Fwd: Tracking Toxic Air in Your Community

segnalo questo bel lavoro fatto da NPR e Public Integrity negli Stati Uniti, 
da un alto facendo rete tra parecchie comunita' locali impegnate contro 
l'inquinamento ambientale, e dall'altro aggregando e mostrando i dati 
disponibili in una mappa fruibile online

per saperne di piu'




----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Weekly Watchdog: Tracking Toxic Air in Your Community
Date: Thursday 17 November 2011, 18:59:20
From: "Bill Buzenberg" <watchdog at publicintegrity.org>
To: "Francesco Iannuzzelli" <francesco at peacelink.org>

  Thursday, November 17, 2011

   Air pollution map tells a toxic story across the country

  When an interactive graphic delivers the goods, you know immediately. If you 
haven’t had a chance to delve into the map accompanying our Poisoned Places 
investigation, please check it out. Developed by our partner NPR, the graphic 
shows 17,000 facilities that have emitted, and continue to emit, poisonous 
chemicals into the air endangering the health of tens of thousands of American 
citizens. This information is cross-indexed with EPA’s risk screening data. By 
entering your ZIP code, you can “fly in” to your city or town and see who’s 
polluting — and just how dangerous it may be to your own health. Collaboration 
generates great investigative reporting and this map is a case in point. Many 
news organizations at the local level are doing their own stories based on 
this information. NPR reported this morning that the EPA has cracked down on a 
polluting copper plant in Arizona.