- Shocking
Footage of Brutal
Anti-Christian Riots in
Country of Georgia -
US-Concocted Color
Revolution (Russian TV
News) by Dmitry
Kiselyov (Vesti) (765
- Compromised
MH17 Airline Crash
Ukrainians Desperate to
Find Scapegoat by Raúl
Ilargi Meijer (The
Automatic Earth) (590
- Pro-War
Media Wants to Destroy
Tucker Carlson for
Attacking Ruling Class
and Neocons by Amalric
de Droevig (816 views)
- 'Protests'
in Georgia: Tbilisi
Urban Liberals Crying
for More GloboHomo
by Anatoly
Karlin (Unz Review) (446
- 'The
Dollar Is Becoming
Toxic' - Russian Intel
Chief Slams 'Aggressive,
Unpredictable' US
Behavior by Tyler
Durden (Zero Hedge) (788
- Putin
Orders Radical
Improvement to Tourist
Visas - Apply Online, 4
Day Turnaround, No
Consulates, No Passports
- Coming Soon by
(Vesti) (956 views)
- Russia
Has Bolstered Iran's Air
Defenses With Technical
Advisers by John
Helmer (Checkpoint Asia)
- YouTube
Deletes Project Veritas
Video Exposing Google
Interfering With
Elections Against
Conservatives by Jim
Hoft (Gateway Pundit)
- South
African Genocide
Continues, Media Refuses
to Cover It by Mike
Walsh (The Ethnic
European) (965 views)
- Russia
Sends Battleship to Cuba
in Response to US
Missile Build-Up in
Europe by Tyler
Durden (Zero Hedge)
Dmitry Kiselyov (Vesti) (765
views) on Wed, Jun 26, 2019
day, another
astroturfed revolution
funded indirectly by the US
This week, it's Georgia.
Georgia has found itself at
center stage more than once
in the last few decades: the
'Rose Revolution' of 2003,
the Russo-Georgian War of
2008, and countless protests
and diplomatic incidents in
What are those wacky
Tbilisians up to now?
Dmitry Kiselyov:
The unsightly incident in
Georgia is an illustration
of the features of the
political culture in the
Raúl Ilargi Meijer (The
Automatic Earth) (590 views)
on Wed, Jun 26, 2019
investigation into the crash
of the MH17 Malaysia
Airlines plane in East
Ukraine was always
compromised, right from the
The crash on July 17 2014
came shortly after the
“Euromaidan revolution” in
Kiev – which first began in
November 2013 and culminated
in the ousting of elected
president Yanukovich on 23
February 2014, happily
helped along by John McCain,
Victoria Nuland and then-US
ambassador to Ukraine (now
ambassador to Greece)
Geoffrey Pyatt for the USA,
as well as various EU
Amalric de Droevig (816
views) on Wed, Jun 26, 2019
is speculation on some news
sites and in some media
circles that Tucker Carlson
was the prince of peace who
talked Trump down from the
brink of bombing Iran to
smithereens last week. The
mainstream media is not
generally inclined to praise
a man like Carlson, so there
is good reason to place some
stock in the accounts that
credit Carlson with at least
having some role in staying
Trump’s hand. One might
recall that it was only a
few months back that various
left-wing activist groups
were on a crusade to have
Tucker Carlson removed from
the air for “racism” or
“white supremacy” or
something. Well, if he had
been removed from the air,
there is a damned good
chance we would be mired in
another fruitless,
senseless, endless war in
the Middle East.
Anatoly Karlin (Unz Review)
(446 views) on Wed, Jun 26,
protesters have stormed the
Georgian Parliament in
Tbilisi after a protest over
Russian MP Sergey Gavrilov
being allowed to address an
international assembly of
Orthodox Christian MPs
Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge)
(788 views) on Wed, Jun 26,
the latest TIC data showing
China following Russia's
lead and reducing its US
Treasury exposure (to
two-year lows), as it
increases its gold reserves
(for six straight months),
the unipolar US hegemon
faces an ugly trend among
the 'rest of the world'
attempting to de-dollarize,
as Sergey Naryshkin,
director of the Russian
Foreign Intelligence
Service, calls the US dollar
is an anachronism of the
modern world economy.
(Vesti) (956 views) on Wed,
Jun 26, 2019
Westerners, traveling to
Russia has always meant
overcoming a series of
bureaucratic hurdles. In the
heyday of the Soviet Union,
slogging through a tedious
visa application process was
just the beginning. American
and European travelers
usually had to stick to a
strict itinerary, and were
accompanied by a government
appointed minder.
But the barriers are falling
fast, and Putin is eager to
make traveling to Russia
easier than ever.
John Helmer (Checkpoint
Asia) (3,056 views) on Wed,
Jun 26, 2019
Asia is an excellent new
site which scours the media
for the best Asia news with
a geopolitical focus, plus
1st-class original
journalism ranging from
Russia to China to the
Middle East. Smart,
incisive, and free of
globalist baloney.
Reader-supported, please
donate! They have a great
Facebook page, with very
good memes.
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit)
(379 views) on Wed, Jun 26,
Veritas released
alarming new undercover
video, leaked documents, and
testimony from a Google
insider revealing the tech
giant’s plans to meddle in
US politics and “prevent a
Trump situation in 2020.”
One aspect of the report
features undercover footage
of longtime Google employee
and Head of Responsible
Innovation, Jen Gennai,
saying Google has been
working diligently to
“prevent” the results of the
2016 election from repeating
in 2020, meaning they are
actively engaging in
election meddling and
working to elect someone
from the Democratic Party.
Mike Walsh (The Ethnic
European) (965 views) on
Wed, Jun 26, 2019
the run-up to the transfer
of European administered
South Africa to globalist
banking dynasties, the
activities of the
insignificant Anti-Apartheid
Movement (AAM) were making
daily headline news. No
matter how small a
demonstration outside a
South African embassy, the
media cameras were there,
newsmen drooling over their
fantasies about South
Africa. The Anti-Apartheid
Movement was backed by
millions of dollars provided
by the governments of
Britain, Sweden, Canada, the
Netherlands, and other
Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge)
(1,915 views) on Wed, Jun
26, 2019
the very moment a Russian
warship has docked in
Cuba — a mere one hundred
miles off the American
coast, Russian Deputy
Foreign Minister Sergei
Ryabkov has slammed US
build-up of its weapons
systems in Europe by
invoking comparisons to the
1962 Cuban missile crisis.
Ryabkov made his comments
early Monday, the same
day the frigate Admiral
Gorshkov, armed with Kalibr
missiles, entered the port
of Havana.