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[Disarmo] Fwd: [ReteDisarmo] Fwd: GDAMS 2020 have been a success, but our work is far from over!
- Subject: [Disarmo] Fwd: [ReteDisarmo] Fwd: GDAMS 2020 have been a success, but our work is far from over!
- From: Elio Pagani <eliopaxnowar at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 23 May 2020 06:48:40 +0200
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Segreteria - Rete Disarmo <segreteria at disarmo.org>
Date: ven 22 mag 2020, 10:52
Subject: [ReteDisarmo] Fwd: GDAMS 2020 have been a success, but our work is far from over!
To: coordinamento Rete Italiana per il Disarmo <coordinamento_RID at googlegroups.com>
Da: Segreteria - Rete Disarmo <segreteria at disarmo.org>
Date: ven 22 mag 2020, 10:52
Subject: [ReteDisarmo] Fwd: GDAMS 2020 have been a success, but our work is far from over!
To: coordinamento Rete Italiana per il Disarmo <coordinamento_RID at googlegroups.com>
ciao a tutti!
vi inoltro la mail “conclusiva” sulle Giornate globali sulle spese militari GDAMS coordinate dalla Campagna globale sulle spese militari GCOMS
come vedete c’è una grande presenza delle iniziative condotte anche come Rete Disarmo!
un saluto
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Press conferences & statements
Italy (Rete Disarmo)
MailScanner ha rilevato un possibile tentativo di frode proveniente da "demilitarize.us20.list-manage.com" https://www.facebook.com/108299089708/videos/679629802834802/
Spain (Centre Delàs)
MailScanner ha rilevato un possibile tentativo di frode proveniente da "demilitarize.us20.list-manage.com" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GfbSZK1QYE
Video statement by ASFC & partners
On April 27, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and partners shared new data from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and discussed why we need to cut the Pentagon budget.
Besides the press briefing, they issued a joint statement of diverse group of 39 think-tanks, non-profits, faith-based organizations, and advocacy groups based in the United States reacting to SIPRI's data.
PSPD: Reduce Military Spending to deal with the Climate Crisis & COVID-19
"We gravely face a shattered “security” for which astronomical military expenditures have been spent but were revealed to be helpless in the reality of a spread of a new virus, the COVID-19". Read the full statement here
Europe Day Statement GDAMS-ENAAT
The way out from the COVID-19 crisis: will the EU work for peace or prepare for war?
On May 9, Europe Day, the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) and the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT) called the EU to fund peace, not arms dealers.
“There is no time left for half-measures and the EU cannot have it both ways; in the coming months it will have to decide to serve peace and citizens interests, or please the arms industry and prepare for war”
Read the full statement here
(also available in French, Spanish and Catalan)
Statement by the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu for the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (10 April – 9 May 2020). "On the occasion of the Global Days of Action on Military Spending, I echo the recent appeal of the Secretary-General for a global ceasefire in the face of the ongoing health crisis. I also renew my call for the international community to redirect the world’s finite resources towards promoting the well-being of every citizen and striving for a peaceful and secure world for all. Let us put humanity at the centre of our security"
UNODA Launches Occasional Papers On Rethinking Unconstrained Military Spending
"Coinciding with the ongoing Global Days of Action on Military Spending and complementary to the recent release of the annual military spending data by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the Office for Disarmament Affairs is pleased to publish the second volume, UNODA Occasional Papers 35, on rethinking unconstrained military spending"The papers address the issue of military spending from various angles by examining the impact of military expenditures on international security; the relationship between military spending and the Sustainable Development Goals; the importance of gender perspectives in rethinking military spending; and lessons learned from economic conversion movements"
Peace Pledge Union + 18 organizations (UK) - Open letter on military spending and the Covid 19 pandemic
IPB Statement: Reaction to the Newest SIPRI Figures
IPAN (Independent and Peaceful Australia Network) Statement: A People’s Call for Healthcare not Warfare.
Escuelas de Paz (Colombia) statement: A statement for life and demilitarization of bodies, minds and territories in South Colombia
Statement of 9 basque organizations in support of GDAMS (in Spanish)
Also, some interesting readings in English related to the campaign:
COVID-19: Divest, Demilitarise, and Disarm - Ray Acheson, published at WILPF's website
Redefining Safety - Jen Maman, Greenpeace
World Military Spending Surges to New Heights - CAAT
Enough is enough: 2019 global Nuclear Weapons Spending - ICAN
Mother's Day Call for Healthcare for All and Peace - WILPF USA
As Global Military Spending Hits Nearly $2 Trillion, These Weapons Are Useless Against Biggest Threats We Face - Tori Bateman (AFSC), published in Common Dreams.
Pentagon Spending, a Primer - William Hartung
Check out the #MoveTheMoney campaign pictures!
Here are the pictures we've received for our Move The Money campaign, demanding to reallocate the 1.92 trillion $ of global military spending to human and environmental needs, in many cases healthcare!
Thank you so much to everyone who took part in it ❤️If you're missing your picture among these, please send it to us at
coordination.gcoms at ipb.org
You can still sign & share IPB's petition: Healthcare Not Warfare
Help us reach 10,000 signatures!
"We, the signatories, call on the world leaders of the General Assembly of the United Nations to dramatically reduce military spending in favor of healthcare and all social and environmental needs"
Click here to add your signature.
If you have prepared an action we aren't awared of, please send us an email to coordination.gcoms at ipb.org and we'll be happy to list it on our website and report.
Our mailing address is: coordination.gcoms at ipb.org
This campaign is promoted by the International Peace Bureau
and is run from IPB's office at Centre Delàs of Peace Studies, Barcelona (Spain)
Copyright © 2020 GCOMS/IPB, All rights reserved.
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