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Fw: [IAC-SF] U.S. Pounding Fallujah -- Bilingual Call for May 1st Community Speak-Out

----- Original Message ----- 
From: International Action Center 
To: iac-sf@organizerweb.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:28 PM
Subject: [IAC-SF] U.S. Pounding Fallujah -- Bilingual Call for May 1st Community Speak-Out

Dear friends, as we send this email, the U.S. is pounding the city of Fallujah with AC-130 aerial gunships in an attempt to smash the rising Iraqi resistance. It is urgent that we respond to this development with a strong cry to end the occupation and bring the troops home now.

Below is the call for this Saturday's (May 1st) Community Speak-Out in both English and Spanish. Please forward and distribute widely...

Saturday, May 1, 12 noon
Part of National Day of Action
Gather 12 noon at 24th & Mission St. BART, San Francisco

May 1 was the date that George Bush dressed up like a soldier, flew onto the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, and posed for that disgusting photo op where he could claim credit for the conquering of Iraq. Far from having ended major military combat, the war in Iraq only intensified. More U.S. soldiers have been killed or wounded since May 1 than during the invasion phase of the war. Nearly 10,000 soldiers have been evacuated from Iraq for wounds and other injuries. Tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, and at this moment the Bush administration is executing a bloodbath as a form of collective punishment for the people of Fallujah and elsewhere throughout Iraq. The May 1 anniversary will be marked by nationally-coordinated activities - demonstrations, rallies, teach-ins, and forums - exposing the lies of the Bush administration. Join us to show your opposition to the war, demand money for human needs, and spread the word to the community about the upcoming mass protest on June 5. 

Sponsored by the ANSWER Coalition.
For more info or to get involved, call 415-821-6545.

Sábado 1 de Mayo
Día de Acciones Nacionales
12 del mediodía
Entre la 24 y la Mission (estación del BART) SF

El 1 de Mayo fue el día en que George Bush se vistió de soldado, voló y aterrizó en el buque carguero U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, y posó para una foto repugnante donde se vanaglorió de haber conquistador Irak. Muy lejos de haber terminado con combates militares, la guerra en Irak se ha intensificado.  Más soldados norteamericanos han sido muertos o heridos desde el 1 de Mayo que durante la fase de invasión de la guerra. Cerca de 10,000 soldados han sido evacuados de Irak debido a sus heridas. Miles de Iraquíes han sido muertos, y en las semanas pasadas la administración Bush ha llevado a cabo un baño de sangre en Fallujah y otras partes del pais, como forma de castigo colectivo. 

Únase a nosotros para mostrar su oposición a la guerra y para demandar el regreso inmediato de las tropas, dinero para necesidades humanas no para la guerra y ocupación

Organizado por la coalición A.N.S.W.E.R Internacional
Actúe Ahora para Parar la Guerra y Terminar con el Racismo


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