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OCSE su cambiamenti climatici

Cari tutti,

Il nuovo rapporto OCSE sull'ambiente e' disponibile in rete.


il rapporto definisce i cambiamenti climatici una delle questioni piu' 
importanti..cito un estratto dall'executive summary sotto.
Spero interessi,
Alessandro Gimona

Climate change as a result of greenhouse gas emissions is, arguably, one 
of the most
important “red light” issues faced by OECD countries. Despite 
commitments by Annex I
countries 1 to reduce emissions, the release of total greenhouse gases 
in OECD countries
is expected to continue to increase to 2020, with emissions from 
non-OECD countries
also growing rapidly. Under current policies, OECD countries are likely 
to increase
CO 2 emissions by a further one-third to 2020, far from the overall 
Kyoto Protocol target
for Annex I countries of a 5% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from 
1990 levels
to 2008-2012. Stronger policies to tackle this problem are urgently 
required if the worst
effects of climate change are to be averted. Energy use and 
transportation are the main
contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to various air 
pollutants that lead to
urban air pollution. If current policy patterns continue, the impacts on 
climate change of
these activities are likely to continue in OECD countries and worldwide 
to 2020, with
motor vehicle kilometres travelled in OECD countries expected to 
increase by 40%
from 1997 to 2020, and passenger air kilometres expected to triple. 
Meanwhile, energy
use in OECD regions is expected to increase by 35% to 2020.

Alessandro Gimona