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Problems and hopes.doc

Title: YAEF (Youth Awareness Environment forum) is a membership organization established at 1994 A

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YAEF (Youth Awareness Environment forum) is a membership organization  established at 1994 A.D. This YAEF is registered according to law of Press and Publication act 2049 B.S. This YAEF is an association concern with motivate Environmental Awareness in the masses and perform social work. It is not a normal NGO but a medium of educational and communication as well as an organization forum.

This forum has been celebrating each year at Jun 5th as a day of great festival. the great cycle rally is being organized every year in the valley with a promise to apply the slogan of world environment day followed even by UNEP in our practical life. after making a round procession in the city, providing all of the participants  - T- Shirts cap and masks to wear. The programme is being concluded in the  office of the forum and make people of the valley socially aware.

YAEF's regular Programme : Publication of monthly magazine, free distribution of nursery plants, tree plantation and conservation, conducting medical camps  conducting environmental literacy programmes. free training or sewing and cutting programmes, door to door camping about environment in the valley, distributes cotton masks to protect and to be protected by pollution, giving suggestion to the government about environment from time to time, organize seminar and workshops  time to time, honoring elders citizens and honorable personalities, providing scholarship to 10 student per year who are very poor and diligent

YAEF has 130 members from 55 district if which 24 are patrons 20 are advisors & 11 are executive committee members. Till now YAEF operates it's monthly environmental mass programme from levy donated by these members. YAEF also published an environmental journal for the distribution among the villages. Recently YAEF collected a levy to construct a Buddhist Monastery (Gumnba) in ward 8 at Nawalpur village development committee of Sindhupalchowk district.

YAEF has been broadcasting  the environmental Cycle Radio F.M.  since two years in order to educate the people of kathmandu valley about the increasing environmental pollution. We feel that this radio F.M. programme could not contribute properly to raise awareness of the people and therefore working to start a separate frequency from 5th June. We plant to broadcast for 12 hours every day and we except your co-operation for economic  and broadcasting materials.

YAEF has also produced a teleserial named 'AHWAN', in order to educate the people about the environment. This teleserial is suppose to be one hundred episode and we have already completed four episodes. We expect your help & assistance to broadcast this picture as well as to complete the total episode.

This forum has established one & only environmental library in second important city of Nepal i.e. Lalitpur on the day of June 5th world Environmental day 1997. various bulletins and books published from various National & International forum & organizations such as IUCN, ICIMOD, WWF, KMTNC, NHS NEFEJ, DNPWC, SDC, UN, UNDP, UNICEF, ILO, UNFPA, UNEP, SCOPE, GREEN PEACE INTERNATIONAL, MONAS INTERNATIONAL, WORLD BANK, UNESCO, WHO   are available here. In the same hand, books and bulletins from population & Environment Ministry, Forestry Ministry, Agricultural Ministry, Health Ministry, Tourism Ministry and Social welfၡre counsel are available here as well.

Presently this environmental library has around 3000 environment related books. As population & environment is selected for the compulsory course for study by HMG and as the number of readers are increased; books and materials in this library are not in enough number. We cordially request if the needed material and economic help is provided from your respected organization, we can develop this library as and Environmental Research Center of Nepal. We hope that you'll help us by providing necessary help.

At is necessary to give continuity to the programmes mentioned above, to avoid environmental population. it has been very much difficult for us to give continuity to these programmes because we have been facing lots of economic and physical problems. so, for the continuity of these programmes we fully hope that you will certainly assist us.

Finally, we would like to request you to providing us financial and physical help so that we  can conduct various programmes properly and effectively,

we are looking forward.

Sincerely yours,


Astaman Kisee Maharjan


Commission member of  the World

Conservation Union, kathmandu, Nepal


Lalitpur, Godawari area

Bade Gaon

P.O.Box: 8975, EPC : 1556

Ph.: 560157, Fax : 977-1-220161/560782

Kathmandu, Nepal


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