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EU Green Week: debating on environment


EU Green Week: debating on environment

This week the European Commission launched Green Week, a week of ecological
events. cafe babel is taking advantage of the occasion to consider the
importance of the European Union in protecting the environment, as well as
the outcomes of its policies, the various inter-institutional squabbles,
the role of lobbies.. Is Europe greener than it Member States?

The European Parliament's Environment Committee: Powerhouse or pawn?
Is this body a powerful and effective voice of public conscience or mere
lobby fodder, caught in the endless cycle of legislation which is not fit
to be implemented?
Jacqueline Hale (Brussels)

G.reedy, M.indless, O.utrageous
With MEPs due to vote on whether to strengthen the legislation for the
labelling of GM food in just a few weeks, one more string on the consumer
puppet looks to be cast off. But there a few more invisible strings that
still need to be cut, to awake that
Jion Sheibani (Brussels)

<http://www.cafebabel.com/htmlgen/homeeng.asp>Code name: Re-birth 2003
Mission: Sustainable development. Type: 'Crazy' project of unrelenting
utopian students who, not being real citizens of the world, annoy everyone
by trying to build a new Europe!
Nicolas Loison (Paris)

Europe's strategies for survival
"Sustained attention" is required to spot the European line of thought on
sustainable development amongst discussions on the Euro, blue letters and
subsidy; sustainable optimism is also required in order to believe in the
practical implementat
Katharina Peschen (Berlin)

To speak up or not to speak up?
When it comes to the environment, the European Commission is torn (rather
like Hamlet) between adopting a low-profile and a high-profile position.
Ignacio Asenjo (Madrid)

Next dossier: Tuesday 10 June - Islam and the West

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