R: [ecologia] 24 ottobre: Convegno internazionale. CAMBIAMO IL SISTEMA, NON IL CLIMA

Carissimi amici,


Ma per cambiare il sistema bisognerebbe tagliare molte teste dentro al Sistema.

Sono in tanti che parlano di inquinamento, di gravi danni all'Ambiente e alla salute dell'Uomo, da diversi anni.

Vi sembrerà strano ma i Governi con l'inquinamento fanno tanti soldi, altrimenti avremmo già risolto il problema.

Alcuni benpensanti Organizzano Congressi con tanti partecipanti provenienti da ogni angolo della terra.

Alla fine é tutto come prima o peggio.

 Mi permetto di allegare un altro richiamo importante per la vita del Pianeta, questa volta arriva dal Giappone distrutto economicamente dai gravi errori del Potere, dove le vite umane non hanno valore.

MESSAGE BY E-MAIL TO:  <yamagen at peaceboat.gr.jp>





SUBJECT: Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World.

                  January  14-15 - 2012 – Yokohama – Japan.


Dear Sirs,

I received your contact address as Organizers of the Global Conference on Nuclear Power Free World, by Mr. Yukari Saito of Paxchristi Japan, to whom I send my respectful thanks.

I take the liberty as a Senior Professional Engineer, experienced on the field of different methods of Energy exploitation & development, to submit a summary description concerning a new Important discovery relative to  the exploitation of a new natural primary Energy–Pure-Endless-Available continuously free cost day and night.

It is long time by now, Pollution generated by Nuclear Plants and the unconditioned use of Mineral Oil, Coal and Gas, affect our health and the environment, standing on various International programs without a direct and final solution to replace actual methods of energy exploitation, which harm considerably the world natural life physically and economically.

International Private and States Government Monopoly, rejects any solution that could jeopardize their huge profits generated by actual methods to exploit Energy, without concern for damages to the echo system and to the human health.

Any possible mean for a change, depends on the hard work of respectful Human International Organization that care for the Natural environment protection.

The discovery I am proposing for exploitation, refers to the only one energy economically advantageous, available continuously in nature day and night, pure, endless and free cost.

I wish to refer to the exploitation of the Gravity Energy that can be controlled and exploited to our need to almost any extent.

The present discovery fully resolves the painful headache of world millennium, hinged on costly traditional Energies with all relevant consequences.

Nowadays Energy is most commonly associated to Nuclear Power with considerable costly damages, also on fossil and Hydrocarbon: solid, liquid or Gas and exploited for Electric Power Generation and general Heating Systems, polluting the Air and through-out the rain also conditioning all our means of subsistence, jeopardizing the Eco-system, the environment and the human health, where diseases and cancer reached the apogee.

Other systems introduced over 50 years ago, based on Aeolian and Sun concepts revealed to be inefficient for costs and performances, subject to operate exclusively on certain area with favorable atmospheric condition and very low yearly output efficiency.

The discovery I am proposing, is characterized by the know how to exploit the Gravity Energy continuously available in Nature and foresee the construction of medium and large industrial engines operated exclusively by the above new energy as a primary force, to be connected to suitable Electric Generators, to water pumps, to air pumps, or arranged to any need of cheap industrial power, and crank progress towards a cheaper cost of life, improving  living condition for millions human beings in precarious conditions.

With a cheaper cost of the Electric Power, we could desalinate conveniently the sea water for drinking or irrigation.

I am looking for a financial backer or a serious Organization to share the outcome of above important discovery.

Wishing to receive a positive response to the present offer, meantime Dear Sirs, please accept my respectful regards.

E-mail: anthonyceresa at yahoo.com  -  a.ceresa2002 at libero.it



----Messaggio originale----
Da: elbano9 at yahoo.it
Data: 21/10/2011 13.32
A: "ecologia at peacelink.it"<ecologia at peacelink.it>
Ogg: [ecologia] 24 ottobre: Convegno internazionale. CAMBIAMO IL SISTEMA, NON IL CLIMA

Approposito.. sperando siate presenti in molti.
Con preghiera di massima diffusione.
A SUD e RIGAS - Rete Italiana per la Giustizia Ambientale e Sociale
invitano a partecipare:

Conferenza Internazionale

Verso la 17° Conferenza Mondiale di Durban sul clima
Il ruolo e le proposte di movimenti, sindacati, amministratori

ROMA / ore 17.00
sala conferenze
CAE - città dell'altra economia
/ largo dino frisullo


JO LEINEN - presidente commissione parlamentare UE sull'ambiente
PATRICK BOND - centre for civil society / Sud Africa
MERCEDES OZUNA - assembea nazionale vittime ambientali / Messico
DANILO BARBI - segreteria nazionale confederale CGIL
MAURIZIO LANDINI - segretario generale FIOM
ALBERTO LUCARELLI - assessore beni comuni comune di NAPOLI
GIANLUCA PECIOLA - consigliere provinciale provincia di ROMA
BEPPE CACCIA - consigliere comunale comune di VENEZIA
LIVIO DE SANTOLI - responsabile energia ateneo La Sapienza di ROMA
ANGELO CONSOLI - presidente CETRI-Tires
GUIDO VIALE - economista
GIUSEPPE DE MARZO - economista, A Sud / Rigas
VILMA MAZZA - associazione YA BASTA / Rigas
VALENTINA CRIVELLARI - cooperativa energetica ACTION

Info: 333.4843750 / www.asud.net