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Fw: Join the Emergency Mobilizations on June 5 in DC, SF & LA

As the crisis in Iraq and the
entire Middle East intensifies ... 
in Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles & more

In Washington DC:
Gather 12 noon at the White House (Lafayette Park)
March to Donald Rumsfeld's house

In San Francisco:
Gather 11 am at UN Plaza
(Market between 7th & Hyde, Civic Center BART) 

In Los Angeles:
Gather 12 noon at Olympic & Broadway
March to Downtown Federal Building

Anyone who is paying attention knows that we are at a turning point in history. 
The people of the United States must act now to signal their opposition to the 
Bush administration's vision of endless war, its program of torture and death. 
The whole world is watching to see if the people of the U.S. rise to the 

On June 5, in response to the call initiated by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, 
thousands of people will take to the streets. Each day that passes means that 
more people will die so long as the administration is given leave to carry on 
its criminal wars, occupations, torture and assault. At the same time, each day 
right now is an opportunity to be seized as the momentum in the U.S. against 
the war grows. By acting, we can make a difference today. 

Developments in the Middle East over the past few days emphasize the importance 
of mobilizing to "Bring the Troops Home NOW!" on June 5 in Washington DC, San 
Francisco, Los Angeles and elsewhere. 


a.. The popular resistance to the U.S. occupation has only deepened following 
the announcement that a long-time CIA operative, Iyad Alawi, has been named the 
"Prime Minister" in the "sovereign Iraqi government" which will be initiated on 
June 30. Alawi left Iraq in 1971, worked for awhile for the British 
intelligence service MI6, and returned to Iraq with the U.S. occupiers. Offices 
of his party, the Iraqi National Accord, have been attacked and burned to the 
ground during the recent popular uprisings.

a.. According to highly suspect U.S. official figures, at least 205 U.S. 
soldiers were killed in April-May of this year, and hundreds more seriously 
wounded. More than 800 U.S. troops have been killed and 5,000 seriously wounded 
since the invasion of Iraq began. U.S. officials don't give out casualty 
figures for Iraqis, but at least 15,000 have killed and tens of thousands more 
wounded over the past 14 months. Thousands more Iraqis have been subjected to 
sadistic systematic torture and abuse in U.S. custody. The humiliating torture, 
killings, home destruction and sending into exile peoples throughout the world 
are the norm of an expanding racist war machine that must be stopped.

a.. The only real turnover of power on June 30 will be from outgoing U.S. 
dictator, L. Paul Bremer, to incoming U.S. dictator John Negroponte, the new 
U.S. 'ambassador' to Iraq. More than 135,000 U.S. and U.S.-led troops will 
continue to occupy Iraq.

a.. On June 5 we will march to say: "All Foreign Troops Out of Iraq!" 

a.. June 5 will mark the 37th anniversary of the Israeli seizure of the West 
Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and much of Egypt in the 1967 war.

a.. The Sharon government is continuing its relentless, murderous assault on 
the Palestinian people, who are carrying on their resistance to occupation in 
the face of overwhelming firepower, much of it provided by the U.S. government. 
Two weeks ago, U.S-supplied attack helicopters fired missiles, tank shells, and 
machine gun fire into a street demonstration in the Rafah refugee camp, killing 
at least 18 people and severely wounding 55 others, including children. The 
whole world condemned this outrageous act - with the exception of the U.S. 

a.. On June 5, we will march to say: "End Colonial Occupation from Iraq to 
Palestine - Support the Right of Return!" 
And it is not just in Iraq and Palestine where the crisis is deepening. Public 
anger toward the U.S. has "never been higher," in the words of Egyptian 
President Mubarak, himself a loyal supporter and client of Washington. The 
occupation of the Gulf region and Palestine, including the basing of U.S. 
troops, ships and planes all over the area, has played a key role in sparking 
the first major insurgency inside Saudi Arabia. In Afghanistan, casualties are 
rising "amid signs of growing militant insurgency in the south" of the country. 
(Reuters, May 29, 2004) 

At the same time, the hyper-aggressive Bush team has overthrown the 
democratically elected government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and 
occupied Haiti. They have enacted new, hostile measures against Cuba, laying 
the groundwork for possible military attack in the near-future. They are 
seeking to undermine the progressive government of Venezuela, building new 
bases in the Philippines, and threatening a new war in Korea. 

And at home, this government of, by and for the rich, continues to attack 
affirmative action, labor and workers' rights, civil rights and liberties, 
women's rights, marriage equality, the environment and more, while they turn 
over trillions more in wealth to already wealthy. 

Only the people's movement can turn this around. We cannot wait for, or place 
our hopes on, the November election - we cannot let the days pass and the death 
roll rise. We must mobilize for June 5 in Washington DC, San Francisco and Los 