[Disarmo] US Defence Secretary Mattis warned Sweden not to sign anti-nuclear weapons treaty

From: john hallam <jhjohnhallam at gmail.com>
Date: August 31, 2017 at 5:42:08 AM EDT
To: Nuclearnews Group <nuclear-news-list@googlegroups.com>
Subject: US Defence Secretary Mattis warned Sweden not to sign anti-nuclear weapons treaty: report

US Defence Secretary Mattis warned Sweden not to sign anti-nuclear
weapons treaty: report


The Local
news at thelocal.se
30 August 2017
16:57 CEST+02:00
unjames mattispeter hultqvistmargot wallströmnuclear weaponsusunited states

US Defence Secretary James Mattis. Photo: Jacquelyn Martin/AP
US Secretary of Defence James Mattis sent a letter to Swedish Defence
Minister Peter Hultqvist warning the Nordic nation of a negative
impact on relations should they sign an anti-nuclear bomb treaty,
according to a report in a Swedish newspaper.

Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) reports that the letter was registered at the
Swedish Department of Defence on Tuesday, and regards Sweden's
intention to sign a treaty banning nuclear bombs when it opens for
signatures from any UN member state in September.

The treaty was first backed by 122 countries including Sweden in a
vote at the New York UN headquarters in July, but countries with
nuclear arms boycotted the conference, as did some of their allies.

READ ALSO: Sweden to vote in favour of nuclear weapons ban