USA: terroristi in libertà e antiterroristi in prigione

Il caso Luis Posada Carriles e i 5 antiterroristi cubani ingiustamente
detenuti negli Stati Uniti: terroristi in libertà e antiterroristi in

1.	È possibile che gli Stati Uniti proteggano gli autori di un
attentato ad un aereo?


Il 6 ottobre 1976, Orlando Bosch e Luis Posada Carriles hanno ammazzato 73
civili innocenti, tra le quali la squadra di scherma cubana, facendo
esplodere un DC-8 cubano in volo. Il Dipartimento di Giustizia degli USA ha
stabilito che Bosch era "implicato in attentati terroristici all'estero".

Posada Carriles, ex impiegato della CIA, si è pubblicamente vantato
d'essere stato il responsabile dei molteplici attentati compiuti all'Avana
tra luglio e settembre del 1997. Attualmente Posada si trova negli USA,
protetto dalle autorità statunitensi, e non rischia alcun processo per
terrorismo. Washington rifiuta di estradarlo in Venezuela che vuole
processarlo da molto tempo per i suoi atti di terrorismo e l'evasione da
una prigione venezuelana.

2. È possibile che gli USA non facciano nulla contro gruppi terroristici
che operano partendo dal loro territorio?


Organizzazioni armate cubane esiliate a Miami hanno perpetrato e ancora
oggi organizzano azioni ostili con l'intento di seminare il terrore a Cuba.
All'inizio degli anni '90, quando il paese compiva forti sforzi per
sviluppare il turismo, questi gruppi hanno lanciato una vasta campagna di
attentati per dissuadere i turisti ad andare nell'Isola. Un italiano, Fabio
di Celmo, è stato ucciso, altre decine sono stati feriti. Dopo 40 anni, il
terrorismo anti-cubano ha ucciso più di 3.000 persone. Le proteste e il
modo di procedere di Cuba non hanno portato a nulla. Washington continua a
tollerare ed a proteggere le attività di questi gruppi.

3. E' possibile che gli Stati Uniti imprigionino non i terroristi, ma
coloro che tentano di impedire gli attentati?


Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González e
René González sono stati arrestati il 12 settembre del 1998 a Miami
(Florida). Erano stati incaricati d'infiltrarsi fra i terroristi
anticastristi per segnalare eventuali preparativi di attentati. Non avevano
la missione di spiare gli USA, ma di sorvegliare i criminali e informare
l'Avana dei loro progetti. Quando le loro prove sono state fornite al FBI,
non sono stati arrestati i terroristi ma coloro che li avevano denunciati!
Sono stati accusati di spionaggio e di voler "distruggere gli Stati Uniti"
e quindi condannati, complessivamente, a quattro detenzioni a vita, oltre a
75 anni di prigione. Benché alcuni alti ufficiali delle forze armate e dei
servizi segreti abbiano testimoniato che i Cinque non avevano avuto alcun
ruolo in attività di spionaggio, sono stati separati e rinchiusi in
prigioni di massima sicurezza.

4. E' possibile che l'amministrazione di Bush Figlio manipoli i tribunali
incaricati dell'affare?


Per impedire un processo equo il processo si è svolto a Miami, dove
l'isteria contro Cuba impera e agli sportivi e agli artisti cubani è
vietato esibirsi.

Lo stesso procuratore di Miami ha riconosciuto che era impossibile
garantire ai Cinque un processo corretto. Per tale ragione, nell'agosto
2005 la Corte d'Appello di Atlanta ha annullato la sentenza ed ha ordinato
un nuovo processo. Fatto rarissimo, il ministro della Giustizia di Bush
Figlio ha fatto ricorso in appello ed ha fatto cassare quella decisione. La
battaglia giuridica prosegue...

5. E' possibile che gli Stati Uniti beffino il diritto penitenziario ed il
diritto internazionale, rifiutando le visite alle mogli e ai figli dei


Da otto anni le autorità vietano ad Adriana Pérez di vedere suo marito
Gerardo. Olga Salanueva non può entrare negli USA dal 2002. In effetti è
stata vittima di un ricatto illegale: è stata espulsa nel tentativo di
obbligare il marito a confessare. È una forma di tortura morale
particolarmente ignobile.

6. E' possibile che gli Stati Uniti gettino nella spazzatura le proteste
dell'ONU e di Amnesty International?


Nel maggio del 2005 la Commissione Internazionale per le Detenzioni
Arbitrarie dell'ONU ha giudicato la detenzione dei Cinque "arbitraria,
illegale e contraria alle convenzioni internazionali delle Nazioni Unite".
Amnesty ha denunciato la violazione del diritto di visita, così come
ritiene sospetto il carattere delle condanne. Harold Pinter, premio Nobel
della Letteratura, e 110 parlamentari britannici hanno reclamato il
rispetto del diritto di visita. Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Chiese
cristiane degli USA ha scritto alla signora Rice per domandare il rispetto
di visita, almeno per ragioni umanitarie. Tutte queste proteste sono finite

7. E' possibile per noi fare qualcosa affinché Gerardo, René, Ramón,
Fernando e Antonio ritornino alle loro famiglie?


I governanti europei, alleati di Washington, tacciono davanti a questi
crimini quando pretendono di lottare contro il terrorismo e per i diritti
democratici. I media europei ne parlano assai poco. Si tratta del diritto
di ogni paese del mondo di difendersi contro tutti i terrorismi, compreso
quello finanziato o protetto dagli Stati Uniti. Noi ci appelliamo a tutti
per segnalare la petizione presentata su:
<> e ad interpellare
i media affinché ne parlino. Noi non accettiamo le imposizioni di Bush
figlio che protegge i terroristi e mette in carcere coloro che tentano di
impedire gli attentati!

(Michel Collon - Vanessa Stojikovic)

Da "Granma Internacional Digital"

L'Avana, 22 marzo 2007


Il caso Luis Posada Carriles

Durante il processo giudiziario realizzato in Texas l'anno scorso, lo
stesso Dipartimento della Giustizia americano ha presentato argomentazioni
per mantenere in carcere Luis Posada Carriles. Nell'occasione si rilevava
che era "autore intellettuale confesso di complotti terroristici e di
attentati". Tuttavia, inspiegabilmente, si è rifiutato di presentare a suo
carico capi d'accusa per reati di terrorismo.

"La sua liberazione dimostra che la posizione del governo Bush contro il
terrorismo è una farsa cinica", ha affermato Wayne Smith, ex diplomatico
statunitense esperto nelle relazioni bilaterali con Cuba, in un commento
sul quotidiano Los Angeles Times.

Il fascicolo su Posada Carriles, da militante anticastrista veterano della
Baia dei Porci, agente e collaboratore della CIA dall'inizio degli anni '60
sino almeno al 1976, la sus partecipazione in operazioni sotto copertura
statunitensi di appoggio ai contras nicaraguensi, coordinati da Oliver
North, e la sua mano in diversi attentati a Cuba, in Centroamerica e
Venezuela, così come nel peggior atto terroristico della storia
dell'America Latina (l'esplosione di un volo commerciale di Cubana de
Aviación che provocò la morte di 73 passeggeri), tra gli altri, include
un'ampia base di documenti ufficiali statunitensi che sono già
stati declassificati.

E' pertanto possibile prenderne visione presso il National Security
Archive, Istituto di Ricerche non governativo e Biblioteca della George
Washington University di Washington, D.C.,  U.S.A.

Dal sito web dell'Archivio della Sicurezza Nazionale (National Security
Archive) al link:

National Security Archive, Suite 701, Gelman Library, The George Washington
University, 2130 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C., 20037 - Phone:
202/994-7000 - Fax: 202/994-7005 - <mailto:nsarchiv at>nsarchiv at

CIA and FBI Documents Detail Career in International Terrorism; Connection
to U.S.

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 153

For more information contact
Peter Kornbluh - 202/994-7116

May 10, 2005

Update - May 18, 2005 - Documents featured on May 17, 2005 edition of ABC's

Washington D.C. May 18, 2005 - The National Security Archive today posted
additional documents that show that the CIA had
advance intelligence, as early as June 1976, on plans by Cuban exile
terrorist groups to bomb a Cubana airliner. The Archive also posted
document that shows that the FBI's attache in Caracas had multiple contacts
with one of the Venezuelans who placed the bomb on the plane, and provided
him with a visa to the U.S. five days before the bombing, despite
suspicions that he was engaged in terrorist activities at the direction of
Luis Posada Carriles.

Both documents were featured last night on ABC Nightline's program on Luis
Posada Carriles, who was detained in Miami yesterday by Homeland Security.

In addition, the Archive posted the
<>first report
to Secretary of State Kissinger from the State Department's Bureau of
Intelligence and Research on the bombing of Cubana flight 455. The report
noted that a CIA source had overheard Posada prior to the bombing in late
September 1976 stating that, "We are going to hit a Cuban airliner." This
information was apparently not passed to the CIA until after the plane went

There is no indication in the declassified files that indicates that the
CIA alerted Cuban government authorities to the terrorist threat against
Cubana planes. Still classified CIA records indicate that the informant
might actually have been Posada himself who at that time was in periodic
contact with both CIA and FBI agents in Venezuela.

<>CIA, June 22,
1976, Report, "Possible Plans of Cuban Exile Extremists to Blow Up a Cubana

<>FBI, October
9, 1976, "Unknown Subjects; Suspected Bombing of Cubana Airlines DC-8 Near
Barbados, West Indies, October 6, 1976"

Department, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, October 18, 1976,
Memorandum, "Castro's Allegations"

Washington D.C. May 10, 2005 - Declassified CIA and FBI records posted
today on the Web by the National Security Archive at George Washington
University identify Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles, who is apparently in
Florida seeking asylum, as a former CIA agent and as one of the
"engineer[s]" of the 1976 terrorist bombing of Cubana Airlines flight 455
that killed 73 passengers.

The documents include a
<>November 1976
FBI report on the bombing cited in yesterday's New York Times article
<>"Case of Cuban
Exile Could Test the U.S. Definition of Terrorist," CIA
reports covering the Agency's recruitment of Posada in the 1960s, as well
as the
intelligence reporting on the downing of the plane. The Archive also posted
a <>second FBI
report, dated one day after the bombing, in which a confidential source
"all but admitted that Posada and [Orlando] Bosch had engineered the
bombing of the airline." In addition, the posting includes
documents relating to Bosch and his suspected role in the downing of the
jetliner on October 6, 1976.

Using a false passport, Posada apparently snuck into the United States in
late March and remains in hiding. His lawyer announced that Posada is
asking the Bush administration for asylum because of the work he had done
for the Central Inteligence Agency in the 1960s. The documents posted today
include <>CIA
records confirming that Posada was an agent in the 1960s and early 1970s,
and remained an informant in regular contact with CIA officials at least
until June 1976.

In 1985, Posada escaped from prison in Venezuela where he had been
incarcerated after the plane bombing and remains a fugitive from justice.
He went directly to El Salvador, where he worked, using the alias "Ramon
Medina," on the
contra resupply program being run by Lt. Col. Oliver North in the Reagan
National Security Council. In 1998 he was interviewed by Ann Louise Bardach
for the New York Times at a secret location in Aruba, and claimed
responsibility for a string of hotel bombings in Havana during which eleven
people were injured and one Italian businessman was killed. Most recently
he was imprisoned in Panama for trying to assassinate Fidel Castro in
December 2000 with 33 pounds of C-4 explosives. In September 2004, he and
three co-conspirators were suddenly pardoned, and Posada went to Honduras.
Venezuela is now preparing to submit an offic ial extradition request to
the United States for his return.

According to Peter Kornbluh, who directs the Archive's Cuba Documentation
Project, Posada's presence in the United States "poses a direct challenge
to the Bush administration's terrorism policy. The declassified record," he
said, "leaves no doubt that Posada has been one of the world's most
unremitting purveyors of terrorist violence." President Bush has repeatedly
stated that no nation should harbor terrorists, and all nations should work
to bring individuals who advocate and employ the use of terror tactics to
justice. During the Presidential campaign last year Bush stated that "I
think you can create conditions so that those who use terror as a tool are
less acceptable in parts of the world." Although Posada has reportedly been
in the Miami area for more than six weeks, the FBI has indicated it is not
actively searching for him.

Note: The following documents are in PDF format.
You will need to download and install the free
<>Adobe Acrobat Reader
to view.


Luis Posada Carriles had a long relationship with the CIA. In February
1961, he joined the CIA's Brigade 2506 to invade Cuba, although the ship to
which he was assigned never landed at the Bay of Pigs. While in the U.S.
military between 1963 and 1965 the CIA recruited him and trained him in
demolitions; he subsequently became a trainer of other paramilitary exile
forces in the mid 1960s. CIA documents posted below reveal that he was
terminated as an asset in July 1967, but then reinstated four months later
and apparently remained an asset until 1974. The documents also show that
he remained in contact with the Agency until June 1976, only three months
before the plane bombing.

<>Document 1:
CIA, October 13, 1976, Report, "Traces on Persons Involved in 6 Oct 1976
Cubana Crash."

In the aftermath of the bombing of Cubana flight 455, the CIA ran a file
check on all names associated with the terror attack. In a report to the
FBI the Agency stated that it had no association with the two Venezuelans
who were arrested. A section on Luis Posada Carriles was heavily redacted
when the document was declassified. But the FBI retransmitted the report
three days later and that version was released uncensored revealing
Posada's relations with the CIA.

<>Document 2:
FBI, October 16, 1976, Retransmission of CIA Trace Report

In this uncensored version of the CIA trace report, the Agency admits that
it "had a relationship with one person whose name has been mentioned in
connection with the reported bombing," Luis Posada Carriles. The CIA file
check shows that Posada was "a former agent of CIA." Although it doesn't
say when his employment began, it indicates he was terminated briefly in
the summer of 1967 but then reinstated in the fall and continued as an
asset while a high level official in the Venezuelan intelligence service,
DISIP, until 1974. Even then, "occasional contact with him" continued until
June 1976.

<>Document 3:
CIA, June 1966, File search on Luis "Pozada"

In this file search the CIA states that Posada has "been of operational
interest to this Agency since April 1965," the likely date when he first
became a paid CIA agent.

<>Document 4:
FBI, July 18, 1966, "Cuba"

An informant reports to the FBI that Posada is a CIA agent and is
"receiving approximately $300.00 per month from CIA."

<>Document 5:
CIA, April 17, 1972, Personal Record Questionnaire on Posada

This "PRQ" was compiled in 1972 at a time Posada was a high level official
at the Venezuelan intelligence service, DISIP, in charge of demolitions.
The CIA was beginning to have some concerns about him, based on reports
that he had taken CIA explosives equipment to Venezuela, and that he had
ties to a Miami mafia figure named Lefty Rosenthal. The PRQ spells out
Posada's personal background and includes his travel to various countries
between 1956 and 1971. It also confirms that one of his many aliases was
"Bambi Carriles."


During the time that Posada was on the CIA payroll in the mid-1960s, he
participated in a number of plots that involved sabotage and explosives.
FBI reporting recorded some of Posada's earliest activities, including his
financial ties to Jorge Mas Canosa, who would later become head of the
powerful anti-Castro lobby, the Cuban American National Foundation.

<>Document 6:
FBI, July 7, 1965, "Luis Posada Carriles"

The FBI transmits information obtained from the CIA's Mexico station titled
"Intention of Cuban Representation in Exile (RECE) to Blow up a Cuban or
Soviet Vessel in Veracruz, Mexico." The document summarizes intelligence on
a payment that Jorge Mas Canosa, then the head of RECE, has made to Luis
Posada to finance a sabotage operation against ships in Mexico. Posada
reportedly has "100 pounds of C-4 explosives and detonators" and limpet
mines to use in the operation.

<>Document 7:
FBI, July 13, 1965, "Cuban Representation in Exile (RECE)"

A FBI cable reports on intelligence obtained from "MM T-1" (a code
reference to the CIA) on a number of RECE terrorist operations, including
the bombing of the Soviet library in Mexico City. The document contains
information on payments from Jorge Mas Canosa to Luis Posada for an
operation to bomb ships in the port of Veracruz, as well as a description
of Posada and a statement he gave to the FBI in June of 1964.

<>Document 8:
FBI, May 17, 1965, "Roberto Alejos Arzu; Luis Sierra Lopez, Neutrality
Matters, Internal Security-Guatemala"

The FBI links Posada to a major plot to overthrow the government of
Guatemala. U.S. Customs agents force Posada and other co-conspirators to
turn over a cache of weapons that are listed in this document. The weapons
include napalm, 80 pounds of C-4 explosives, and 28 pounds of C-3


<>Document 9:
FBI, October 7, 1976, Secret Intelligence Report, "Suspected Bombing of
Cubana Airlines DC-8 Near Barbados"

In one of the very first reports on the October 6, 1976, downing of Cubana
Flight 455, the FBI Venezuelan bureau cables that a confidential source has
identified Luis Posada and Orlando Bosch as responsible for the bombing.
"The source all but admitted that Posada and Bosch had engineered the
bombing of the airline," according to the report. The report appears to
indicate that the Venezuelan secret police, DISIP, were arranging for Bosch
and Posada to leave Caracas, although this section of the document has been

In the report, the FBI identifies two Venezuelan suspects arrested in
Barbados: Freddy Lugo and Jose Vazquez Garcia. Vazquez Garcia is an alias
for Hernan Ricardo Lozano. Both Ricardo and Lugo worked for Luis Posada's
private security firm in Caracas at the time of the bombing.

<>Document 10:
FBI, November 2, 1976, Secret Intelligence Report "Bombing of Cubana
Airlines DC-8 Near Barbados, West Indies, October 6, 1976"

The FBI receives information from a source who has spoken with Ricardo
Morales Navarrete, a Cuban exile informant working for DISIP in Caracas.
Known as "Monkey" Morales, he tells the FBI source of two meetings during
which plotting for the plane bombing took place: one in the Hotel Anauco
Hilton in Caracas, and another in Morales room at the Hilton. Both meetings
were attended by Posada Carriles. A key passage of the report quotes
Morales as stating that "some people in the Venezuelan government are
involved in this airplane bombing, and that if Posada Carriles talks, then
Morales Navarrete and others in the Venezuelan government will 'go down the
tube.' He said that if people start talking 'we'll have our own
Watergate.'" Morales also states that after the plane went down, one of the
men who placed the bomb aboard the jet called Orlando Bosch and reported:
"A bus with 73 dogs went off a cliff and all got killed."

<>Document 11:
FBI, November 3, 1976, Cable, "Bombing of Cubana Airlines DC-8 Near
Barbados, West Indies, October 6, 1976"

The FBI reports on arrest warrants issued by a Venezuelan judge for Posada,
Bosch, Freddy Lugo and Ricardo Lozano.


<>Document 12:
FBI, January 24, 1977, Secret Report, "Coordination of United Revolutionary
Organizations (CORU) Neutrality Matters - Cuba - (Anti-Castro)"

The FBI reports on a plot to carry out terrorist attacks that will divert
attention from the prosecution of Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada in Caracas.
Orders for the attacks are attributed to Orlando Garcia Vazquez, a Cuban
exile who was then head of the Venezuelan intelligence service, DISIP.
(Garcia Vazquez currently lives in Miami.) The report also provides some
details on CORU.

<>Document 13:
FBI, August 16, 1978, Secret Report, "Coordinacion de Organizaciones
Revolucionarias Unidas (Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations)
(CORU), Neutrality Matters - Cuba - (Anti-Castro)"

This FBI report provides a comprehensive overview of CORU which the FBI
describes as "an anti-Castro terrorist umbrella organization" headed by
Orlando Bosch. The report records how CORU was created at a secret meeting
in Santo Domingo on June 11, 1976, during which a series of bombing attacks
were planned, including the bombing of a Cubana airliner. On page 6, the
report relates in great detail how Orlando Bosch was met in Caracas on
September 8, 1976, by Luis Posada and other anti-Castro exiles and a deal
was struck as to what kind of activities he could organize on Venezuelan
soil. The document also contains substantive details on behind-the-scene
efforts in Caracas to obtain the early release of Bosch and Posada from


<>Document 14:
September 2, 1986, Contra re-supply document, [Distribution of Warehoused
Contra Weapons and Equipment - in Spanish with English translation]

After bribing his way out of prison in Venezuela in September 1985, Posada
went directly to El Salvador to work on the illicit contra resupply
operations being run by Lt. Col. Oliver North. Posada assumed the name
"Ramon Medina," and worked as a deputy to another anti-Castro Cuban exile,
Felix Rodriguez, who was in charge of a small airlift of arms and supplies
to the contras in Southern Nicaragua. Rodriguez used the code name, Max
Gomez. This document, released during the Congressional investigation into
the Iran-Contra operations, records both Posada and Rodriguez obtaining
supplies for contra troops from a warehouse at Illopango airbase in San

<>Document 15:
May 27, 1987, Testimony of Felix I. Rodriguez Before the Joint Hearings on
the Iran-Contra Investigation [Excerpt]

Retired Air Force Colonel Robert C. Dutton, who supervised the contra
resupply operation beginning in April 1986, identified Luis Posada as the
true identity of "Ramon Medina" at his appearance before the joint hearings
on the Iran-contra investigation on May 27, 1987.

<>Document 16:
May 1987, Iran-Contra Hearings, Testimony of Robert C. Dutton, Exhibit 14,
"Reorganization Plan"

Press Coverage
<>"Case of Cuban
Exile Could Test the U.S. Definition of Terrorist"
by Tim Weiner
New York Times
May 9, 2005
<>"Papers connect exile to
bomb plot"
by Oscar Corral
Miami Herald
May 10, 2005
vinculan a Posada con ataque"
por Oscar Corral
Miami Herald via
May 10, 2005

October 5, 2006
<>Bombing of Cuban
Jetliner 30 Years Later

June 9, 2005
<>The Posada File,
Part II
Posada Boasted of Plans to "Hit" Cuban Plane

Home page: <>

NEW - April 19, 2007
U.S. Frees Cuban Exile Terrorist on Bail
See Previous Archive Postings on Luis Posada Carriles
<>Luis Posada
Carriles: The Declassified Record, May 10, 2005
<>The Posada File:
Part II, June 9, 2005
<>Bombing of Cuban
Jetliner 30 Years Later, October 5, 2006


Bianca, 5 settembre 2006 - "Strategia nazionale di lotta contro il
