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Re: Indios Emberas a Bogota
- Subject: Re: Indios Emberas a Bogota
- From: "yltche" <yltche at iol.it>
- Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 18:17:16 +0100
Comunicato di appoggio agli Indios Embera - Colombia Appello al Ministro dell'Ambiente Colombiano per la presenza di osservatori internazionali al tavolo delle trattative. Saluti Paola Facchin Embera: the occupation continues, Minister to negociate... I just spoke with a representative of the Emberas in Bogota. Under pressure of national and international organisation, Minister Juan Mayr decide to postpone the action of the police and army against indians who occupy part of the park of his ministry. So the ocupation continues and this morning a new indian girl is born. Secondly he accepted the possibility to begin negociations. But the indians have asked the presence of representatives of the Human Rights office in Bogota and this is denied by the Minister. So if you have the possibility to speak or to write to the minister, please insist for the presence of international observation of the negociations. This is the most urgent, indians say. I l'll try to resume what the indians want: 1. An extension of the land in order to compensate the impact of the dam (turism, prostituiton, violence, ...). Minister offers 12.000 has, they ask for 21.000 more because the land offered by the governement offers no possibility to fish. It's not good land. 2. Acceptation of they plan of life called GENENE, as a reaction to the consequence of the dam. 3. Benefits of the exploitation for the indians. No money, but other benefits for all indians. 4. Progress in human rights. Investigation of the assessination of 3 of their leaders. Stop agression against indians (saying they are against the progress, etc...) in the newspapers, in the commission 5 of the Senate, etc... 5. No individual compensation for the construction of the dam, (because this causes divisions in the community), but compensations to the community. If you can support their action, in particular asking for international observation of the negociations, please write or call: Ministro del medio ambiente Juan Mayr jmayr at minamb.gov.co Fax: 57 1/ 288 97 54 o 288 98 35 o 288 98 92 Tél: 57 1 288 68 77 o 288 98 97 o 340 62 89 Paul-Emile Dupret Comité pour le respect des Droits humains "Daniel Gillard"
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