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[Economia] Open letter to TRANSPARENCY - transparencyinternational.eu
- Subject: [Economia] Open letter to TRANSPARENCY - transparencyinternational.eu
- From: Laboratorio Eudemonia <eulab at sapo.pt>
- Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2016 20:12:59 +0200
Open letter to TRANSPARENCY: transparencyinternational.eu -------------------------------------------------------------- The scam of transparency: OSMOSIS matters, not transparency! -------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Members of Transparency International EU, it's sad but necessary to say that you are making laugh for the backwardness of your idea of "democracy". Democracy is the sharing of the Res Publica. A real Democracy is accomplished by assigning any PUBLIC JOB (therefore any legislative/administrative/judicial role) with a rigorous TEMPORARY MANDATE. On the contrary, our administrative and judicial powers, most of our PUBLIC JOBS, are still today assigned for life. The State has THREE powers but only one is democratic. And you are still talking about a TRANSPARENCY which only aim is to continue keeping OUT citizens from their same Res Publica!? But what kind of culture do you have? By claiming for a simple transparency, all you show a culture very backwards even respect to 1789: "The Constitution establishes that sovereignty resides in the people, in all the individuals of the people. Each individual therefore has the right to participate in making the law which governs him and in the administration of the public good which is his own. If not, it is not true that all men are equal in rights, that every man is a citizen." 1789, Maximilien de Robespierre. Europe, dear Madames and Sirs of Transparency International EU, has not yet citizens but only subjugated peoples. We humans, in order to be TRUE CITIZENS, must share all the roles of Public Employment: of the Administrative and Judicial Powers. OSMOSIS, a true participation, matters. Not transparency! Stop considering men and women on Earth like stupid people unable to find and well understand the truth. PUBLIC CAREERISM is a legacy of fascism and of every other tyranny. Our locked, rigid, stuck societies must become FLUID. They must be open to the FLOW of life. Don't let the History remember you, Madames and Sirs, like people who did not know what democracy is and who did a great wrong to science. Claim today for a democratic participation, for a strictly temporary assignment of every public job, of every role of the Administrative and Judicial Power. PUBLIC CAREERISTS are not workers but tyrants. They cannot be preserved but dismissed. As every tyrant, big or small, deserves. Just doing this, it will be done the best act of citizens EMPOWERMENT and INCOME REDISTRIBUTION that we could ever imagine. May the spirit of true democracy illuminate you long last! Danilo D'Antonio +39 339 5014947 DEMOCRATIC STATE: OPEN AND PARTICIPATED http://hyperlinker.com/ars/en/index.htm richer italian site: http://hyperlinker.com/ars/index_it.htm
- References:
- [Economia] Petizione · Commissione Europea: Puntare i riflettori sul lobbismo nell'UE! · Change.org
- From: "Pep C." <paranoia.virtus at gmail.com>
- [Economia] Petizione · Commissione Europea: Puntare i riflettori sul lobbismo nell'UE! · Change.org
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