, wishing, praying for not just my pains, but for all Native Nations and the People of the World who care and have positive feelings about what is happening to Mother Earth and against the evils committed by Wasi'chu in their greed for her natural resources.
It doesn't seem as if any changes for the good or safety of Mother Earth will happen soon. But the good hearted people are fighting back, and some good people are winning in the struggles to beat back some of this evil and to make the Changes, the safety networks, we need for our grandchildren and great grandchildren so that they will be able to live happy, successful lives, at least decent lives, that most of the poor underprivileged in my generation never got to experience or enjoy in [their] short lives.
So, I sit back and look at the world, and I wonder if I will ever get to see the outside world again, free from this prison cell? At 74 it is not looking too good for that to happen. But I keep my hopes alive and pray as hard as I can that it will happen. If not, when they bury me I want to be laid to rest face down and with a note pinned to my ass with the words in large bold letters, "Kiss my ass!!"... just in case someone wants to study my bones years from now:)!!
On a more pleasant issue one of my grandaughters Ashley is in college at University of Arizona, Flagstaff, and she wants to be a Medicine Woman! How awesome is that? My baby, a doctor! Wow! How proud am I! You would not believe just how much I am! I could use a little help now and then for her; don't send it to me, but send it to ILPDC earmarked for her use only!! She is going on a long hard journey, so she will need help now and then. One day, if she continues her studies to be a Medicine Woman, I know things can change as time goes by, but if she makes it, she will be an enormous help to Native Nations' hospitals.
My friend Harvey Arden passed yesterday on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2018, 5:20 P.M. He was a very good and kind man who loved Native People and the poor and sick. We are all going to miss him. I hope he has a good safe journey to the Spirit World, and I hope our Relatives will all be there to greet him with open arms; that would be very pleasing to him. See you soon, my Kola.
Politically we are finally making gains in Congress; two great Native ladies made it in the House of Representatives! They are Shanice Davids, Ho Chunk of Wisconsin, for Kansas and Deb Haaland, Laguna Pueblo, for New Mexico. On Pine Ridge my nephew Julian Bear Runner made it as President of the great Lakota Nation! I'm hearing more states are doing away with Columbus Day! Hell, we may just win the War for Survival yet.
My last thoughts on this day, that we Native People call a Day of Mourning, are for my sisters' and brothers' family by blood and by AIM that are now in the Spirit World, and to them I say Lila Pilamaya, thank you for your love and work for The People.
My thoughts are also with the youth such as the Water Protectors and all people young and old who are working to protect Mother Earth. I hope someday in the near future to be with you and part of this march and join you in the feast prepared by Native People and wonderful supporters who have joined together today to honor our Ancestors.
In The Spirit of Crazy Horse
Leonard Peltier

[Dal sito www.workers.org riprendiamo e ridiffondiamo questo intervento di Leonard Peltier diffuso il 27 novembre 2017]

Statement of Leonard Peltier read by Bert Waters at National Day of Mourning, Plymouth, Mass., Nov. 23.
Greetings my friends, relatives and supporters. Once again, I can't tell you how much I am so honored that you would want to hear my words, or should I say read my words. You can't imagine the thoughts that go through my head at times whenever everything is still and quiet in the night, when I lie there staring into the dark with daydreams of how things could possibly be better.
I know I've said this once before in some past statement years back. However, it comes to my thoughts how the term "day of mourning" makes me think of a reverse, as in the morning of a new day, and how one term refers to those caught up in a deep sorrow and how the other term is a promise of a new beginning with the rising of the sun.
In our traditions and culture most tribal nations historically did a mourning period of one year for the deceased. However, for us during this point in time, we are continually losing our people, and especially our young people, and our women who continually disappear with no trace. Our lands are constantly violated. The air, the water, the soil, all of nature is screaming against the injustice that is continually perpetrated by those who worship money.
So in essence I want to say in the loudest voice and the most sincere voice I can possibly speak, we don't have a DAY of mourning. We have GENERATIONS of mourning year after year. I don't know what I can do further from where I'm at, but in whatever way possible I want to add my scream to the scream of the earth and the scream of our people for justice.
These ecological disasters caused by the wealthy must stop. Those people who are destroying the earth must realize that they ultimately will destroy themselves also. I know many of you have taken part in the prayer vigils and stood strong in the face of wrongful beatings and shootings and various other forms of violence, and I commend you for your bravery. Having said that, I want to encourage you to move forward to a new day. With each new day we need to rise to the occasion to defend what is right and do what we can to right what is wrong.
Our enemy is not any person of particular color. Our enemy is those who are ignorant of the reality that we are all an intricate part of the circle of life. We must arm ourselves with the knowledge it takes to bring attention to the wrongness of their thinking, the wrongness of their exploitation of our mother earth, and the wrongness of their mistreatment of the Indigenous peoples throughout our lands. I would encourage you to mourn if that is your way and do whatever length of time that is required by your teachings.
However, I sincerely encourage each one of you to take it upon yourself to become a warrior of one. Educate yourself. Find the knowledge it takes to survive and thrive in a good way. And to confront the ignorance of those who are destroying the natural. Confront them in such a way that they will come to know that to destroy the earth, to destroy our people, to continually ignore a philosophy and teachings that allowed this land to exist since the beginning of time in a beautiful natural existence, they will ultimately destroy themselves and all life.
Perhaps I've said too much. I don't know your agenda. Obviously I have more time than you. I want to say in closing, I love you, I love that you're here, I love that you want to make a difference and I will pray for you always. I further want to say you are making a difference. You have made a difference; power to the people and the earth.
If you have any questions about donations for my new legal team, please call our new office in Tampa, Fla., at 218-790-7667 and join us in the struggle for my freedom to join you here in person, a dream of mine for many years.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse
Leonard Peltier

[Dal sito www.workers.org riprendiamo e ridiffondiamo questo intervento di Leonard Peltier diffuso il 30 novembre 2016]

Day of Mourning
November 24, 2016
Greetings my relatives,
Here we are again. This time the year is 2016. It has been more than 41 years since I last walked free and was able to see the sun rise, and sit and feel the earth beneath my feet. I know there have been more changes then I can even imagine out there.
But I do know that there is a struggle taking place as to whether this country will move on to a more sustainable way of life. This is something we wanted to have happen back in the seventies.
I watch the events at Standing Rock with both pride and sorrow. Pride that our people and their allies are standing up and putting their lives on the line for the coming generations, not because they want to, but because they have to. They are right to stand up in a peaceful way. It is the greatest gathering of our people in history, and has made us more connected than ever before. We need to support each other as we make our way in these times.
Water IS life, and we cannot leave this issue for our children and grandchildren to deal with when things are far worse for the natural world than they are now.
And Mother Earth is already in struggle.
And I feel sorrow for the water protectors at Standing Rock because these last few days have brought a much harsher response from the law enforcement agencies there, and our people are suffering.
At least they are finally getting attention of the national media.
My home is in North Dakota. The Standing Rock people are my people. Sitting Bull lies in his grave there at Fort Yates. My home at Turtle Mountain is just a few hours north of Standing Rock, just south of Manitoba, Canada.
I have not seen my home since I was a boy, but I still hold out hope of returning there for whatever time I may have left. It is the land of my father and I would like to be able to live there again. And to die there.
I have a different feeling this year. The last time I felt this way was 16 years ago, when I last had a real chance for freedom. It is an uneasy feeling. An unsettling one. It is a hard thing to allow hope to creep into my heart and my spirit, here in these cold buildings of stone and steel.
On one hand, to have hope is a joyful and wonderful feeling, but the downside of it for me can be cruel and bitter.
But today I will choose hope.
I pray that you will all enjoy good health and good feelings, and I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done and continue to do for me and for our Mother Earth.
Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts as these last days of 2016 slip away.
I send you my love and my respect for all of you who have gathered in the name of Mother Earth and our unborn generations. I stand with you there in spirit.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier

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