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Reporters Without Borders is rallying the whole profession to the cause of 
journalists' safety, and is launching


Because freelance journalists are often the ones with the least resources 
and are the most at risk in the field, Reporters Without Borders is 
offering freelancers an affordable insurance policy, and launching an 
appeal to media professionals to support their promotional campaign, 
created by the Arriba agency.
The tollŠ

More than 500 journalists have been killed within the last decade-nearly 
half of them in war zones or dangerous areas. Eight journalists were killed 
in Afghanistan in November 2001. While honouring them for their courage, we 
also need to take steps to help limit the risks encountered by such 
Over the last several months, Reporters Without Borders has been taking a 
number of initiatives to improve the security of journalists who go on 
dangerous assignments. In order to limit the risks incurred by reporters, 
the organization is asking the media, in particular, to better ensure the 
safety of their employees and contributors by committing to the principles 
set out in the Charter for the Safety of Journalists Working in War Zones 
or Dangerous Areas.

What about freelance journalists?

Reporters without Borders, a press freedom organization, has also been 
making specific proposals concerning the safety of freelance reporters, who 
are too often vulnerable in regions of conflict or unrest because they lack 
the means to take out adequate insurance policies. After meeting with the 
FreeLens and ANJRPC associations on the issue of freelance journalist 
safety, Reporters Without Borders asked the Audiens Insurance Group to 
extend its group coverage to include freelance reporters who are members of 
Reporters Without Borders. Freelancers who wish to sign up for this 
insurance policy are invited to join the press freedom organisation by 
paying an annual membership fee of ¤10 in France, or ¤15 in other countries.

An insurance policy for peace of mind

Freelance journalists, who often operate on very limited budgets, can at 
last enjoy insurance benefits at very affordable rates, with 24h/day 
coverage during all work assignments, abroad or in France, for a maximum of 
90 consecutive days, extended to include war-related risks. Designed 
especially for freelance journalists by the Audiens Insurance Goup 
(formerly IPS Bellini-Gütenberg), in partnership with ACE Assistance, this 
insurance policy can be obtained through Reporters Without Borders. This 
offer is reserved for residents of European Union countries.
The insurance policy offers three coverage options: option 1 (¤3 per day) 
provides assistance benefits. Options 2 and 3 (¤6 and ¤7.50 per day) offer 
assistance benefits and accidental death or disability benefits for 
accidents occurring during an assignment. Option 3 provides the highest 
amounts of compensation.

The campaign: "Freelance journalists: for three euros, we've got you covered!"

The ad visual shows a man wearing a gas mask and holding a submachine gun. 
It bears the following caption: "Freelance journalists: for three euros, 
we've got you covered!" followed by a few lines describing the insurance 
plan. The campaign, which has been implemented in English, French, and 
Spanish, was planned by Franck Ovigne, the Arriba agency's creative 
director, and Jean Charles Fauques, his editor, who donated their time and 
resources at no cost.

Call to action

Reporters Without Borders is launching an appeal to editorial offices, 
press clubs, syndicates, journalism associations and schools, specialised 
Internet sites, news sites, etc., to help spread this information to 
freelance journalists by passing on the promotional campaign materials to 
their freelance contacts and members. Reporters Without Borders is asking 
each of these groups to designate an internal "safety delegate" to take 
charge of raising awareness about freelance journalists' safety-related 
problems by adapting the message to their own respective media.

In order to facilitate this effort, our press freedom organization will 
˙  a press campaign that can be adapted to the desired format for the 
medium concerned;
˙  small 30 x 40 posters;
˙ an informative mailing that invites the reader to send in the addresses 
of other freelance colleagues who may be interested in the offer. This may 
be distributed as an insert in publications or sent out to a list of 
recipients printed on mailing labels;
˙ an Internet banner (animated .gif file format) with a link to www.rsf.org
˙ a special report on freelance journalists' insurance and safety at 
www.rsf.org, as well as:
- the insurance policy and instructions explaining in detail the documents 
required to sign up;
- the Charter for the Safety of Journalists Working in War Zones or 
Dangerous Areas (adopted by Reuters, France 2, RFI, RTL, L'Express, Le 
Journal du Dimanche, Sud Ouest, Les DNA,  and El Periodico de Catalunya);
- The Practical Guide for Journalists, published by Reporters Without 
Borders and UNESCO;
- The document "Information and recommendations on the safety of 
journalists in dangerous areas in France and elsewhere," written by 
Reporters Without Borders , FreeLens, and ANJRPC, which lists helpful 
information for journalists who travel to dangerous areas.

For more information and/or to obtain campaign materials, please contact:
Lucie Morillon - Reporters without Borders- Tel.: 01 44 83 84 72 - E-mail: 
Sara Kianpour - Reporters without Borders - Tel.: 01 44 83 84 75 - E-mail: 
To sign up for the insurance for freelance journalists, please contact:
Matthieu Fargeas - Tel.: 01 44 83 84 81 - E-mail: comptabilite@rsf.org
Europe Desk
Reporters sans frontieres
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75 009 Paris, France
tel. 33 (1) 44 83 84 84, fax 33 (1) 45 23 11 51
email : europe@rsf.org