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Ritorsioni israeliane contro i lavoratori palestinesi di Gaza

Fonte: WAC = Workers Advice Centre e PGFTU Gaza = Federazione Sindacale
Palestinese di gaza

Gazan workers without work

Information from WAC


WAC has learnt today from the Palestinian Trade Union Federation in Gaza
(PGFTU-Gaza) that as a result of the suicide operation in Ashdod Port
(Sunday 14.3.04) Israeli Authorities had closed the Beit Hanun - Erez
Checkpoint for 15,000 workers from Gaza going to work inside Israel. 3000
Gazan workers who work in the Erez Industrial Zone are allowed to go on

Although it became clear that the two persons who committed the suicide
bombing in Ashdod, that left 10 Israeli civilians dead, were youngsters - 18
years old - without work permits (Only workers of 35 are allowed now to
enter from Gaza to work in Israel) and that the workers had nothing to do
with the bombing - the standard procedure of Israel continues: The workers
are being punished as a form of collective punishment for each military

Previous to the Ashdod bombing the Occupation forces have distributed to the
workers a leaflet called "AL Hakika" (The Truth) where it was claimed that
the terrorists are harming the workers and that Israeli authorities want to
help the workers. According to PGFTU this leaflet aroused indignation among
workers as their feeling is that it is the Israeli decision to make a direct
connection between the military situation and the entry of workers to their
work places.

Workers told WAC that as a result of continuous closing of the Checkpoint
Israeli employers stop hiring them even when they are allowed to go to work.
One company - Solel Boneh has stopped the work of 30 Gazan workers recently
for this reason.

WAC has issued an appeal to Trade Unionists to send messages of protest to
the Israeli Authorities asking them to stop using Palestinian workers as

See WAC's site for a detailed report of the PGFTU and the second article
sent after this mail:

For letters of protest write :

Shaul Mofaz: Minister of Defense:
Fax: 972-3-6977285

Ehud Olmert: Minister of Employment
Fax: 972-2-6259274

MK Ran Cohen, Head of the Knesset Committee on Foreign Labor
Fax: 972-2-6496500

Please send copies to

Assaf Adiv
National Co-coordinator