25 activists, 31 hours, stop the tar sands


Quest'azione di greenpeace riguarda le sabbie bitumose che il canada vuole sfriuttare(shell).
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Quark e le altre trasmissioni che dovrebbero occuparsi di ambiente non ci fanno vedere.
GREENPEACE International September 2009
Stop the tar sands
Greenpeace activists stop climate crime in the tar sands

On September 15th 25 activists entered the Albian mining operation in the tar sands of northern Alberta, Canada and staged a 31 hour occupation - successfully shutting down the entire operation.

They were there because developing the tar sands - one of largest remaining deposits of unconventional oil in the world - is pushing us towards runaway climate change. Learn more and support our campaign to stop the tar sands.

During the action activists sent updates and links to a live video stream through Twitter. Are you following us?
Protect your rice The last stand - for our rice!

In a matter of a few weeks a major EU decision - on whether genetically engineered (GE) rice can enter Europe - will be made that could set a dangerous precedent. It could mean that GE rice will begin to be commercially grown, not just in Europe, but in the US, Asia and all over the world.

We are very close to reaching our goal of 200,000 signatures on our GE rice petition. Keep GE rice from ending up on your dinner plate - sign the petition, or - pass it on to friends and family. Every signature helps!

Need to explain to your family or friends why GE is a problem? Or not so sure yourself? Watch this.

Play climate consequences on Facebook Facebook: Storytellers needed!

Our new Facebook application is a game, a story and a message all in one! The YouTurn the Earth application lets you create 'climate consequences' stories with your friends and pass on the message that we need climate leadership this year!

There are prizes involved for the top recruiter and the best stories! Start playing.

Take our short survey Have a few minutes to answer some questions?

Take our short survey - we would really appreciate your help in understanding more about how our supporters use online media and social networking.

Have more than a few minutes, and interested in volunteering with Greenpeace online? We are looking for online moderation and editing help! The only requirement is that you have strong enough English to moderate inappropriate content.

If you are interested send your name and e-mail to this e-mail address with the subject line 'Online volunteer' please: supporter.services.int at greenpeace.org
Greenpeace online:
  • Tar sands action video
    - Greenpeace activists shut down the Albian mining operations in the tar sands.
  • Climate week in NY
    - Meet three climate impacted women who have traveled to New York for climate week.
  • GE animation
    - What is wrong with genetically engineered organisms? This short animation gives you the answer.
  • Climate change video FAQs
    - What does Copenhagen have to do with the climate? Why is it important? And more answered here.
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