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Fw: I Commissari De Palacio, Liikanen, Bolkenstein e Alumia contro le energie rinnovabili

----- Original Message -----
From: "Monica Frassoni" <mfrassoni@europarl.eu.int>
To: <baseverde@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:23 PM
Subject: [baseverde] I Commissari De Palacio, Liikanen, Bolkenstein eAlumia
contro le energie rinnovabili

Comunicato stampa - Bruxelles, 18 maggio 2004

I Commissari europei De Palacio, Liikanen, Bolkenstein e Alumia dicono "NO"
alle energie rinnovabili

La Commissione europea dovrebbe adottare mercoledì 19 maggio il suo primo
rapporto di sintesi sullo sviluppo delle energie rinnovabili nell'Unione
europea. Alcuni commissari non vogliono tuttavia degli obiettivi
quantificati. Per i Verdi si tratta di uno schiaffo all'occupazione, alla
protezione dell'ambiente e allo sviluppo sostenibile.

Monica Frassoni, Presidente dei Verdi/ALE al Parlamento europeo, ha

"I Verdi, come le ONG ambientaliste, hanno chiesto e chiedono che l'Unione
europea si fissi un obiettivo chiaro del 25% di energie rinnovabili entro il
2020, primo passo essenziale, insieme a delle misure di conservazione
dell'energia, per limitare le catastrofi climatiche. Anche il Parlamento
europeo ha domandato in modo unanime un obiettivo per il 2020. La
Commissione, attraverso alcuni dei suoi Commissari (1), sprona invece alla
politica dell'attesa e al liberalismo a oltranza".

La deputata verde ha continuato:

"In un momento in cui il prezzo del petrolio aumenta, non è accettabile
vedere che l'Europa tergiversa sul futuro delle energie rinnovabili che
sono, per definizione, inesauribili. Chiediamo al Presidente Prodi di
intervenire su questo dossier così importante in nome della protezione
dell'ambiente, della sicurezza d'approvvigionamento, della creazione di
lavoro e dello sviluppo sostenibile".

Nella lettera aperta al Presidente Prodi, i Verdi chiedono alla Commissione
di fissare un obiettivo per la UE del 25% di energie rinnovabili entro il

"La credibilità dell'Unione europea a qualche giorno dall'apertura della
conferenza internazionale sulle energie rinnovabili è in gioco (2)" ha
concluso Monica Frassoni

Nota per l'Editore

(1) Mentre la Commissaria de Palacio (Spagna) si trincera dietro i
Commissari Liikanen (Finlandia), Bolkenstein (Paesi Bassi) e Alumia (Spagna)
per non suggerire obiettivi quantificati per le energie rinnovabili
all'interno dell'Unione europea entro il 2020, il Presidente Prodi così come
i Commissari Schreyer (Germania) et Wallström (Svezia) difendono gli
obiettivi quantificati.

(2) Dal 1 al 4 giugno 2004 si terrà a Bonn (Germania) la Conferenza
Internazionale sulle Energie Rinnovabili come annunciato dal cancelliere
tedesco Gerhard Schröder in occasione del Summit mondiale sullo sviluppo
sostenibile di Johannesbourg, nel settembre 2002.

Di seguito in testo (in inglese) della lettera a Romano Prodi

May 17th 2004

Dear President Prodi
Dear Commissioner,

We understand that you are in the final stages of preparing a Commission
Communication 'The share of renewable energy in the EU' and the text will be
adopted on the 19th May. Despite calls from the Renewable energy industry,
the European Parliament and NGOs from across Europe the current draft of
this Communication will jeopardize the leadership role of the European
renewables industry and the ability of the EU to fulfill its commitment
under the climate change UN Convention.

If adopted like currently suggested, it will also undermine the Lisbon
process which calls for more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.
This approach calls for the setting of targets and benchmarking their
progress towards a sustainable energy economy. The draft Communication
however does not propose specific medium term (2020) targets for renewable
energy within the EU. It must therefore be revised to include a 25%
renewables target by 2020or, alternatively, to delete any wording that can
jeopardize the EU credibility in this matter.

The full potential for Renewable energy sources in old and new Member States
is far from being fully explored or realised. The setting of medium targets
is an essential element in the development of these resources.

It is clearly recognized that the increased use of renewable energy is
beneficial and necessary for environmental and security of supply reasons.
In order for this to be achieved, medium and long-term targets must be set
for the EU as:

- The 2010 target is no longer a sufficient tool for investors, as it offers
no medium term financial security. Without a post 2010 target the uptake of
renewable energy could actually decline rather than increase. In countries
that have just joined the EU the current target (2010) has just entered into
force and a six-year timetable is totally insufficient to encourage

- As the draft Communication notes, there has been a significant increase in
wind power in a number of countries in recent years. The Communication
suggests that for this to occur, amongst other things, there needs to be 'an
attractive long-term financial framework'. Longer-term targets must
accompany this framework.

- Renewable energy companies are creating jobs both for domestic use and for
export. The European Union is widely seen as leading the world in its
production of renewable energy technologies. This trend can in particular be
replicated in new Members of the EU. Therefore, the absence of a post 2010
target will harm this potential.

Both the Commission and Member States were represented at the recent
European Conference for Renewable Energy in Berlin. The conference concluded
that "a target of at least 20% of gross inland energy consumption by 2020
for the EU is achievable." In addition, failing to establish a target for
renewable energy for 2020 would be a rejection of the democratic will of the
European Parliament, which recently called on the Commission and the Council
to "make the necessary efforts to reach a target of 20% for the contribution
by renewable energy to total domestic energy consumption in the EU by 2020".

In the run-up to the 2004 Bonn Renewable Energy Conference, the EU must demo
nstrate its unwavering commitment to clean, renewable energy sources.

We are therefore urging you to substantially improve the Communication and,
most importantly, support an EU target for renewable energy accounting for
25% of all primary energy consumption by 2020 or, alternatively, to delete
any wording that can jeopardize the EU credibility in this matter. In
particular, the following paragraph must be removed from the adopted

"The Commission will launch a first review by the end of 2005 with the view
of opening a debate on new targets to be adopted in 2007"

EU leadership in international efforts to address the threat of climate
change has partly been established through its commitment to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector. In addition, the EU is
currently one of the major world players in renewable energy technologies.
If the Commission adopts the Communication as drafted, this dual position as
a world leader would be fatally undermined.

Yours sincerely

Monica Frassoni, Co-President of the Green/EFA Group in the European
Claude Turmes, Vice-President of the Green/EFA Group in the European

Press Service of the Greens/EFA Group
in the European Parliament

Helmut Weixler
Head of Press Office
phone: 0032-2-284.4683
fax: 0032-2-284.4944
mobile phone: 0032-475-67 13 40
e-mail: hweixler@europarl.eu.int
website: www.greens-efa.org

Monica Frassoni
Deputata al Parlamento Europeo
Presidente Gruppo dei Verdi/ALE
Bureau ASP 8G202
Parlamento Europeo, Rue Wiertz
B-1047 Bruxelles
Tel. +32 2 2847932,  Fax +32 2 2849932
(Strasburgo) Tel. +33 3 88177932,   Fax. +33 3 88179932
E-mail:  mfrassoni@europarl.eu.int
Website Gruppo parlamentare: www.verdi-ale.org

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