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Demand justice for Bhopal!

Holding Corporations Accountable
<< http://www.corpwatch.org >>

May 6, 2003

Put the Pressure on Dow! Demand Justice for Bhopal! Send a FREE Fax!

On May 8th, Dow Chemical holds its annual shareholder meeting in Midland,
Michigan. Dow has withheld information from its shareholders regarding its
potential liabilities for the 1984 gas disaster in Bhopal, India and other
Dow-impacted communities. Two women survivors from Bhopal -- Rashida Bee
and Champa Devi -- will visit the United States from April 22nd to May 31st
to mobilize support for their campaign. They launched a hunger strike on May

1st to highlight the ongoing injustices faced by survivors of the disaster
at the hands of Dow Chemical.

Send a FREE FAX NOW to the Chairman of Dow Chemical. Tell Dow that Bhopal
cannot be forgotten and that the struggle for justice will continue worldwide.


Read about the Hunger Strike at

and other ways you can take action for justice in Bhopal at

Thank you for your support!!
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