[Disarmo] Fwd: 4th Summer School | War, Reconstruction and Establishment of peace -| August 29th- September 5th, 2019 | Tirana | Catholic University of Good Counsel |

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From: Elio Pagani <eliopaxnowar at gmail.com>
Date: mar 12 mar 2019, 12:49
Subject: Fwd: 4th Summer School | War, Reconstruction and Establishment of peace -| August 29th- September 5th, 2019 | Tirana | Catholic University of Good Counsel |
To: <no.f35_m346 at autistici.org>
Cc: Elio Pagani <eliopaxnowar at gmail.com>

Per chi fosse interessato
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2019 1:55 PM
Subject: || 4th Summer School | War, Reconstruction and Establishment of peace -| August 29th- September 5th, 2019 | Tirana | Catholic University of Good Counsel |


Dear colleague,

I am delighted to spread the information about the 4th Summer School "War, Reconstruction and Establishment of peace from the roots of war to the establishment of a lasting Peace". I hope you can share it with your students. (attached is a flyer).l ease do not hesitate to contact me for further information.



4th Summer School

War, Reconstruction and Establishment of peace
from the roots of war to the establishment of a lasting Peace
August 29th- September 5th, 2019
(one week, 42 hours)
(deadline for applications, July 20, 2019)

The European Center of Peace Science, Integration and Cooperation (CESPIC) of the Catholic University “Our Lady Of Good Counsel” organizes the 4th Summer School “War, reconstruction and establishment of peace from the roots of war to the establishment of a lasting Peace”. The Summer school aims to provide a group of international graduate students with scientific pillars about roots of war, peace and issues in peacebuilding. The program is interdisciplinary involving disciplines such as economics, political science and international relations. The Summer school is designed for graduate students with a strong interest in the scientific study of Peace that are either willing to proceed to advanced graduate studies or to become future practitioners in the field of international relations and peacebuilding. In order to favor also a fruitful and open dialogue with the faculty a small group of students will be selected. The faculty  is composed of world-class scholars in the field.
The Summer School is organized by CESPIC (www.unizkm.al/index.php/en/research/cespic) in cooperation with: Institute of Economics and Peace (www.economicsandpeace.org) and Confronti (www.confronti.net)

Raul Caruso, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and CESPIC - Director , "Foundations of Peace Economics"
Arzu Kibris, University of Warwick, "Expsosure to violence and long-term cost of conflict"
Han Dorussen, University of Essex, "Institution and Peace Building"
Scott Gates, PRIO, "Inter-ethnic and inter-religous conflicts"
Christos Kollias, Thessaly University, "Military expenditures and Economic development"
Subhasish Chowdury, University of Bath, "Strategic and Behavioral Foundations of Conflict" 
Vincenzo Bove, University of Warwick, "Peacekeeping and security-related aspects of migrations"
Tobias Böhmelt, University of Essex, "International Mediation"
Serge Stroobants, Institute of Economics and Peace, "Measuring Peace" 
Michele di Maio, University of Naples Parthenope,  "Impact of conflict on education"
Roberto Ricciuti, University of Verona, "State Capacity and Conflict"  
Application: please contact: cespic at unizkm.al  and send a detailed curriculum vitae and other relevant information about you. References are not required but they are welcome. Submit your application by July 31, 2018. Since a first-come first-served criterion will be also considered for selection please apply early, as space in the program is limited.
Fee: 400 euros. The fee includes lunch. A small number of grants can be provided. 
Accommodation: accommodation solutions can be provided within or near the campus which is located in downtown Tirana.

Raul Caruso, 
Editor in Chief – Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/peps

Executive Director – Network of European Peace Scientists www.europeanpeacescientists.org
Director - CESPIC http://unizkm.al/index.php/en/research/cespic
my citations page http://scholar.google.it/citations?user=GT1DIvMAAAAJ&hl=it
my scopus page: http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?origin=resultslist&authorId=14824640500&zone=

Destina il tuo 5 per mille all’Università Cattolica
CF 02133120150

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