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Another prize for Rajendra Pachauri
- Subject: Another prize for Rajendra Pachauri
- From: "Laboratorio Eudemonia" <eulab at hyperlinker.com>
- Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 09:58:37 +0200
To the attention of Mr. Rajendra Pachauri (IPCC) and of the international media: DELIVERY OF THE PRIZE FOR THE MOST EXHILARATING FOOLISHNESS OF THE YEAR For having acquired the global attention telling that a meatless day keeps global warming at bay: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/mighty-appetite/2008/09/a_meatless_day_keeps_global_wa.html?nav=rss_blog while his Country has the tremendous demographic density of 336 inhabitants per km², about 1,103,371,000 human beings on an area of 3,287,263 km²: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population_density It is about a sixth of the whole population of the Earth on an area of hardly 45 times little the whole land available on the planet, with an economy in (socially absolutely just and necessary) rapid growth. For having told to the global, mostly unaware, audience that eating less meat is a good practice but forgetting to say that to stop producing children is the priority for all the people of the world. We have in fact essentially only ONE PROBLEM on the Earth and this problem, that generates a lot of enormous negative EFFECTS: pollution, scarsity and higher and higher prices of the resources, misery, social degradation, conflicts and wars, is the OVERPOPULATION. By eating less meat we can lightly slow down some problems but we cannot resolve neither prevent the increase of any one of them. As an example, by eating less meat we certainly cannot resolve this other problem evidenced by Mr. Pachauri: Pachauri Says India May Allow Private Companies in Atomic Power http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601091&sid=a_j59jMRDre8&refer=india Less meat but with the taste of the atomic power: what a wonderful world, Mr. Pachauri, you are dreaming about! If tens of years ago a limitation of births was sufficient to not have any problem, for responsibility of a general cospiracy of silence the global demographic situation is gotten worse and worse. The world population has nearly tripled, causing also an overgrowth of the economies of the developed Countries through the exponential increase of the working forces and the expansion of the markets. Today we humans have therefore a precise priority: exclusively through information and education media and events, not prohibiting but simply by informing and educating, we must STOP BIRTHS NOW! Only in this way we will succeed to stop hunger, diseases, poverty, degradation, pollution and wars. For all that, the Italian Eudaemony social researches Laboratory attributes the prize for the most exhilarating foolishness of the year to Mr. Rajendra Pachauri. The prize consists in a debt that the same Mr. Rajendra Pachauri has contracted towards the whole world. This debt precisely is: Say the truth, Mr. Pachauri, tell ALL THE TRUTH! Warmest regards, Danilo D'Antonio Laboratorio Eudemonia Piazza del Municipio 64010 Rocca S. M. TE - Italy Note on the Lab The Eudaemony Laboratory is NOT renowned for having developed some of the most significative products and proposals of social innovation of our time: http://Optimal-Demographic-Density.hyperlinker.org http://For-Self-Containment-Agreements.hyperlinker.org http://Ecostrike.hyperlinker.org http://New-Agrarian-Reform.hyperlinker.org http://Universal-Declaration-of-the-Human-Duties.hyperlinker.org http://The-Earth-Calendar.hyperlinker.org http://The-Social-Innovations-Market.hyperlinker.org http://The-Patchwork-Model.hyperlinker.org http://Harmonic-Social-Rotation.hyperlinker.org http://The-Bright-Protocol.hyperlinker.org If the Eudaemony Laboratory would have told foolishnesses like this of Mr. Pachauri it would be renowned all around the world! Please, apologies our correctness and wisdom.
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