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Salvate i SALMONI!

Email per la protezione dei salmoni (minacciati in tutto l'oceano
Atlantico). Mandate l'email al sito
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firmare centinaia di petizioni. Il sito e' gestito dal WWF Internazionale.

North Atlantic - Save the Wild Salmon
Wild Atlantic salmon - king of fish, amazing leaper, the epitomy of
perseverance - are gravely endangered on both sides of the Atlantic.
Populations of these remarkable fish are at their lowest point in recorded
history and catches have declined precipitously.
We need your help to address this problem and assure that salmon return to
our rivers in years to come.

 Threatened by Man
The Atlantic salmon spawns in fresh water but spends much of its life at
sea. Throughout its life, the salmon is threatened by man's activities. Many
salmon fishing nations have ignored the advice of scientists and allowed
unsustainable fishing, including ocean fishing that indiscriminately
harvests fish from endangered runs. Dams and other impediments prevent
salmon from reaching historic spawning habitat. And irresponsible fish farms
introduce disease and parasites that threatens the genetic and ecological
integrity of wild salmon populations. Add pollution and habitat degradation
to the gauntlet of threats Atlantic salmon face and you can see why the
result is a 90 percent drop in North American populations and a 75 percent
decrease in catches in Scotland and Ireland.
Take Action
Please use the e-mail button to the left to send free messages, via WWF, to
representatives of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization
(NASCO), urging them to take the much needed steps to protect the remaining
runs of wild salmon.

Fabio Quattrocchi fabioq8@libero.it
Let's leave our children a living planet