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crisi iderica mondiale

Cari tutti,
Le nazioni unite prevedono una crisi idrica mondiale nei prossimi anni.

Se qualcuno ha informazioni sulle proiezioni per l'Italia ( se 
esistono) sarebbe interessante postarle qui.

Con un riscaldamento medio di 4 gradi, e' possibile ipotizzare che 
alcune regioni italiane si trovino in difficolta' nel futuro.

spero interessi,
Alessandro Gimona

STOCKHOLM - A looming water crisis could threaten one in three people by
2025, sparking as much conflict this century as oil did in the last, the
U.N.-sponsored Third World Water Forum said in a statement Monday.
Governments must urgently find new ways to conserve shrinking water
supplies amid rising demand, forum participants - including leading
scientists and environmentalists - were told on the opening day of the
week-long conference.

The statement said about 450 million people in 29 countries already
suffered from water shortages and that Asia and sub-Saharan Africa -
both heavily populated - would face the most severe problems.

Alessandro Gimona


Alessandro Gimona