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Le dighe emettono gas serra

Le diche emettono gas serra!!!! Non sono una soluzione per l'effetto serra:
fanno si' che si emetta metano, infatti la Nuova Zelanda, dove il 75%
dell'energia proviene dalle dighe, e' uno dei paesi che emettono piu' metano
(anche a causa delle pecore che sono 60 milioni)

Far from being eco-friendly, hydroelectric power can actually cause
more greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere than coal-
fired power plants, according to a report by the World Commission on
Dams, a group of scientists, engineers, and enviros supported by the
World Conservation Union and the World Bank.  The reservoirs created
by dams trap organic matter and decaying vegetation, which emit large
amounts of greenhouse gases, particularly methane.  Emissions can
vary widely between hydroelectric projects, but one example is the
Balbina reservoir in Brazil, which releases the equivalent of some 3
million tons of carbon dioxide annually, whereas a coal-fired plant
producing as much power as the dam at Balbina would release only
350,000 tons a year.

straight to the source:  BBC News, Alex Kirby, 06.01.00

straight to the source:  South Africa Independent, Reuters, 05.31.00

Fabio Quattrocchi fabioq8@libero.it
Let's leave our children a living planet