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appello dal Messico per evitare un disatro ecologico a Puerto Escondido

From: "Puerto Escondido Ecológico AC" <ecoescondido@hotmail.com>
Subject: All we need is help
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 22:59:04 CDT

We need your help to avoid another ecological disaster. The government of
Mexico is building a stone dock in the main bay of Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca,
to install a tourist and fishing wharf, with this rock wall they have
obstructed the submarine coastal currents and destroyed the habitat of
marine species and migratory birds. Our Ecoescondido group initiated a legal
process to stop the construction of the wharf and we managed to stop the
work, but the state’s and the federal government, violating the
constitutional frame, exert direct pressure on the judicial ecological
authorities so the permission can be renewed and the work can be concluded.
To grant the renewal of the permission will increase the bay’s damage and
the adjacent Zicatela beach, one of the world’s most famous surf beaches,
will be immediatly affected. Please send a protest e-mail to some or all of
the following adresses . (if you prefer, you can copy and paste the message
that we annexed below the adresses). If it is possible forward this message
to your friends or other organizations who can support us. Thanks


Suggested message:
Protestamos enérgicamente por la construcción del muelle en la bahía
principal de Puedo Escondido, Oaxaca, los gobiernos de los países no pueden
considerarse dueños de la biodiversidad y no tienen ningún derecho a dañar o
alterar los ecosistemas. El pedraplén del muelle de Puerto Escondido está
destruyendo el hábitat de especies marinas y aves marinas migratorias,
exigimos la suspensión de las obras y la demolición del avance actual de las
mismas antes de que el daño sea irreversible.

Av Alfonso Pérez Gasga s/n (Un Tigre Azul)
Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca 71980 México
Av García Vigil 406 (Osho Angel Azul)
Oaxaca, Oaxaca 68000 México
(9)582 1871 fax (9)582 1023/(9)514 8477 fax (9)514 8476