Padre Dario dall'Amazzonia ci chiede aiuto

I bambini non respirano, si ammalano e muoiono per l'inquinamento.

Accade nell'Amazzonia.

L'appello del nostro amico Padre Dario, missionario comboniano, è qui

Che fare?

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Stop to the pollution that is killing the residents of Piquiá de Baixo. No
more excuses delaying their resettlement. We know that a complete urban
and housing project for a new community, far away from the pollution, is
already available. We know that even the Federal Government of Brazil
secured the support and funding for this urban project. Is the
Municipality of Açailândia really ready to postpone the project and
neglect the human rights of the people of Piquiá de Baixo? Piquiá:
resettlement now!