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AI: Justice, not revenge, must prevail

----- Original Message -----
From: ainews <ainews@amnesty.org>
To: <amnesty-l@oil.ca>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 11:00 AM
Subject: USA: Justice, not revenge, must prevail

 > * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
 > International *
 > 14 September 2001
 > AMR 51/140/2001
 > 163/01
 > Amnesty International today reiterated its deepest sympathy for
 > the victims of the heinous attacks in the USA and called upon the
 > leaders of governments and community groups around the world to
 > ensure respect for human rights in their wake.
 >      Amid growing evidence of a backlash and attacks against
 > Muslim and Middle Eastern community groups around the world,
 > Amnesty International stressed that efforts to bring the
 > perpetrators of these atrocities to justice must be characterised
 > by the highest respect for human rights.
 >      "The violent attacks suffered by the USA represent the
 > gravest violation of the most basic of human rights.
 > Perpetrators must be brought to justice. But in seeking justice
 > for the victims of this terrible crime, the world must exercise
 > the highest respect for the rights of all individuals.
 > International solidarity  with the victims is not about seeking
 > revenge but about cooperating within the rule of law in bringing
 > those responsible to justice.  Scapegoating individuals or
 > communities will achieve nothing."
 >      Calling for calm in the days and weeks ahead, Amnesty
 > International said, "it is important for us all to see that
 > hatred does not become the order of the day;  that fear does not
 > become an excuse for the violation of rights and that we all
 > remember our common humanity.  We must be compassionate in our
 > support for the victims, determined in our search for justice and
 > vigilant about the rights of all people."
 >      Addressing the USA, Amnesty International asked the
 > authorities to set a leading example by ensuring adequate
 > protection for individuals and communities in the USA and by
 > maintaining the highest standards in their search for the
 > perpetrators of the attacks, including not detaining or arresting
 > individuals solely on the basis of their race, ethnicity,
 > religion or national origin.
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 > need to get in touch with the International Secretariat of Amnesty
 > International.