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Fw: [ANSWER] Haiti Coup Exposed, Facts Presented

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@organizerweb.com>
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 5:08 PM
Subject: [ANSWER] Haiti Coup Exposed, Facts Presented

 Haiti Coup Exposed, Facts Presented
 Get Your Tickets for the April 7th Meeting at Brooklyn 
 Hear the Evidence:
 An Exciting Program of Speakers Will Tell the Truth About 
 the Coup in Haiti
 Join Ossie Davis, Gil Noble, Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. 
 Major Owens, Ramsey Clark, Ray Laforest, Ben Dupuy, Gil 
 noble, Amy Goodman, Don Rojas, and many others.
 Wednesday, April 7, 6:30 pm
 Whitman Theatre, Brooklyn College
 The Haiti Commission of Inquiry will present concrete 
 evidence of the U.S. role in the Haitian coup, including 
 an expose of the role played by U.S. Special Forces 
 operating in the Dominican Republic in arming, training, 
 supporting, and directing the "rebels." 
 Also hear testimony from the two delegations that went to 
 the Central African Republic to visit President Aristide 
 after the coup.  This first delegation broke the silence 
 and confirmed first-hand that Aristide did not resign, but 
 was kidnapped by the U.S.  The second delegation brought 
 President Aristide to Jamaica.
 These delegations will present exciting, first-hand, 
 incontrovertible evidence of the Bush Administration's 
 illegal subversion of the democratically elected 
 government of Haiti.  The actions of the Bush 
 Administration have prompted CARICOM to refuse to 
 recognize the U.S.-appointed colonial-style regime and 
 call for an international investigation of the coup.
 This exciting meeting will also feature a taped message 
 from Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the President of Haiti.
 There are only 5 days left to get the word out.  The world 
 needs to know the truth.  We need your help to make that 
 How you can help:
> 1)  Buy your tickets now.  Tickets are available at the 
> International Action Center, at 39 West 14th ST, #206, in 
> Manhattan, call 212-633-6646; or at the Haiti Support 
> Network, at 1398 Flatbush Ave., near Flatbush and Nostrand 
> Junction, call 718-434-8100. (take the #2 train to 
> Flatbush)  Advance tickets are $10 ($7 for students or for 
> bulk purchases of 10 or more).  Tickets will be $15 at the 
> door, which will open at 6:00 pm.
> 2)  Drop by the International Action Center to pick up 
> flyers, stickers, and palm cards.  Get the word out in 
> your community, workplace, school, or place of worship.
> 3)  Forward this email widely.
> 4)  Funds are urgently needed to help with rally expenses. 
>  Send tax-deductible checks to: People's Rights Fund/Haiti 
> Project, 39 W. 14th St., Rm. 206, New York, NY 10011.  Or 
> call 212-633-6646 to give credit card donations giving 
> name, credit card type and number, exp. date, and amount. 
>  Or donate on-line at 
> www.peoplesrightsfund.org/HaitiProject.
> To view a one-minute PSA about the April 7 meeting, go to: 
> http://www.iacenter.org/haitipsa.ram
> Check out the new IAC book, Haiti, A Slave Revolution. 
>  Understand 200 years of U.S. hostility to the first 
> successful slave revolution in history.
> 250 pg. anthology, $19.95
> Available at : www.leftbooks.com
> Chapters available on line at www.iacenter.org/haiti
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