Dear -----,
Defense Secretary James Mattis
said in a statement Wednesday
that North Korea would face
the “destruction of its
people” if it did not comply
with the demands of the United
retired Marine Corps general,
given the name “Mad Dog” for
his bloody conquest of the
Iraqi city of Fallujah in
2004, issued this genocidal
proclamation as he was
departing for a trip not to a
forward operating base, but to
the headquarters of Amazon in
Seattle and a Defense
Department agency in Silicon
Valley that works closely with
tech firms such as Google.
The censorship algorithms rolled
out by Google no doubt figured
prominently in Mattis’
discussions with tech
executives. The nominal purpose
of his visit, however, was to
integrate Silicon Valley firms
even more closely into the
booming and lucrative business
of waging war.
Read the full report by Andre
Damon on the WSWS ("Defense
Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis
visits Google and Amazon").
CEO Jeff Bezos meets with
Mattis Thursday [Photo
Credit: @JeffBezos]
Help expose Google and Amazon's
cooperation with the state by
sharing this article widely on
social media!
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